Males and Females

That's not the point. The point is she's dating another person while being in love with someone else.

In what fantasy world is this not supposed to happen? Is she just gonna wallow in her past glories and hope that her ex will one day accept her back? Or should she find someone else and try to get over him?

Edit: double ninja'd
people need to move on, what she was supposed to do? be single for the rest of her life?

Well find fuck buddy or a cuddle buddy, but don't commit to one relationship until you've generally come to terms with the first one. Obviously she's not that into her new guy and soon enough she's gonna be stuck cleaning up the mess of two fucked up relationships at the same time.
Damn, that was great sex last night. Cranbrook Institute of Science tomorrow. Woooo dinosaurs and living sloths and space stuff!
So I had told my gay student/friend/molester that I would be his date in a non-sexual way for Valentine's Day back before he tried giving me a blowjob, and because I'm too big of a wuss I didn't tell him to cancel any of the reservations. It started off nice enough, drinking a little and making decent conversation. We then had a fancy steak dinner which was also very nice, even when the photo lady running around took our photos and has us go in various poses together. Then we saw a show, and about halfway through he asked if he could hold my hand and/or wrap his arm around mine. I anticipated this months before and have decided that I am not against being a respectable escort, so I said yes. I have to admit that even though I am not romantically interested in him, it was the first time I've ever had that kind of contact, and got a bit of an erection when he rubbed his fingers with mine, and there was this weird ghost sensation after he removed his arm for mine that persisted for several minutes like my body really wanted his caress even though my mind was ambivalent at best, like I could still feel his arm but when I checked he had both arms crossed at his chest. Where it first started to go bad was when he started going for thigh rubs and further, after which he apologized in case he "accidentally" grabbed my dick (at this point he barely grazed it tbh), and then kept asking me "Are you having fun? I want this to all be about you" while simultaneously trying to convince me to spend the night in a hotel with him even though I told him months ago that I didn't want any hotel room, and asking "Do you trust me?" just as many times. We headed to a club quickly for a last round of drinks (I kept it fairly sober the whole time to my credit imo) and he tried to convince me to give a stripper a twenty (his money not mine), which I declined. He tried to relate that and the earlier events as supporting evidence of him being queer and not gay which was supposed to mean I was supposed to be ok with him sucking me off or something, I think. He wants to hold hands or be in a clutch the whole way to the bus and back to campus, which wouldn't be a big deal except he brought up the dick-grabbing/grazing incident again, and then proceeded to straight up grab my junk in public. I went to my office, collected my things, and got to my car when he asked me to drop him off on the other side of campus at the dorms. He asked for a couple hugs and kissed me both times, and then asked to see my dick inside the car. At first I said no but after a couple times I thought whatever, he's seen it before and more anyways. Then he asks to touch it and I decline. He then asks to see it again and after some disagreement I give in and flash it again. He then asks to touch it again, I say no, he asks to see it again saying "Third time's the charm" (to get me to let him jerk me off??). Then he acts kind of offended albeit in a slightly sarcastic/silly way and leaves.

tl;dr I don't know how to stand up to pushy hedonistic extroverts.

HB just give in to him and take it in the ass already, you know you want it you faggot.
As crude as arg just put it, that was the same thought I was thinking when I read the story. You seem like you want it tbh, otherwise you wouldn't be flaunting your cock in his face multiple times.
I didn't flaunt it. I briefly showed him before the night ended, after he basically begged. Ultimately I'm not complaining because I'd definitely let most people touch and admire my dick every once in a while if it meant they spent money on me, so I consider the night to be a net success, but I have no sexual interest in him. I'm cool with being a male escort because I don't really have much of a personal sexual identity and have never been in any kind of relationship prior, but when he tells me that he has no sexual intentions and just wants to hang out and have fun and yadda-yadda over and over months before the fact, it's not my fault if he actually wanted more. Men that think they can get sexual favors by just dumping $$$ (even when the other person has repeatedly said they weren't interested) are morons.

EDIT: And at dinner he even told me he was glad that I wasn't afraid to have a V-Day dinner with him and that most hetero men would not be relaxed enough to do that. He told me that he wished I had feelings for him like he did for me, but told me he wanted to respect that difference. I don't see holding his hand as anything more than paying him back in a small way for dropping $$$ on me, something that I could do simply as a friend.
You're a pretty dumb person you know that?

How so? A lot of his actions were predictable, I got to eat great food and have drinks for free, and the things I didn't enjoy were brief and had no significant detriment on my well-being. Overall I definitely came out ahead, unless this has further consequences down the road (the likes of which have been a possibility since the incident before Thanksgiving anyways).
I don't know if it's just me, but I don't think it's a good idea to date someone when you're still in love with someone else.

