Males and Females

I didn't, but my girlfriend did (that is, took longer to climax) so I ended up having to finger her clit while fucking her most of the time to bring her to that. Then she bought a vibrator to use on it with the same method. She also tried getting me to talk dirty during sex and do increasingly kinky things, which was not in my nature to do but I made my best effort to oblige. I put up with it because the satisfaction of making her climax was one of the most valuable things to me.
Mathiäs;10092394 said:
Serious question to anyone who is in/was in a long-term relationship: do you ever get bored with sex?


Mathiäs;10092394 said:
And if so, how did you fix the problem?

Leaving the person. Well, that's not why I did it, but it fixed the problem.
Mathiäs;10092443 said:
Like not being able to bust or it taking a lot longer to get to that point.

Sounds more indicative of other problems in the relationship than a purely sexual problem.

As SS said, after sometime in a relationship, partners should know at least a few sure methods of achieving arousal/orgasm in their partners.

Edit: IMO, if you HAVE to "spice things up" just to get off, I would look at other areas of the relationship for root problems.
Mathiäs;10092394 said:
Serious question to anyone who is in/was in a long-term relationship: do you ever get bored with sex? And if so, how did you fix the problem?
Today I had an early class and my girlfriend slept over. We were up really late last night, so I was tired as hell when I got home. Just wanted to go to sleep, but she wanted to have sex...did it, took forever to get off, and then she wanted to talk afterwards. FFFFFFFFFFFFFU

Anyhow...pretty much try different shit. Spank them or make them shout angry things in German or stick it in their ass (this might not be helpful advice for you) or do it in a really inappropriate place or get high and do it or just try different stuff.

My speculation on this (not really scientific at all) is that we (at least men) are programmed to want to fuck a lot of different people and so we eventually get bored with just one person, so you have to fool your penis into thinking it's someone else by doing it differently or wearing KKK outfits or something.

Edit: IMO, if you HAVE to "spice things up" just to get off, I would look at other areas of the relationship for root problems.
Yeah, maybe read the bible for some advice?
This is retarded. It's like saying that if you need to order a different dish every now and then when you go to your favorite restaurant, the problem is the chef.
Yeah, maybe read the bible for some advice?
This is retarded. It's like saying that if you need to order a different dish every now and then when you go to your favorite restaurant, the problem is the chef.

I said if you HAVE to. That means you can't get off without it. Don't start jumping to conclusions and thinking I'm suggesting only doing it missionary with the lights off.
If you can't get off without weird shit you might have a problem with your junk. Or a mental block. It's not necessarily a problem with the relationship.
If you can't get off without weird shit you might have a problem with your junk. Or a mental block. It's not necessarily a problem with the relationship.

I'm just repeating the most common psychology/relationship advice. Especially considering Mathias' age. There also can be a mismatch of sexual styles. One person has an adventurous sexuality and the other is a "comfort creature". A relationship with this mismatch is considered difficult to take long term.
My solution to getting bored with sex with the same person has always been to bang other people on the side, duh.

OKCupid is a bitch, ran into someone at a bar the other night who I recognized from the site as my top match and I think he recognized me too. Porkpal is good, Montreal was fantastic, last night we got really high and watched Lord of the Rings and I think I saw god. So far it's not a big deal that he's in love with me but we'll see. I'd feel a little bad if I pursued dates with other people and I dunno if I'm ready for that, but it also seems pointless because I can't see myself getting along as well with someone else, certainly not physically, fffuuuu!
I actually do think I am a sociopath when it comes to dating, and that I am not "safe" to get involved with because I tend to leave a trail of disappointment. I also think a lot of people think this way but would never admit it!
I agree. I've done the same with exes. The worst part is it would be at the most serious times. I broke up with my most recent ex a couple weeks after she told me she loved me. Something about that kind of investment and commitment just bothers me. It annoys the hell out of me. The more serious the relationship, the more I think about fucking other girls, even though I don't particularly enjoy sex. But then when I'm out of a relationship, I get hella asexual and wish for the ability to commit and not leave. Bleh. Forever alone.
I've never been bored with someone sexually, and that includes one relationship that lasted over two years. Bored emotionally, sure. At that point, regular sex is enough to keep me hanging around, because being single is a gamble in that regard. As of now, I've gone harder in to alcoholism, which is only harmful to me and doesn't fuck up anyone else.
Went clubbing two weeks ago. Pulled a Rajesh Kuthrapali (those who watch The Big Bang Theory would know what I'm talking about).

I've never pictured an Arab country as having trash or stoners. Do you mean trash as in slutty, uneducated, etc?