King Richard
Hello there
There's nothing metal about that.
I was setting you guys up for a trap basically because I don't believe there is such a thing as a "metal fashion." Wearing a band t-shirt isn't metal, because every band metal or not sells t-shirts. Wearing blue jeans isn't metal, everyone wears blue jeans. Just because they have holes in the knees isn't metal, that just means you're a schmuck who intentionally looks like a poor schmuck because he thinks he's cool, thus making ones self teh uber schmuck.. Wearing a leather jacket isn't metal, a lot of people own leather jackets. Wearing combat boots isn't metal, because they're COMBAT boots. The only thing those clowns are combating is their retardation for thinking they're badass wearing them. Chain wallets? Nope. Spikes? Ya, if you're a homo. Epic beards? Nah. Long hair? Meh.
I guess the only item of clothing metal can claim is the patch vest. But when was the last time you ever saw a "metal chick" wear a patch vest. Fuckin poseurs. Hang them!
I was setting you guys up for a trap basically because I don't believe there is such a thing as a "metal fashion." Wearing a band t-shirt isn't metal, because every band metal or not sells t-shirts. Wearing blue jeans isn't metal, everyone wears blue jeans. Just because they have holes in the knees isn't metal, that just means you're a schmuck who intentionally looks like a poor schmuck because he thinks he's cool, thus making ones self teh uber schmuck.. Wearing a leather jacket isn't metal, a lot of people own leather jackets. Wearing combat boots isn't metal, because they're COMBAT boots. The only thing those clowns are combating is their retardation for thinking they're badass wearing them. Chain wallets? Nope. Spikes? Ya, if you're a homo. Epic beards? Nah. Long hair? Meh.
I guess the only item of clothing metal can claim is the patch vest. But when was the last time you ever saw a "metal chick" wear a patch vest. Fuckin poseurs. Hang them!