To cut a long story short, my ex an I were having an affair. At the time things with my then 15yr partner had been bad for a while, we never saw each other, never did anything together including sex, been that way for bout a year, then I met Ryan (the one I still love) and we had a 9 month affair, fell in love, but unbeknown to me Ryan was seeing someone too, he was having an affair with me. Complicated I know. So I used to go and spend a week with Ryan every few months or so and my long term partner didn't care that I went, didn't care that Ryan and I would text all day, that's how bad things had gotten, he just thought me and Ryan were friends, the truth came out when we ended, whether he did know but never said anything is anyone's guess, if he did, he never said anything and he never said anything when I told him, just glossed over it.
Towards the end things with the 15yr guy had become friendship rather than a relationship, just two people sharing the same space, it's all either of us had known for so long, we only officially ended end of November last year.
The last time I saw Ryan, we had fun everything was great, then he just stopped texting me and we eventually drifted apart, no goodbyes, no closure which hurt so much coz we were friends as well as lovers. I went back to living my non existence with 15yr guy and tried to forget about Ryan, I hadn't seen him since August last year before tonight.
I absolutely love and adore the man I'm with at the moment, he's a beautiful creature, gorgeous hot and very sexy, but I'll always love Ryan with all my heart too and seeing him tonight almost killed me. We chatted a bit, talked bout me finally having the courage to leave the 15yr guy and move up North, how he's still with the woman he was and that he's happy.
I did cry though coz Ryan hugged me goodbye, told me he'd missed me and that he'll always love me, i said the same back, coz it's true, then I left.
In a way seeing him was what I needed, it proved to my heart that it's time to move on. I have my gorgeous Rob now, and he's my future. I'm cuddled up next to him now while he snores in my ear and truth be told, I couldn't be happier.
Past is past. I realised that tonight, A piece of my heart will always belong to Ryan, a piece allocated for the memories but that's it.
It's me and Rob against the world now and I hope it always will be :D
Well find fuck buddy or a cuddle buddy, but don't commit to one relationship until you've generally come to terms with the first one. Obviously she's not that into her new guy and soon enough she's gonna be stuck cleaning up the mess of two fucked up relationships at the same time.

Hope my post clears things up for you ;)
I enjoyed reading that. I want a story like that (minus the cheating), except I don't think I can get one like that if I force it. I've only had a relationship that "just happened" once, and it was when I was a teenager. In some ways, it was more enjoyable than all of the relationships I've been in since. Of course, we didn't really get along on some fundamental levels, but the carefree, innocent nature of how we connected is something I've never experienced since.
HB just give in to him and take it in the ass already, you know you want it you faggot.

Exactly. Who gets erection when someone touches your hand? HB is doesn't only want it in the ass, he's also in love and he's scared.
Exactly. Who gets erection when someone touches your hand? HB is doesn't only want it in the ass, he's also in love and he's scared.

The only hands I've held previously are those of my parents and grandparents. Well, and for punishment in 4th grade. fwiw he rubbed my hand in various ways with his fingers and the show featuring attractive women might have been partially responsible for my partial erection. And as an additional fwiw, I get erections from watching animals have sex, so I think it's just a hair-trigger reflex to get pathetic virgins to fuck anything they can.
The only hands I've held previously are those of my parents and grandparents. Well, and for punishment in 4th grade. fwiw he rubbed my hand in various ways with his fingers and the show featuring attractive women might have been partially responsible for my partial erection. And as an additional fwiw, I get erections from watching animals have sex, so I think it's just a hair-trigger reflex to get pathetic virgins to fuck anything they can.

Dude I just remembered the first years of elementary school where whenever we went out of the building we had to form couples and hold our hands (safety thing so we don't get ran over by a bus or some other box with wheels). If the number of children was odd, the three in the back were together (INCLUDING THE HAND ON HAND CONTACT!). Dude you'd have so much fun growing up here.
Dude I just remembered the first years of elementary school where whenever we went out of the building we had to form couples and hold our hands (safety thing so we don't get ran over by a bus or some other box with wheels). If the number of children was odd, the three in the back were together (INCLUDING THE HAND ON HAND CONTACT!). Dude you'd have so much fun growing up here.

fwiw I didn't even mind the punishment so much (although I pretended to in front of my male cooties-fearing friends). Unless you mean I would have had so much fun due to the contact giving me a hard-on in 1st grade.
fwiw I didn't even mind the punishment so much (although I pretended to in front of my male cooties-fearing friends). Unless you mean I would have had so much fun due to the contact giving me a hard-on in 1st grade.

Yeah I thought you'd have a boner all the time. How is holding your hand a punishment anyway? When I was noisy in the class I had to stand in the corner and I loved acting like I don't mind at all. Which I didn't.

Also, what is a "cooties-fearing male"?

EDIT: Wait I'll find out. I thought you said "cutie".