Males and Females

I would assume that you were not being hit on. I was out with my wife at a nice bar, and a girl walked up to me from across the room and told me she admired my beard with my wife right next to me. My guess is she was just really impressed with my Charles Darwin-esque beard rather than being the ballsiest and most desperate beard fetish girl on the planet.
Supar's beard is rather magnificent. Last I remember Ozz's beard is about on par with my own, which is pretty solid and worthy of water-cooler compliments.
So I knew that hot girl's friend would come into play. She (the friend) told me that she hung out with hot girl last night and it was implied they discussed such matters as I have been here. She told me that hot girl has "multiple suitors", me among them, and that I need to make a move very soon. Therefore my calculus was perfect. I decided that when I meet up with hot girl this afternoon I'll straight up tell her that I would like tonight's activities to be a date. So I'll buy dinner and the movie tickets and conduct myself accordingly, no more ambiguity. I have a very good feeling about this, but of course I'll be having high anxiety all day. Occupational hazard, I guess.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Rick it'll be okay.

Porkpal can't grow a full beard that isn't patchy. Damn blond half-Jews!

Zeph going from the way you talk about women I am guessing you are the most passionate and uninhibited lover in the history of lovin, all this anxiety and your mathematical approach to scoring can't possibly apply everywhere...
I cannot grow a full beard worth growing either. Sticking with the goatee. Somewhat like this:

Zeph going from the way you talk about women I am guessing you are the most passionate and uninhibited lover in the history of lovin, all this anxiety and your mathematical approach to scoring can't possibly apply everywhere...

Wrong wrong wrong. I am utterly incapable of reading body language and get anxious easily which causes plenty of inhibitions.

Mind you, this will be the fourth time in my entire life (I am 22) that I will be addressing the issue of dating/liking/relationship with a female. So far I'm 3 for 3. Hopefully I keep a perfect batting average.
Aw man what the heck, you're a good looking guy and you're really smart and this girl likes you, what's to be so inhibited about?
Subtle Shades of Gray - Melancholic Bullshit

A generic depressive Black Metal album.