Males and Females

So, what the fuck does it mean when I ask a girl to hang out tonight and she is comfortable telling me "I might be going on a date tonight." Like, what does she think we do when we hang out? Chill? Do I honestly have to fucking tell her I want to take her out on a damn date? Isn't that shit implied? Fuck all this shit. I'm drinking tonight.

This is funny because I predicted this friendzone on facebook chat like a day before it happened.

Not to be a bitch about it or anything.
Hi. Kevin, I missed something. You broke up with that lady?

Yeah, a few weeks ago. She did a 180 on me after she got a promotion. I couldn't keep the relationship alive when I only got a few hours every couple of weeks alone with her, and she was not making much of an effort to improve things, so I pulled the plug.

She's still a part of my circle of friends so avoiding her is impossible, but I'm well enough over her to handle myself when she's around. It was just really disappointing that I wasted that much time and money on her.
I know right?

Sushi is great, assuming you go to an actual sushi bar and not the shitty "Chinese buffet" down the street.

Damn right.

After a breakup I never talk to my exes, ever. The one exception being Ashley whenever she decides to send me texts asking me if I got married because she freaked out when her dad was trying to plant seeds in her head about getting back with me, haha.

I've never been friends with an ex before dating, so I guess I don't really know how that would work out after we broke up. But all of my exes that I only knew because I dated them, there's no reason to be friends afterwards. I don't know them under any other context except my personal living cum dumpster. No offense cum dumpsters.

Okie doke. One date is confirmed for Saturday, working on the other one. Here's some pics brehs.

First up, profile shot.


And just because I like these pictures of her.





She's an artist so here's a self-portrait she did.


I personally think she's hot and pulls of the gauged ears really damn well. So far we're hitting it off quite nicely. She's really open about almost everything which is refreshing, sometimes it's a bit tmi but I don't mind. We seem to communicate really well and think alike for the most part which is also nice. We'll see how things go.

I wish I could go out with a hot American girl. I imagine them being more interesting than the average northern, UK, working class girl from a small town.
This is funny because I predicted this friendzone on facebook chat like a day before it happened.

Not to be a bitch about it or anything.

Haha yeah, but I guess we are going go on a "date" I actually used the word this time to make it official and shit.

Also, I'm not a redneck, nor do I look like one.
Yeah, a few weeks ago. She did a 180 on me after she got a promotion. I couldn't keep the relationship alive when I only got a few hours every couple of weeks alone with her, and she was not making much of an effort to improve things, so I pulled the plug.

She's still a part of my circle of friends so avoiding her is impossible, but I'm well enough over her to handle myself when she's around. It was just really disappointing that I wasted that much time and money on her.

Bummer, but at least you learned quite early what type of a person she really is.
What pisses me off about the whole males n females thing is this. Basically, I'm a shitty point in between being so screwed up about women, insecure and generally down that I just don't care any more and between still giving a shit somehow. This stage means I can't just kick the insecurity out of the door and put on a façade of confidence out of pure mental illness or whatever. I still have that layer of giving a shit, because I did well in my degree and have some chance of becoming middle class etc. I'm glad I did well, I would be screwed otherwise.
Is it ever possible to trust a female friend to hook you up with some other woman? Every time I've even hinted towards it, they've basically just gone and told the other girl I'm insecure and fucked it up for me.
I mean I kind of know it wont work by this point, but sometimes I can't be bothered to speak to women in a different manner to that which I would speak to men in.
I mean I kind of know it wont work by this point, but sometimes I can't be bothered to speak to women in a different manner to that which I would speak to men in.

I noticed I sometimes speak to girls like I would speak to guys. It kind of makes it seem like I'm not in to get them to bed. Some girls find it funny and request my company. The problem comes when I like the girl and I can't really change shit from the friendzone.

A bitch wanted to hang out today and I just said no. She then complained about being alone all the time and I said we know I can't change shit like that from my perspective which is what we'd agreed on previously.
I was talking to some cutish single girl I know. The thing is, I did not behave in a cool way in the place we know each other from, AT ALL and she is a bit too chav for me. I doubt she'd date me or that I'd stay with her.

The beautiful blonde that gave me the change for the locker at the gym, now that's another matter. Need to meet her again. The woman at the reception even told her she has a beautiful body and sweet personality. Lol. Might be some lesbianism going down that. There's a bit much of that these days.
Been about a month or so into a new relationship. It's pretty nice so far. It's different from the other relationships I made such a big deal about, since I haven't done much in the way of defining this one, as to avoid lying to myself and being an idiot.

I'm not head-over-heels or anything. We're not always affectionate towards one another. Hell, the most we'll talk about how we feel is once or twice a day, briefly. My favorite part is how it doesn't feel like I'm being saved from loneliness, and I feel no pressure to maintain anything. It's as if I'd be fine if I left at any point, but I prefer being with her. I still very much value my loneliness, but I also value her presence.

We don't talk all the time, and we don't demand much at all from another in terms of validation. It's really comfortable. I can't recall ever ending up wanting to say something, but stopping myself because she wouldn't care (but would respond in some contrived manner), or would find it abhorrent. The other way around, too. So far, I haven't had the thought of "she may have x characteristic, but someone right for me doesn't have to not have x characteristic."

As far as comparison to my other dating experiences goes, I really like how she's the first girl I've been with who doesn't feel totally ignored and neglected if I can only listen, but not respond to a thought of hers. She does the same for me, too. We'll have times we'll text each other random things that pop into our heads, not even really replying to each other's thoughts until one elicits a response.