Males and Females

so several days ago
i spend a whole day hanging out with a chick
and we end up talking about sex, and i tell her that the whole fucking reason i've spent all freaking day being next to her is because i think she's got the sexiest body i've ever seen and her face looks really sexy too

and somehow she's not offended by that

so i tell her about how "my sex drive is driving me crazy" as part of my attempt to get into her pants (and yeah, i really do know how horribly evil this sounds)

so, she starts trying to tell me about somesort of medatative teqnique to make my sex drive lower or something, but i'm not really paying attention to the details

so then she decides to get drunk, and she starts panhandling for beer money
she's really curvy and she's wearing a shirt where everyone can really clearly see the outline of the edge of her bra all the way around
and i tell her that for someone of her specific body shape, taking off the bra to panhandle would get her more money

but she has a moral objection to panhandling braless, she wants to get money from people that don't think she's sexy, because taking money from people that really do think she's sexy would somehow be morally wrong, (like being a hooker or something)

so she gets beer money and buys 2 really tall cans of Four Loco
when we walk out of the liquor store, she decides that because she's already got the alchohol, she's not going to panhandle anymore for the rest of the day, and that because she's not going to be panhandling anymore, she decides it's okay to take off her bra (it's obvious that at this point, she's taking off her bra so that i can see her bra-less, that she's okay with me seeing her braless even though she didn't want to panhandle braless)
after she takes off her bra, she starts drinking one of the cans of Four Loco (she's insisting that i drink the other one)
after she takes off her bra her paper-thin shirt is plastered to her body and its really obvious she's braless because i can clearly see the exact shape of her nipples as if her shirt is painted on

after being bra-less for a couple of hours she decides to put her bra back on, after she puts her bra back on, she decides to cook me dinner

after we eat a dinner she's cooked for me, she gives me her phone number, she's expecting me to call her, and set up a time/place for me to see her again and because of our earlier sex conversation, it's pretty obvious she wants to do the whole thing of having me be celibate for a really long time while i wait to have sex with her

why do girls do this??
it's really freaking annoying

i can understand a girl waiting a while after a break-up before she starts dating someone new

and if 2 guys are interesteed in her, i can understand it if she takes forever deciding which one she wants to have sex with

after she definitively decides "i'm gonna have sex with this specific guy" why is there still (for some girls) a really long period of waiting to have sex with the guy even after you've decided which specific guy you're gonna be having sex with??

it's really obvious this girl's doing it
she gave me her phone number because she want's me to be the next guy she sleeps with, but she wants us both to remain celibate for a couple of months while i wait to sleep with her

why do girls do this??
it's really fucking annoying
Hung out with the ex the other night and had mindblowing sex all night. Shouldn't have done it, but it was fucking great.
Some random black/Puerto Rican/etc woman waved at me from a car today. I didn't realize what was happening until the car had already basically left. Should I have followed her? She would have only seen my objectively well-shaped face and not my atrophying body hidden behind the dashboard, in case that decreases my chances.
I'd say the average straight male has the desire to have sex with a good number and variation of women. 2-3 at a time, 4-5 gf's, different girl every week etc. I don't think the average Woman feels this way.

You sound like you're projecting again.

Men and women are wired for pair-bonding. For one, human females are pretty damn defenseless during pregnancy, and two, human babies are pretty defenseless, too. During sex, chemicals associated with pair-bonding are released in the brain. This is so that the individuals mating will stay together for the safety of the child.

Of course, I haven't seen any study on this, but I've got this idea going that sexually promiscuous people have difficulty forming bonds because they've trained their own brains to form and break bonds very quickly. After all, if any promiscuous human were to hold onto the bonds it had with every single mate, it would go crazy.

Since the same chemicals associated with love are released during sex, the brain either primes one for love, or creates it, but for one opposed to forming an attachment, their brain would get rid of the bond very quickly or wouldn't form much of one, if at all, in the first place. This becomes a mechanism to the point that whatever source the chemicals come from, their levels will probably be lower, they will not last, causing the individual to face frequent fleeting desires. And it's a self-feeding problem, because indulging in the fleeting desires is what feeds this mechanism.

No I wouldn't go ape shit. You are thinking in a very ideological state. I am not.

I don't know him, but I've seen PUA types saying things like this before trying to paint the idea that their behavior was normal in order to avoid any sense of shame, either within themselves, or from other people.
I did. Keep in mind that human neuroplasticity allows for the widest range of behaviors among animals on earth. We are certainly capable of the same competition behaviors amongst males that animals like gorillas and chickens are, but they are not the most natural thing to us like they are to those animals. However, we are also capable of sexual release from replaying memories or scenes from our own imaginations in our heads. Is that the natural, correct state of our sexuality?

Then there's the fact that human males are more involved in the protection of their mates and the raising of their children than any great ape, and the higher degree of bonding between humans and their mates and children, and their social groups in general, than any other animal.
Look, I don't know what you're trying to prove with your pseudo intellectual posturing, but all I'm really saying is that dudes want to fuck and women want love; bottom line.
Look, I don't know what you're trying to prove with your pseudo intellectual posturing, but all I'm really saying is that dudes want to fuck and women want love; bottom line.

It's not pseudo-intellectual posturing. It's evolutionary psychology debunking your overly simplistic view that women just want to love and men just want to fuck. If it's so pseudo-intellectual, debunk it.

I think you are projecting because your view of what the baseline of male sexuality is (which you do not even do much elaborating on at all) seems to directly coincide with how you behave, and you seem to treat monogamy with this kind of dismissive/bitter skepticism like it's some kind of hopeless, oppressive delusion.
I bet it's because white power is failing and they're off sucking some Pakistani guy's dick, then proceeding to burn Nazi flags and blast Rap music in honor of the dying of white blood.