Males and Females

Things are totally different here in California. I did see what you're talking about during middle school and high school, but that's when kids are struggling to establish their idenities anyway. Most adults I know embrace all their ethnicities. Even the people I know who were raised by a single mother often embrace both ethniticties.

And as for Aliecia Keys and other celebraties, that probably has more to do with marketing. It's harder to market a white R&B singer than it is a black one.
Things are totally different here in California. I did see what you're talking about during middle school and high school, but that's when kids are struggling to establish their idenities anyway. Most adults I know embrace all their ethnicities. Even the people I know who were raised by a single mother often embrace both ethniticties.

And as for Aliecia Keys and other celebraties, that probably has more to do with marketing. It's harder to market a white R&B singer than it is a black one.

i'm talking about seeing kids that didn't even know that they were mixed race at all till in their early 20s

i'm talking kids both raised black and raised white
just kids raised as either white or black with family flat-out keeping a secret from the kid out of shame
Does it happen to anyone else where some days you are madly in love with your boyfriend/girlfriend and some days you just don't quite feel it?

you might want to start taking bi-polar medication

unless you're trying to do the whole "project thing"
in which case i should warn you that he will eventually get pissed off all to hell with you, replace you just to break up with you, and even after he's already moved on through 2 or 3 other people, he'll still be the exact same jack-ass you were "trying to fix"
i'm talking about seeing kids that didn't even know that they were mixed race at all till in their early 20s

i'm talking kids both raised black and raised white
just kids raised as either white or black with family flat-out keeping a secret from the kid out of shame

Ok, well that's a rather exceptional situation and obviously would cause some
psychological issues for the kid.

That's not the experience for most mixed people.

Does it happen to anyone else where some days you are madly in love with your boyfriend/girlfriend and some days you just don't quite feel it?

Yeah I think that's pretty normal.
I don't really have a proper argument to back up what I said. It's more the moaning of a dude who needs to get laid and prefers white girls.
Slam piece that you love and connect with = "I" turns into "we" for many things you never think it would.

Good point. If it ever infringes on my goals that are hard to get in the way of, I'll break it off. I've never been bad at cutting off relationships that just won't work.

Laura simplifed it, but yeah. A slam piece takes time away from other pursuits, which is going to alter them fundamentally. Then, doing things together rather than apart changes how those pursuits are pursued.

This might be the only possible problem, really. If I want to go to a certain college, I might have to be apart from them, but I've done a long distance relationship before and it only failed because the person and I were too different. I was perfectly fine not doing anything physical for months on end, but maybe I'm just weird.

I'm not necessarily saying one is better than the other, but I do think that someone who has been on a relative rollercoaster both personally and in relationships, should back off and "find" themselves/gain a firmer foundation in their own lives before trying to mix it up with someone else.

This "rollercoaster" was the results of stupid actions, but I do still have problems when it comes to relationships. These problems are things that no amount of being alone would sort out. The only good thing being alone did was that it made me value myself enough to remove myself from a hopeless relationship without flipping out afterwards. I find that I'm generally pretty happy when I'm alone. It's just I've screwed up in relationships (not just romantic ones) so much that I have an apprehensive mindset that leads to weird actions. Every time I spent time alone and then thought I could handle being close to a person, the mindset would resurface, so I think the only way to sort it out is to get close to a person and fix it with them. I wish it weren't the only way, because I highly value my autonomy.
Tbh, I probably shouldn't admit this, but it's the internet so whatever. I really don't like seeing interracial couples. It's disconcerting. I'm not 100% against it and have been in one, but I think they can be bad culturally and in terms of other things. Religion sucks, don't go along with it.

A lot of things can be bad culturally. Using the internet or technology I'd say is much worse for culture than interracial dating... I think it's rather silly to harp on "culture" because culture isn't a concrete thing, it's constantly being recreated/reinvented however, there will always be culture. The attempt to "preserve" culture will only redirect its change, but not prohibit it.

I honestly have more to say about this, but i'm too tired/passive right now. :/

Edit: Read your last post. Gotcha, haha.
It's more the moaning of a dude who needs to get laid and prefers white girls.

yeah, this^^ is what my post was too

i prefer "white" girls in terms of "being of the white culture", which sometimes includes racially "black" girls, my friends refer to these girls as "white girls with suntans having constant bad hair days"

sometimes black males fit this description as well

i have no problem with the chocolate skintone, just a problem with the "ghettoville gangsta thugs/ghetto gangsta bitches", which sometimes includes blue-eyed-blondes

totally hate black male with white female porn because it's always done in a horribly ghetto-thug/mysoginistic way

but i actually like some of the white guy with black girl porn
I'm ignoring almost all the recent posts.

melodeathgirl I know that feel, you'll break up with all intentions to get together later and then both move on. There are worse things!
Me and the slam piece are going on a date tonight to some decent fish and chips place. Gonna grab a poutine, mmm.