Males and Females

Been dating a girl for about a month now, and shit's getting pretty serious. I don't mind though because she's hot, has double F's with a skinny body frame, and she's a squirter. I've never had sex with a squirter before, and I don't think I can go back. It's just miles hotter. My only concern is that she seems overly attached to me after such a short time of dating. She is basically an inch away from dropping the L-Bomb already and I'm terrified of that moment. To make matters worse, I had to leave fairly promptly after having sex one morning (which I had already told her), and she started crying, saying that it hurt her feelings. Am I blinded by the squirts? Or is this normal? I just hope I'm not dealing with a crazy one.
Been dating a girl for about a month now, and shit's getting pretty serious. I don't mind though because she's hot, has double F's with a skinny body frame, and she's a squirter. I've never had sex with a squirter before, and I don't think I can go back. It's just miles hotter. My only concern is that she seems overly attached to me after such a short time of dating. She is basically an inch away from dropping the L-Bomb already and I'm terrified of that moment. To make matters worse, I had to leave fairly promptly after having sex one morning (which I had already told her), and she started crying, saying that it hurt her feelings. Am I blinded by the squirts? Or is this normal? I just hope I'm not dealing with a crazy one.

It sounds like you do mind the "getting serious" and are blinded by the squirts. Also crying is normal if she is like, PMSing or something, but probably not otherwise.

Also I think everyone is a squirter if you drink enough water beforehand, just saying
Been dating a girl for about a month now, and shit's getting pretty serious. I don't mind though because she's hot, has double F's with a skinny body frame, and she's a squirter. I've never had sex with a squirter before, and I don't think I can go back. It's just miles hotter. My only concern is that she seems overly attached to me after such a short time of dating. She is basically an inch away from dropping the L-Bomb already and I'm terrified of that moment. To make matters worse, I had to leave fairly promptly after having sex one morning (which I had already told her), and she started crying, saying that it hurt her feelings. Am I blinded by the squirts? Or is this normal? I just hope I'm not dealing with a crazy one.

You're not allowed to be scared of commitment if she's beautiful.
Plenty of girls get attached fast. The one I'm with now dropped the L bomb two weeks in. Granted, she's insane and I didn't reciprocate for a while.
Been dating a girl for about a month now, and shit's getting pretty serious. I don't mind though because she's hot, has double F's with a skinny body frame, and she's a squirter. I've never had sex with a squirter before, and I don't think I can go back. It's just miles hotter. My only concern is that she seems overly attached to me after such a short time of dating. She is basically an inch away from dropping the L-Bomb already and I'm terrified of that moment. To make matters worse, I had to leave fairly promptly after having sex one morning (which I had already told her), and she started crying, saying that it hurt her feelings. Am I blinded by the squirts? Or is this normal? I just hope I'm not dealing with a crazy one.

Uh, yeah, you better lay the law down my friend, otherwise you're going to just be another guy who lost his soul.
Yeah I rescind my analysis, normal protocol for early-on in a relationship/dating situation is "never let him see you cry" not "guilt him into staying with you by crying"
You don't wanna be perceived as taking a step backwards in the relationship though, she'd probably freak the fuck out if that were the case.
Perhaps I should have mentioned she cried the morning after having taken molly, so that could explain things.

Also I think everyone is a squirter if you drink enough water beforehand, just saying

Not on this level. She squirts deciliters to the slightest touch. Although she could be hyponatremic, but I've barely seen her drink.

Mathiäs;10666155 said:
You don't wanna be perceived as taking a step backwards in the relationship though, she'd probably freak the fuck out if that were the case.

This. I'll just slow things down.
Been dating a girl for about a month now, and shit's getting pretty serious. I don't mind though because she's hot, has double F's with a skinny body frame, and she's a squirter. I've never had sex with a squirter before, and I don't think I can go back. It's just miles hotter. My only concern is that she seems overly attached to me after such a short time of dating. She is basically an inch away from dropping the L-Bomb already and I'm terrified of that moment. To make matters worse, I had to leave fairly promptly after having sex one morning (which I had already told her), and she started crying, saying that it hurt her feelings. Am I blinded by the squirts? Or is this normal? I just hope I'm not dealing with a crazy one.

So you have the potential to bang a super hot squirter for an extended period of time and this is somehow a problem? Are you fond of her as a person? How are things when you're not screwing?

I wouldn't be too freaked out by the crying thing. Sex is very emotional for a lot of people, espeically if intense orgasms occur.
Perhaps I should have mentioned she cried the morning after having taken molly, so that could explain things.

Dude, she just drained all the serotonin in her brain. I've seen grown men cry over nothing after taking MDMA. I've also had a girl get waaay too personal (i.e. confess all of her deepest darkest secrets) on the come down. it could have been much worse. Give her a break.
Dude, she just drained all the serotonin in her brain. I've seen grown men cry over nothing after taking MDMA. I've also had a girl get waaay too personal (i.e. confess all of her deepest darkest secrets) on the come down. it could have been much worse. Give her a break.

Yeah, this. It is relevant.
So, I log into my OKC account this morning and I see that I was viewed by a fairly attractive woman. I go to view her profile's a friend of my ex.

My first thought? She's checking up on me for my ex.

Been dating a girl for about a month now, and shit's getting pretty serious. I don't mind though because she's hot, has double F's with a skinny body frame, and she's a squirter. I've never had sex with a squirter before, and I don't think I can go back. It's just miles hotter. My only concern is that she seems overly attached to me after such a short time of dating. She is basically an inch away from dropping the L-Bomb already and I'm terrified of that moment. To make matters worse, I had to leave fairly promptly after having sex one morning (which I had already told her), and she started crying, saying that it hurt her feelings. Am I blinded by the squirts? Or is this normal? I just hope I'm not dealing with a crazy one.

Those who quickly get attached just as quickly lose interest. If she isn't displaying any moderation now, that may be a sign she'll burn out. The limerance period is a tough one to evaluate, because it can either cool off like steel tempered by fire (and thus made stronger) or sputter out like a fire starved for fuel.