Which is why women have been evolving towards a specific body type?
Yep. They've been evolving to be shorter.
there's a difference between "squishy" and "obese"
no one mentioned "childhood obesity" which is a whole separate subject from "adult obesity"
That's because of increased nutrition. This isn't a long-ongoing trend. It's very slight, and heading on a path toward a shorter average woman.
With bigger boobs. That's how you know God is a man.
wow that's the exact opposite of my type, i like tall and docile women.I never felt "threatened" by a woman's physique but I've always been more attracted to shorter women. If anything, I feel threatened by strong self-reliant women but that's the way I like it and those are the women I usually go for.
broad shoulders and calves are ok only if they have the height to compensate. overall proportions matter. otherwise they remind me of Gimli from LotR.Short women are sexy imo
I like a chick around 5'2 135 tight body (small waist, boop butt, shapely legs w calves, small breast, broad shoulders), w a decent face, nice hands and feet. These are the physical traits I am drawn to, Its evolution baby.