Males and Females

The redhead in the pics thread? I thought Onder posted that. I'm so confused.

EDIT: yes, I posted in the Males and Females thread, which I try never to do. But it is entertaining following all your sexual escapades. Or lack thereof. I recommend red wine while reading.
So I took her out to a fancy sushi restaurant in downtown Bangor, then we saw the Muppet Movie. Quite a lovely evening. We ended up fucking and she stayed the night. Great success.

We were thinking about what to make of all this, so we decided to keep it at the "fuck-buddies" level and then let the rest take its time till it potentially builds into a relationship. I think that's a good approach. Fucking without the dependency and all that BS until we're ready for it. Works for me.

This is by far the most attractive woman I've ever gone down on.

She is hot, that is all anyone needs to know!

I hate being female. PP was planning on coming to my orchestra concert today but decided this morning that he was going to go skiing instead. I'm sort of disappointed and a little annoyed, but I assured him I had no issue with it and encouraged him to go on his way. Meanwhile my inner psycho was thinking "GOD, MP WOULD NEVER DO THAT, I SHOULD GO ON A DATE WITH THAT CUTE BEER PROMOTER I RAN INTO YESTERDAY, MAYBE PP WILL FEEL SO GUILTY THAT HE'LL DO SOMETHING REALLY NICE FOR ME." How are any of those things or even the initial disappointment/annoyance rational?
I might ask out a couple of people on okcupid. I never did get a reply from that girl who had agreed to.
Psycho would be thinking, "Damn, it would be great if he would fall and slide face first off of the mountain top and have his leg torn off by a pine tree as a pile of angry badgers gnawed on his remaining leg" and paying someone to mess up his skis so you can stand in his path holding a Christmas tree in one hand and a bag of badgers that you just spent the day annoying in the other hand.
I had a weird weekend. I decided to hit the clubs with one of my friends and I approached this tall asian girl and started talking to her, then some chick that I used to work with at the hotel (she and I don't work there anymore) came from behind, hugged me and grabbed my arm and kissed me on the cheek and tried dragging me away. I managed to run away from my crazy ex-colleague. Tall asian girl was completely unimpressed when I bumped into her later in the night and asked me if it was my girlfriend. Thankfully she still gave me the time of day and I should be taking her out for dinner this Friday.

Last night, I got invited to the hotel staff party even though I stopped working there a couple of weeks ago. 19 year old blonde that worked in the bar with me scrubbed up really well in a nice tight black dress and her hair down. She was following me all night and pulled my face in and started sucking my face at the end of the night.
