I'd say the average straight male has the desire to have sex with a good number and variation of women. 2-3 at a time, 4-5 gf's, different girl every week etc. I don't think the average Woman feels this way.
You sound like you're projecting again.
Men and women are wired for pair-bonding. For one, human females are pretty damn defenseless during pregnancy, and two, human babies are pretty defenseless, too. During sex, chemicals associated with pair-bonding are released in the brain. This is so that the individuals mating will stay together for the safety of the child.
Of course, I haven't seen any study on this, but I've got this idea going that sexually promiscuous people have difficulty forming bonds because they've trained their own brains to form and break bonds very quickly. After all, if any promiscuous human were to hold onto the bonds it had with every single mate, it would go crazy.
Since the same chemicals associated with love are released during sex, the brain either primes one for love, or creates it, but for one opposed to forming an attachment, their brain would get rid of the bond very quickly or wouldn't form much of one, if at all, in the first place. This becomes a mechanism to the point that whatever source the chemicals come from, their levels will probably be lower, they will not last, causing the individual to face frequent fleeting desires. And it's a self-feeding problem, because indulging in the fleeting desires is what feeds this mechanism.
No I wouldn't go ape shit. You are thinking in a very ideological state. I am not.
I don't know him, but I've seen PUA types saying things like this before trying to paint the idea that their behavior was normal in order to avoid any sense of shame, either within themselves, or from other people.