Males and Females

Meat is erotic. I read a police report two days back on some dude in a smaller czech city that was masturbating in front of a butcher's. Well they didn't know if it was the girls in the shop or the meat they were selling. When the police arrived he tried to hide the boner but there was no use. They had his fucking number.

Only in Czech.
Only in Czech.

Haha. This is quite a rarity in the news. Usually there's boring shit about corruption in our government. But there was recently a trial with a guy who shot a gypsy with a fucking crossbow. A bolt to the head. It's usually the other way around so people in front of the court were supporting that dude with banners and shit. People always cheer up whenever there's some violence on gypsies. :lol:
That dude looks like the typical "you stand on my property - I whip my crossbow out" kind of guy.
Haha. This is quite a rarity in the news. Usually there's boring shit about corruption in our government. But there was recently a trial with a guy who shot a gypsy with a fucking crossbow. A bolt to the head. It's usually the other way around so people in front of the court were supporting that dude with banners and shit. People always cheer up whenever there's some violence on gypsies. :lol:

:lol: There was a hooker who got shot with a crossbow across the street from where I used to work a couple of years back.
It's only a matter of time before Obama takes away all our crossbows.
But, I'm straight. Also, damnromulans used the term a page or so back and she likes penis too. So shh.

I was simply jesting. I had originally thought we were only using that term for women, so when women start using that term, it pissed me off, because in no way should women have equal rights. Nope, they shouldn't even be allowed to speak. So shh.

/anti-Mort :Smokedev:
^ I lol'd like a fucker, simply for the fact that we need some confrontation/opposition here, GMD Social's gone soft lately.
Bow and arrow vs. Drone Missile?

I parted ways with my slam piece of late. She handled it like she's been handling everything lately, with cold indifference, and murmured assumptions about things she needs to change about herself. I told her she knew what she was getting into, that I'd been honest about what I have to offer, and that if she finds herself in better circumstances, I'm willing to give her a second shot a ways down the road.

But for now I don't want to talk to her. And I'm probably gonna take a break from her particular branch of our tree of friends for a while too.

I don't really like to cuddle after making the congress of the manatee - I am more of the "that was great now make me a sandwich" type. Or "I'm going to sleep for 8 hours without peeing and probably get a UTI"
I wouldn't have dated her if my friends didn't recommend it. They all handle the situation quite well and our group's kinda got its own history as a dating pool, but there's very little resentment between old flames and I've never seen it go beyond the occasional wise crack.