Males and Females

I would have went into auto-rage mode, tbh.

I have two dates this Saturday. :lol: :erk:

OH BOY, how far apart are they?

I'm proud of PP for containing himself. He did tap some dude in the balls when that dude made some ching chong remark at me a few months back which I felt was appropriate.
Yeah, I see how one might think that, but I don't really expect you to understand how insulting it is to be ching chonged. Besides, we all know that a stern tongue-lashing between drunk people at a bar inevitably leads to a minimum of vigorous shoving.
Fortunately, there's nothing anyone can say to white men that would hurt our feelings. We feel no empathy for you ching chongs.

Why do you assume I wouldn't understand? Because I believe words don't warrant physical aggression?

I've been insulted beyond "ching chong" and still would never think about hitting someone.

It's kinda odd how you think that if your bf did touch that dude who grabbed your boob you'd see it as "indicative of insecurity" but when a guy calls you a name, totally fine.
Yeah, while I was overstating by stating the other dude was lucky he didn't get some teeth knocked can you say that doesn't warrant physical reaction where as having a phrase thrown your direction does?
Why do you assume I wouldn't understand? Because I believe words don't warrant physical aggression?

Because the dynamics of racism constitute an entirely different form of insult that white American males unfortunately don't have access to. Even if a black person insulted me by calling me "honky," it does not have the same effect that me saying "my pals" does to a black person. History has positioned us differently, and it has prohibited us from empathizing with those who experience hegemonic racism.
What Pat said. While I think it might be exaggerated in some circles (like the ones Mort appears to frequent), there is truth to white male privilege in the recent past. However I don't believe this has as much to do with the factors as often submitted as it has to do with education. PWT takes offense as easily as any underprivileged minority, and you can be PWT even with a middle class income. That goes for any race of course. It's upbringing, not specific socioeconomic/location factors.
Why do you assume I wouldn't understand? Because I believe words don't warrant physical aggression?

I've been insulted beyond "ching chong" and still would never think about hitting someone.

It's kinda odd how you think that if your bf did touch that dude who grabbed your boob you'd see it as "indicative of insecurity" but when a guy calls you a name, totally fine.

Lol ITT Jimmy says someone's sense of logic/train of thought is odd.

Ching chonging implies "you are unwelcome on my earth" with the sole intent to make people feel shitty - and was a total stranger. Kind of like catcalling strange women on the street and then yelling "fucking bitch" when they ignore you. I think normal people would be more insulted by racist or threatening comments from a strangers than from an isolated socially awkward gesture (which has been followed up with several genuine apologies) from a close friend.

Liberal middle class people never realise quite how racist a lot of minorities are

Ignoring your tirade about Pakistanis taking all the white wimminz in the UK, this is very true. It's a different kind of racism, not structurally built into society so much as they just hate each other and do not play nicely.
I'll just hope you're right and that her abrasive response is indicative of her being upset one was stating the blatantly obvious to her instead of any aversion on her part to the statement itself.
You guys don't even know what racism is. :lol: West Virginia. West Virginia is the state where you WILL get called a my pals, spic, wetback, chink, pole-lock, tally, sand my pals, or faggot straight to your face. And if you're looking for someone to defend you, you'd better have a friend with you.

And on the other hand, if you're white its the friendliest fucking place on earth and anyone will go out of their way to help you any way they can.