Males and Females

In other news, a girl on OkCupid (actually an older woman, lol) has agreed to go out with me. Now I'm all full of jitters and shit. I don't know where to take her because I don't know the place where she lives. (15 mins away) I better man the fuck up, as Ozzman and Dakryn would say.

Hahaha, that’s gonna be fucking awkward. Being anxious and taking older woman on a date. :lol:

EDIT: If it doesn’t breaks the ice, you can break her head with the glass.
Browsing through okcupid and found a definite keeper. Kinda geeky while definitely having a certain elegance. Seems to dress and think conservatively, but isn't a jesus freak. Has a boatload in common with me, especially on all the important shit. And likes tall lanky dudes. We'll see if a response comes back.
I'm encouraging her to get one, but a bachelor's in physics is borderline useless and she can't really pay off her loans fast enough to go back to school with some bullshit job.
That is true. She should have gotten a teaching certificate, too. Then she'd have loads of jobs available.
Known this aforementioned new hot girl for about a week. Been chatting with her almost daily via FB. Wondering how long I should take before I ask her out. Definitely want to see her in a person a bit more since she goes to the UMaine.
That is true. She should have gotten a teaching certificate, too. Then she'd have loads of jobs available.
In Quebec that's actually a separate degree, so she'd need another two years before she could teach high school physics, which isn't really the sort of job you want to spend 6 years in school to end up with.

That said, physics is mostly math and those math skills are marketable in the business sector. She's planning to go back and get a masters in something business-y that actually pays.

Known this aforementioned new hot girl for about a week. Been chatting with her almost daily via FB. Wondering how long I should take before I ask her out. Definitely want to see her in a person a bit more since she goes to the UMaine.

Ask her to get coffee already.
You met her at the library, right? Depending on your appraisal of her personality, you could consider showing up at the library and asking her out in person. Some girls will find that charming but some might prefer a more aloof approach because bitches are crazy.
^If I may...

I think your whole problem is you're trying to hard. Trying to "spit game" and silly. Just be yourself brother. You're a smart and witty motherfucker, and if you act like your internet self in front of the ladies, I guarantee you you'll get some to bite.

If anything, you should start giving a crap less about the circumstances and your environment and that will lessen the apparent pressure on you to be this other person. Caring about other people is important though, fortunately or unfortunately, however you look at it.

And lastly, small talk is easy peasy brah. As long as you're actually paying attention to what is being said, just ask questions or comment on what the other person says, regardless of whether you actually know shit about it or actually know the answer. None of that matters. The point is to maintain an open dialogue as an ice breaker and to find something to talk about so you're not just staring at each other. That and so you don't crash and burn with your shit game. haha

edit: For instance; this past Wednesday when you were out partying, I went to this massage place in Indy to get a Thai-Yoga massage. I was just being myself; making smartass comments about stuff, being witty, creating an aura of Alpha maleness. And the whole time I was getting my legs stretched into oblivion, I had no intention or thoughts about wanting to get this chicks number that is stretching my shit out. But regardless, I was having fun just talking with her and hitting on her slightly. The end result: she asked me to go grab a beer and some dinner. All I did was act like me and played it cool brother. I displayed a perfect balance of humbleness and arrogance, wit and intelligence, listening and conversational skills.

Will this work every time? Probably not. I don't think most chicks are so willing to take the first step like that. Although, now that I think about it, my past three girlfriends have all resulted in me acting this way and they asked me out. But anyway, I'll reiterate what I said before: just be yourself and you can't go wrong. Dropping out of the scene altogether would be foolish. Who cares if you do nerdy shit? I do nerdy shit all the time. I hardly ever go out, I mostly sit at home reading/watching shit on the internet and work on cars. You want to find a good looking chick with a head on her shoulders. Not some dumb psycho-cunt who just wants to party every other night and suck a lot of cock.
Known this aforementioned new hot girl for about a week. Been chatting with her almost daily via FB. Wondering how long I should take before I ask her out. Definitely want to see her in a person a bit more since she goes to the UMaine.

How long have you been talking to her daily?
There's something to that, I guess. I have no problem getting girls I'm not attracted to to be attracted to me. The reason is probably that I don't give a crap about impressing them, and that probably shows in my behavior. The annoying thing is that girls I'm actually attracted to make me nervous which fucks up my game. Somehow I have to find a way of not giving a shit at all, or at least pretending that I don't.

edit: oh, also, thx for the compliments bro. wanna have a buttsex??

I keep editing that post because I keep thinking of more shit but I think you get the idea. :)

You just gotta remember that these hot chicks are the same as the so-so chicks, the only difference is looks. So there's no reason why you should act differently. Besides, women have some crazy fucking 6th or 7th sense and can smell the fear and nervousness. It's like a disease and they don't want to give up their pussy to some diseased motherfucker because it won't bode well for the future generations and following in line with mother nature and all these crazy fucking desires that humans have.

And yes I will do buttsex. <3
Honestly we realize everyone gets nervous. But yea, fear, insecurity, desperation, etc are unwelcomed. Hell a lot of us figure we're about the last thing to be a afraid of. lol Course it's better to be a bit nervous than to come off like a self absorbed prick.
Ask her to get coffee already.
You met her at the library, right? Depending on your appraisal of her personality, you could consider showing up at the library and asking her out in person. Some girls will find that charming but some might prefer a more aloof approach because bitches are crazy.

We met first at a party then a second time at the library. But it was at the party she asked for my number (always a good sign) though we rarely text each other.

My plan for Monday is to see if we can do lunch on campus, or coffee at least. I'm in the library working most of the time in the cafe part of the building. From there I'm thinking sushi.

How long have you been talking to her daily?

A week.