Males and Females

Yep. They've been evolving to be shorter.

Is short a "type"? I guess it could be but that's kind of vague. I think it is fairly obvious men generally prefer partners shorter than themselves, but I thought that in the last 100 years or so that people have been getting taller across the board?
That's because of increased nutrition. This isn't a long-ongoing trend. It's very slight, and heading on a path toward a shorter average woman.
Short women are sexy imo

I like a chick around 5'2 135 tight body (small waist, boop butt, shapely legs w calves, small breast, broad shoulders), w a decent face, nice hands and feet. These are the physical traits I am drawn to, Its evolution baby.
i don't like short women. i'm 5'9 and i prefer at least 5'7, and i have fucked women 6' and some a little over.
I remember reading something about how men are biologically programmed to like shorter women because they see anything taller than themselves as competition. Or something along those lines. Tall girls can still be gorgeous though.
I never felt "threatened" by a woman's physique but I've always been more attracted to shorter women. If anything, I feel threatened by strong self-reliant women but that's the way I like it and those are the women I usually go for.
if this evolution into shortness thing is true, luckily i won't live to see the day every woman is 5 feet or under. tall women are just more impressive to me.

I never felt "threatened" by a woman's physique but I've always been more attracted to shorter women. If anything, I feel threatened by strong self-reliant women but that's the way I like it and those are the women I usually go for.
wow that's the exact opposite of my type, i like tall and docile women.

Short women are sexy imo

I like a chick around 5'2 135 tight body (small waist, boop butt, shapely legs w calves, small breast, broad shoulders), w a decent face, nice hands and feet. These are the physical traits I am drawn to, Its evolution baby.
broad shoulders and calves are ok only if they have the height to compensate. overall proportions matter. otherwise they remind me of Gimli from LotR.
Jane Seymour is 61, but still totally fuckable:

Shorter? No way - each generation is taller than the last, at least in many parts of the world.

Everyone likes different types, I think the "male archetype" is easier to pin down than the female one though - tall, top-heavy and with muscle. Preference for amount of muscle varies. I'd say for females most dudes seem to prefer shorter than them and narrower in the middle than on the top or bottom, with some muscle and some fat. How much muscle and fat varies a lot.
Sorry if this appears to come from nowhere, but I just wondered if anyone agreed with me here:
in life, to deal with women you need to be one of three kinds of man
1) loveshy loser who wishes women either thought like men or that they were the innocent romantic sweeties from ages / books gone by
2) arrogant idiot, perhaps from a backwards culture that has to have allowances made for
3) metrosexual strange "thing" that makes excuses for women a lot, cares massively about being "cool" and mocks others to appear good in comparison a lot