Males and Females

I'm breaking things off with the girl who's like me. I'd started thinking about the future and no amount of skepticism stopped it. That always made me sure about things with her because thoughts of a future with every other girl were completely destroyed almost instantly by my skepticism.

So I found myself more and more drawn to this girl, far more than any other person I've ever met, hell, even more than I thought possible. But we've had similar dreams for a while, being similar and stuff. We want to travel, go a lot of places, and even the job she wants to get was like what I was thinking of doing other than teaching. I wanted to travel the world and have a different life in each country, but then I met her and could honestly picture settling down and shit.

But she couldn't, at least not for a few years. She'd tell me she wasn't ready to commit, and that's totally fine by me. It's part of the reason I'm breaking it off. But also, I'm just mad. I don't know if I'm more mad at her or at myself. She'd say things to me that no one did, like that she saw parents with their kids and couldn't help but picture us in that situation, or that she couldn't imagine herself without me. But then she'd be on the other side of the spectrum, asking me to be her boyfriend and then cringing when I say it out loud, before asking for a break. On top of that, from the get-go she was worried about if I'd be fine with her fucking other guys. I lied and said I was, but then the more she told me about it, the more I hated it, to the point I told her she couldn't. She never exactly agreed, but would eventually ask me if she could again.

I highly doubt I'll meet anyone who satisfies me in all the ways she can. I could write a separate wall of text about that. But she told me she won't have any room for love in her life for a few years, so I'm going to say goodbye, and I hope she doesn't find anyone better if I don't and decides to contact me so we can try again. But at this point, I want to travel, see the world and shit and I'm not going to do that in a relationship where I have to worry when the next break will be, or the next time she'll ask if she can fuck other guys, or whatever my imagination can conjure from those things.

Besides, she said she's not ready right now and can't be with me. I could do it, but since she can't, I'm looking elsewhere.

In other news, I chatted up a hot half Asian girl and left right when she started bringing up stuff that could have turned into an awesome conversation. Oh well.
"high level of facial beauty" mama-sans


But she couldn't, at least not for a few years. She'd tell me she wasn't ready to commit, and that's totally fine by me. It's part of the reason I'm breaking it off. But also, I'm just mad. I don't know if I'm more mad at her or at myself. She'd say things to me that no one did, like that she saw parents with their kids and couldn't help but picture us in that situation, or that she couldn't imagine herself without me. But then she'd be on the other side of the spectrum, asking me to be her boyfriend and then cringing when I say it out loud, before asking for a break. On top of that, from the get-go she was worried about if I'd be fine with her fucking other guys. I lied and said I was, but then the more she told me about it, the more I hated it, to the point I told her she couldn't. She never exactly agreed, but would eventually ask me if she could again.

this^^ sounds like maybe she's just ADHD and/or bi-polar and she just needs some meds

the rest of your post sounded like you need to just fuck hookers every week and just be single for a few years

i love this book

this book explains

-why i'm atracted to soft jiggly boobs (ornamentation)

-why i'm atracted to the small-waist-with-the-giant-jiggly-junk-in-the-trunk (hormonal changes affecting body shape to signal adulthood)

and why the rest of you guys are attracted to females that "appear as if she has not yet given birth to another male's child" (subconcious aversion to mating with a female that's already given birth to a "rival's child")
How about we show off just how picky we are (IE why we're single)? What are you looking for as "must haves" ? I have a rather extensive list here...

-European or East Asian
-Light skinned.
-Thin framed but not necessarily low body fat. Naturally smaller build with a couple extra pounds > medium build even in better shape.
-Cuter > hotter.
-"Bs" to please.
-No short hair.
-No tats/wild piercings and generally maintain a more "traditional" look.

-Mildy/moderately geeky but not over the top.
-Likes metal at least a little.
-Somewhat of a homebody.
-Nice/sweet personality, but won't put up with your shit either.
-Not liberal. Moderate/Libertarian/Conservative/Apolitical.
-A neutral suburban accent would be nice.
-Not a religious zealot. Church a few times a year is cool.

maybe everyone else could respond to this post^^ instead of just me
Dude you are something else. If you dedicated as much time as you do justifying fetishes, reading Spider Man comics and collecting posts on this forum looking for a job, you could probably have one within a couple weeks.

I've got a dinner reservation at a really nice restaurant for a long-anticipated date with my best friend. I'm sure it sounds like complete bunk, but I had a spiritual epiphany about her the other night that I couldn't keep to myself, and she was more than receptive to the way I've been feeling about her. I haven't ever dated a friend, but I'm confident that this thing will have some longevity and durability.
(Is this the same chick you were posting about awhile ago that wanted you to take a number?)

In anycase Im stoked for you, dude!

I dated my best friend once. I knew her since I was about 12 and we started dating when I was 21. It lasted a year and has been quite the task of getting our friendship back on the same level it was at before we started dating...Words of caution :)
I didn't illuminate the situation very well in that post and my word choice was misleading, but yes, this is that same girl. We've taken a lot of time to clarify intentions and rationalize why she needed to stay in her sinking ship of a relationship this long.

I know it'll take work to rebuild a friendship if the relationship doesn't end with a white picket fence and 2.5 kids - sex does weird stuff to friendships sometimes. She's still good friends with a number of her exes, though, so she's pretty good about mending broken bridges and whatnot. And thanks, man, I haven't felt this right about dating someone in years :)
Even more importantly, what's for dinner?

I always wondered this - are there certain "first dinner date" foods that are off limits for men? I always make an effort not to eat too much cheese and I NEVER order a salad on a first dinner date.