Males and Females

lol you're still 17, how can you give up?

I'm eighteen, and I said "for now." I'm going to be leaving the country in a little over a month, so it would be dumb for me to have any kind of actual relationship or even the pursuit of casual sex which I never really cared for anyway.
^ :lol:

Some of you guys need to gather a little bit more confidence when it comes talking to women. By examining anyone's body language, you can test the waters of dull or interesting conversation. You can salvage a dull conversation by knowing how to react after...

You don't have to try to be "cool or interesting" around anyone if you know how to peak interest. Just be yourself! I've spoken about valence shell electron pair repulsion theory and para/ferro/di - magnetic molecules to women who have absolutely no clue or care about science and/or chemistry. The importance is confidence and being extremely self-assured.

You don't know how much more attractive you become by just being able to approach without the fear of getting rejected straight away. This is no "game" shit either.
i AM confident, i can talk to any woman out there without nervousness/shyness. just not in a way that makes them want to have sex with me. but that's not a problem for me.
I just don't socialise regularly enough. I don't have anything to say to random people, most of the time. I'm a bit of a loner at heart.
So, I randomly said "Are you ready for this?" to a girl that sits by me in one of my classes. She responded with "Pft, absolutely not" (or something along those lines) and I said, "me neither." I'm pretty sure this was the first time I've spoken to anyone in class outside of class discussion. She must have been shocked.
Have any of you dudes had a girl that you know by the standards of the status quo flirt with you, even though you don't personally find her particularly attractive? I work with a woman who all the guys I work with drool over who is always chasing me down so she can jabber at me, and I'm just not interested. Obviously, for one I'm married, and two she's not even my type. I don't like flat chested bitches.
So, I randomly said "Are you ready for this?" to a girl that sits by me in one of my classes. She responded with "Pft, absolutely not" (or something along those lines) and I said, "me neither." I'm pretty sure this was the first time I've spoken to anyone in class outside of class discussion. She must have been shocked.
