Males and Females

Bow and arrow vs. Drone Missile?

I parted ways with my slam piece of late. She handled it like she's been handling everything lately, with cold indifference, and murmured assumptions about things she needs to change about herself. I told her she knew what she was getting into, that I'd been honest about what I have to offer, and that if she finds herself in better circumstances, I'm willing to give her a second shot a ways down the road.

But for now I don't want to talk to her. And I'm probably gonna take a break from her particular branch of our tree of friends for a while too.

Good for you dude. How do you feel about it?

Part of me wants to say "fuck that, dont give that bitch a second chance!" but so it goes. I think isolating yourself from her and that group of friends is a great idea.


I don't really like to cuddle after making the congress of the manatee - I am more of the "that was great now make me a sandwich" type. Or "I'm going to sleep for 8 hours without peeing and probably get a UTI"

I literally LOL'd. Pretty much my girlfriend's mentality as well. Thats one reason why I love being a guy, after sex, I roll over and pass out and wake up UTI free.

But yeah, I dated only one of my friends, my best friend actually, and shit is still really awkward between us even years later.
ondra you live in an area with a massive concentration of female beauty yet you don't seem to go that far with the opportunity. Is it really that hard to replicate received pronunciation?
Good for you dude. How do you feel about it?

Part of me wants to say "fuck that, dont give that bitch a second chance!" but so it goes. I think isolating yourself from her and that group of friends is a great idea.

Mostly disappointment, really. It's a shame that she wanted something so badly for months and completely lost focus within a matter of days. She doesn't have room in her life for what she calls "the perfect guy". If she's really a Buddhist, as she claims she is, then she'll find a way to carry on in life without making her suitors suffer like she does.
I dont think that is a compltetly fair claim. Life is suffering. Thats what the Buddha taught. But he also taught how to see the truth of suffering, and the way to come out of suffering. To cause suffering to yourself or others, is often out of ignorance. She's asleep and clearly a non-practicing Buddhist.

Clearly the lesson here is to find a Tantrika.
It's equal parts amusing and sad to me how the typical western follower of Buddhism is only nominally so, and almost always someone extremely lacking "balance", "zen", etc. I can see why Buddhism is simultaneously attractive yet ultimately useless to those types.
It's equal parts amusing and sad to me how the typical western follower of Buddhism is only nominally so, and almost always someone extremely lacking "balance", "zen", etc. I can see why Buddhism is simultaneously attractive yet ultimately useless to those types.

It does seem like buddhism is becoming a fad religion, and that's kind of aggravating.

Eligos, i'm moving to Boulder in 1-2 months hopefully less, I got 3 chica roommates, we could have drinks and enjoy ourselves.
It's equal parts amusing and sad to me how the typical western follower of Buddhism is only nominally so, and almost always someone extremely lacking "balance", "zen", etc. I can see why Buddhism is simultaneously attractive yet ultimately useless to those types.

It's incompatible with a lot of facets of Western society, and many people seem to follow it so that they can seem spiritual and worldly at the same time.

I used to be one of those people, and nowadays I just live by pieces of the teachings that have proved useful to me in practice. I do enjoy seeing how parts of it line up with evolutionary psychology, but that would take a wall of text to write.
It does seem like buddhism is becoming a fad religion, and that's kind of aggravating.

Eligos, i'm moving to Boulder in 1-2 months hopefully less, I got 3 chica roommates, we could have drinks and enjoy ourselves.

Let's definitely do that. There are loads of beer fests going on in Boulder this summer, I think Avery's doing one of them, if memory serves me right.
I remember after high school I swam the high seas of religion, trying to find a spiritual mindset that best fit me. I was born and raised Catholic, and after high school I got really interested in my Irish heritage, so I tried Celtic Spirituality. It was interesting, but ultimately I felt silly. I then looked into Taoism and found it interesting but impractical. I then became a vehement atheist which I think everybody does their first few years of college. Then I became interested in Buddhism but found I'd make a shitty Buddhist. I really liked the philosophies and frequently read the Dhammapada.

In the end I've just decided to try and be a decent person and not a douchebag. That's my religion.
ondra you live in an area with a massive concentration of female beauty yet you don't seem to go that far with the opportunity. Is it really that hard to replicate received pronunciation?

Well now you're just being shirty with me englishman.
I was simply jesting. I had originally thought we were only using that term for women, so when women start using that term, it pissed me off, because in no way should women have equal rights. Nope, they shouldn't even be allowed to speak. So shh.

/anti-Mort :Smokedev:

I will destroy you. Equal rights, equal fights motherfucker. :Smug:

Also, I should try to convince slam piece to make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich after our next nude gymnastics session.
I'm too unfocused, indecisive and inattentive to logical coherence to be anything but a postmodern eclectic when it comes to philosophy and religion, so I simply use it as a means to keep perspective on things as personal as my daily choices and as broad as modern politics and social phenomena. I mainly study ancient philosophies and religions, so that contrast keeps me at a safe distance from fully embracing anything modern and progressive at face value. For example, when considering a political issue I think of how similar approaches to them in the ancient world have turned out, i.e. democratic Athens' conduct during the Peloponnesian War, as well as how thinkers such as Plato would conceptualize social dynamics in terms of their organic coherence.

But I also believe that a degree of dogmatism and faith in institutions is the key to their positive success, and that rampant skepticism has potentially destructive advantages. It's still a quixotic notion that world socioeconomic equality and prosperity will reach a point where education will be of such high quality (social equality/prosperity and education are chickens and eggs, however) that any form of peaceful harmony can exist at such a large scale without the arbitrary boundaries of institutions to enforce it. That global garden of Epicurus envisioned by Vergil in Book VI of the Aeneid is still too far off and may never happen.