Males and Females

@Cyth: Women will love your witty sarcastic putdowns. Just work on seaming only half serious.

But frankly, "putting yourself on the market" is a waste. You only find other desperate or crazy people. May as well enjoy what you enjoy and see what comes across your path.
Welp, me and my woman have it bad for each other. Just an update on some of her characteristics:

-Classically trained soprano (opera singer)
-Genius level IQ (She'd give Cythraul a run for his money)
-Makes her own wine
-Makes her own jewlery
-Cat lover
-College grad
-Insurance agent
-Insurance agent

My update -

I've been flirting with this cute Chinese chick for a while now, but never actively made a move for various reasons. On Thanksgiving, she asked me out to go to a bar/party, but I was fecking away. Last night I was drinking with a few friends and it turns out that her gay friend dragged her to a gay bar. She texted me that she would've much rather spent the time with a straight Indian guy *hint hint*. In my drunken bravado I asked her out for coffee, and she agreed. Wish me luck fellas!
My update -

I've been flirting with this cute Chinese chick for a while now, but never actively made a move for various reasons. On Thanksgiving, she asked me out to go to a bar/party, but I was fecking away. Last night I was drinking with a few friends and it turns out that her gay friend dragged her to a gay bar. She texted me that she would've much rather spent the time with a straight Indian guy *hint hint*. In my drunken bravado I asked her out for coffee, and she agreed. Wish me luck fellas!

Good luck man!
We met first at a party then a second time at the library. But it was at the party she asked for my number (always a good sign) though we rarely text each other.

My plan for Monday is to see if we can do lunch on campus, or coffee at least. I'm in the library working most of the time in the cafe part of the building. From there I'm thinking sushi.

A week.

Well it sounds like your plans are going at a good pace, imo!
Can't be bothered to date that girl. She's not that hot and I'd have to catch a train.

edit, changed my mind and sent her a message.

Hot girl and I hung out in the library and grabbed coffee for a bit today before she was off to class. She just texted me thanking me for hanging out, smiley face, blah blah. Good sign.

She was very enthusiastic about my invitation to see the Muppet movie with me Friday night. So far it's ambiguous whether she thinks this is a "date" or that there is any mutual "romantic" interest, but we'll see how the week goes. It's clear she thinks I'm awesome but I can't tell what she means by that. I can't make any assumptions until it's made blatantly clear. My plan after seeing the movie is to straight up ask her if she "likes" me, and that should be the greatest hurtle and I'll know whether this will go any further, obviously.

On the other hand, religious ex-girlfriend just texted me (after I had taught Greek class that she's in) that I "possess gifts of knowledge to be a great man of God." My interpretation is that she is desperately wishing I become spiritual so we can be together. I texted back with a very polite, but very secular response. But at some point this week I have to sit down with her and tell her that we are to be just friends henceforth and that spiritual fulfillment is not what I'm seeking.

All about timing this week. Wish me luck.
I laughed at the Muppet movie, but good luck anyway. You're still getting more action than me. You can be spiritual without believing in the supernatural, but I see that your ex isn't really interested in secular spirituality for you. Lay down the law without attacking her beliefs, and hopefully she'll get the message.
Next time she stays at your place, get the mood set just right; candles lit, wine, some epic music playing in the background. Enter the room, calm and smooth, glaring into her eyes, with your dick hanging out, semi-hard, walk right up to her and WHA-PAP! Cock slap that ho. $100 says she yells JESUS CHRIST! And your only response will be, "fuck yea..."
Serious question to anyone who is in/was in a long-term relationship: do you ever get bored with sex? And if so, how did you fix the problem?
If you'd been with someone for ages and ages, wouldn't you know all of each other's little turn ons and perversions etc? Making bringing them to climax easier? Not that I know anything about long term relationships or long term sex partners. I mean weird stuff like wearing a police uniform or saying "no!!" or biting / scratching etc.