Males and Females

Beards are so trendy right now that the bubble is about to burst. I don't know what I'll do when beards become completely unfashionable, because I have a womanly jaw line that I like to conceal.

I've been rocking the same facial hair arrangement for 15 years now. You need to stick to your guns.
I can't wait for the beard trend to pass. I have the facial hair of a 13-year-old, so I'm looking forward to a time where the absence of facial hair is preferred. I'm of the opinion that being clean shaven is never out of style, but it's undeniable that a large subset of women prefer the lumberjack look these days. I hope people realize that mustaches are really gay, but I'm not so sure this is the case.

A downside to this beard trend is that chicks are also shaving a lot less then they used to, in multiple areas. I miss the last decade when it was unacceptable for women to have hair below the eyebrows. I will reiterate that it's a bullshit stance to claim that pubic hair is womanly in a way that leg or underarm hair isn't. From a preference/aesthetic standpoint, do what you want, but from a philosophical standpoint it should be all or nothing. Don't claim that having a bush indicates womanhood when you still shave your legs and armpits. It annoys me when girls imply there is a pre-pubescent connotation to shaving everywhere, or when guys say they prefer that. There isn't.
So I took her out to a fancy sushi restaurant in downtown Bangor, then we saw the Muppet Movie. Quite a lovely evening. We ended up fucking and she stayed the night. Great success.

We were thinking about what to make of all this, so we decided to keep it at the "fuck-buddies" level and then let the rest take its time till it potentially builds into a relationship. I think that's a good approach. Fucking without the dependency and all that BS until we're ready for it. Works for me.

This is by far the most attractive woman I've ever gone down on.

Abigail song about your evening would be called Sushi Muppet Fuck Bitch.
So I haven't been around much here lately, been happily dating an amazing beatiful sweet girl for 6 months. Until she dumped me today. I didn't see it coming except that she'd been distant the last few weeks. I thought we were happily in love. We never had a single fight. We always had so much fun together and it was so passionate. She basically said, in less harsh words, that she doesn't love me. I've had relationships up to 3 years long but I've never felt this way about anyone. I'm 28 and she's the first girl I've met that I thought I could marry and I'm normally a cynic for that stuff. I'm feel so gutted, physically ill

why am I rambling to strangers on the internet
So I haven't been around much here lately, been happily dating an amazing beatiful sweet girl for 6 months. Until she dumped me today. I didn't see it coming except that she'd been distant the last few weeks. I thought we were happily in love. We never had a single fight. We always had so much fun together and it was so passionate. She basically said, in less harsh words, that she doesn't love me. I've had relationships up to 3 years long but I've never felt this way about anyone. I'm 28 and she's the first girl I've met that I thought I could marry and I'm normally a cynic for that stuff. I'm feel so gutted, physically ill

why am I rambling to strangers on the internet

Just be thankful it's only been six months and not two, three, or even seven years down the line.

Sorry to hear that your relationship smashed into the ground, but is it healthy to be considering marriage after only six months? And I assume you weren't living together right?
Zeph, I would bro fist you, but well, I can't.

I'd reconsider my stance on asexuality for it. That's all I'm saying.
So I haven't been around much here lately, been happily dating an amazing beautiful sweet girl for 6 months. Until she dumped me today. I didn't see it coming except that she'd been distant the last few weeks. I thought we were happily in love. We never had a single fight. We always had so much fun together and it was so passionate. She basically said, in less harsh words, that she doesn't love me. I've had relationships up to 3 years long but I've never felt this way about anyone. I'm 28 and she's the first girl I've met that I thought I could marry and I'm normally a cynic for that stuff. I'm feel so gutted, physically ill

why am I rambling to strangers on the internet


interesting cocktail of substances combined with sex after a blacklight-reactive body-painted hippy psy-techno event = O_____O