Males and Females

I'd like to think so. She doesn't go to church though and kind of gets looked down upon at work for this. REAL GOOD Christians, right?

My son's grandpa (ex's father) is a pastor for a Lutheran church. He and his wife are just unbearable.
YIKES! Does she seem cool or one of those "you must love Jesus or else we cannot be together!" types?

I mean, she seems cool but I personally couldn't be in a real relationship with an active Christian and I'm pretty sure most Christians would not be willing to be in a relationship with me. So I guess I could ask her out casually, but the odds of getting any action while dating a Christian seem pretty low.
I like Christians who love everybody including Jesus but are happy enough with their own spiritual well-being that they leave others in peace. There are plenty I'm sure.

Went to a friend from high school's going away party last night. Said friend (systems administrator if that's relevant...nyerrrd) is a little socially awkward and was drunk. He grabbed my friend's boob and then grabbed my boob RIGHT IN FRONT OF PP. We're almost 30, what the fuck! Told him it's rude as fuck to grab people's boobs and he'd better not pull that shit on people in Texas (where he is moving) because they all conceal and carry. Seriously who does that?!
Know what sucks? Totally hitting it off with a cute girl only to find out she's a church-going Christian.

A good friend of mine had a date like this recently. The more the girl opened up about herself, the more steps she took into the friend zone. He's especially vehement about his atheism though, because of a recent spat with his sister-in-law involving her view that non-Christians shouldn't hold office or positions of power, because they lack the moral foundation to make informed decisions.
He grabbed my friend's boob and then grabbed my boob RIGHT IN FRONT OF PP. We're almost 30, what the fuck! Told him it's rude as fuck to grab people's boobs and he'd better not pull that shit on people in Texas (where he is moving) because they all conceal and carry. Seriously who does that?!

I'm curious, how did your boy react? during and after
My WHOLE family, extended as well, are Christians and EXACTLY like that. You are fortunate.

My family is all heavily involved in Christianity, to the point where they were all among the most active members involved in the planning and construction of their new church. That said, they have never been like that, thankfully.
@ damnromulans...HOW IMMATURE of your "friend" to be disrespectful to you and this other girl and do something like that. He's lucky no one knocked his teeth out.
That global 'pandemic' was called pregnancy. Without modern medicine it really put a rut in things. Crazy sounding, I know, I know.

pregnancy killing the mother every single time a pregnancy happened would have eventually the opposite effect of what you're implying

in a situation where every single female out of a city/tribe died giving birth, eventually people would have figured out that it was being caused by pregnancy occuring at a young age, and eventually you would have had a situation of women waiting till they were in their 30s to have children, with women past 30 getting impregnanted by males under 20

i know that this "would have happened" because this was actually happening in "Pagan Tribes" from the time of Moses up through the life of Jesus
pregnancy killing the mother every single time a pregnancy happened would have eventually the opposite effect of what you're implying

in a situation where every single female out of a city/tribe died giving birth, eventually people would have figured out that it was being caused by pregnancy occuring at a young age, and eventually you would have had a situation of women waiting till they were in their 30s to have children, with women past 30 getting impregnanted by males under 20

i know that this "would have happened" because this was actually happening in "Pagan Tribes" from the time of Moses up through the life of Jesus

It had nothing to do with killing them. It has everything to do with bringing on 9 months of downtime (A BIG chuck of ones life back then) and plus increased susceptibility to the elements thereafter (not to mention women become less fertile earlier than men, and the negative side affects associated with pregnancy greatly increase as a woman ages...without modern medicine all of this was amplified).

Went to a friend from high school's going away party last night. Said friend (systems administrator if that's relevant...nyerrrd) is a little socially awkward and was drunk. He grabbed my friend's boob and then grabbed my boob RIGHT IN FRONT OF PP. We're almost 30, what the fuck! Told him it's rude as fuck to grab people's boobs and he'd better not pull that shit on people in Texas (where he is moving) because they all conceal and carry. Seriously who does that?!

=/ fuck that guy. He is damn lucky he didn't lose a couple teeth.
This was one of those cases where I would have perceived violence on his part to be excessive and indicative of insecurity, as he could easily kick said friend's ass and friend was acting out of social awkwardness more than anything else - once he was told "don't do that you asshole" he apologized and got it.

I think my policy on knightly violence at bars is almost always "err on the side of pacifism" unless it's obviously dire e.g. some total stranger assaults me
It had nothing to do with killing them. It has everything to do with bringing on 9 months of downtime (A BIG chuck of ones life back then) and plus increased susceptibility to the elements thereafter (not to mention women become less fertile earlier than men, and the negative side affects associated with pregnancy greatly increase as a woman ages...without modern medicine all of this was amplified).

i think we're refering to vastly different eras

and your argument still doesn't explain why some men are atracted to females that look pre-pubescent

an adult female's breasts should completely totally change shape when she puts on/takes off a bra (that's what bras were invented to do)

an adult female's hip-bones should be wide enough that just from the bone-in-the-hip, you can tell she's both adult and female without having to examine the rest of the body

the men who gawk at "perky" or "youthfull looking" breasts, and the men that sexually gawk at the buns-of-steel on a female with masculineley narrow hips...those men are not "the result of evolution" they are borderline-pedophiles
Your perception of what is pre pubescent is far obscured from reality. And you're right were talking about different eras, I'm talking since the begining obviously, since I was speaking to evolution.