Males and Females

Makes hand jobs a hell of a lot easier :lol: His verdict though, not worth all the hype. If you're curious, don't go for the most expensive one assuming it'll be amazing.
No baby, negative test, got period. WOOHOO.

PP FUCKING DELIVERED on Valentines Day and went way overboard and I felt pretty bad because I did not deliver, just got him a bottle of his favorite whiskey and a card but he attacked me with gourmet cheeses (I had said "I like little cheesy things" before) and a gift certificate for a haircut (w/name of the Asian stylist because I only trust Asians to cut my hair) from a salon I'm way too cheap to patronize normally, chocolate, and scones with clotted cream.

His truck died and the weather was shitty so we ordered delivery Chinese takeout like a couple of pigs. Oink oink!
Blind girl was in this silly love triangle thing a couple years ago, wherein her ex left his girlfriend of the time to start dating her again, and vice versa.

I'm friends with this other woman and have plans to hang out with her on Saturday. Blind girl was taking it well at first but has been feeling uncomfortable based on their history. However, she'd rather not feel this way about it as she's trying to outgrow some immature habits. So we've had her emotions under a microscope for the last couple days, trying to sort things out.

Complicated stuff man.
Idk man if you feel the material it seems like it'd be pretty awesome.

Yeah those things are pretty nifty, and the material is pretty good. Much better than getting a Monkey Spanker, I always thought those things looked painful lol and a must if you're likely to get wrist ache rather quickly.
Was looking on a bondage website the other day a saw these things that go down the penis and stop the man from coming, they're like jewellery too, some of them are crazy detailed :/ can't remember the name of them now though!

Alright, they're called cock cages / chastity cages with sperm stoppers lol they don't go as far down the penis as the sounding bars but still lol personally I think both things are the same in essence but sounding bars are a little more hardcore bondage wear ;)
Cheers to successful Vdays y'all! I think I'm going to steal that idea of getting the schwoopes cheese. That is really so cute!

Well, I try not to complain but whatever sometimes writing these things out is good. Well, the bf didn't do anything again this year for Vday (7th year in the row). I got him something and it's not to get anything in return but I can't help but to think like, "damn can we do something cute/romantic for once?" It's a stupid holiday, yes, and it shouldn't matter, yes, but he doesn't celebrate any kind of holiday/celebrations and idk if it's just out of laziness (which bothers me) or if he genuinely doesn't like holidays. Idk I'll be over it by the end of next week when the hormones calm down.
Have you communicated that you're less than thrilled about the status quo or hoping he'll read your mind and do something of his own accord because it seems contrived to have to ask someone to perform romantic gestures?
I have told him before but I normally do it jokingly. And yeah it does seem contrived and do realize that sometimes people need to be told to do things... Guess I should have a serious conversation with him about it but at the same time don't want to come off as needy. This is probably what happens when you date your close friend haha. You get use to the carefree aspect and lose the romance.
the fact that it's been going on for several years astounds me. If you're concerned about losing your friend if you confront him, then that should concern you in and of itself. Relationships are built on trust and communication. Conveying your wants and needs doesn't make you needy.
Cheers to successful Vdays y'all! I think I'm going to steal that idea of getting the schwoopes cheese. That is really so cute!

Well, I try not to complain but whatever sometimes writing these things out is good. Well, the bf didn't do anything again this year for Vday (7th year in the row). I got him something and it's not to get anything in return but I can't help but to think like, "damn can we do something cute/romantic for once?" It's a stupid holiday, yes, and it shouldn't matter, yes, but he doesn't celebrate any kind of holiday/celebrations and idk if it's just out of laziness (which bothers me) or if he genuinely doesn't like holidays. Idk I'll be over it by the end of next week when the hormones calm down.

Mine is kinda the same, he refuses to go to family or friend parties for holidays too. Which I am kinda cool with, because I'm not into sitting next to one person all night when there's food and conversation to be had.

I'm not sure if it's related or not, but last year for v-day I spent about $300 on him/ us. Hotel room, fun-filled day with all the bells, etc. Since then I've hardly spent any money, and showed zero interest in celebrating holidays with him, truth be told because I'm bitter and totally got sick of him being so disinterested. But of course, as all fuckin human beings are likely to do, it has made him want to do things and celebrate more.

It's shitty, but I'm pretty sure men need to feel like they're losing you once in awhile or something. Human beings in general, I guess, just really subconsciously enjoy the drama of being a pain in the fuckin ass until the other person throws in the towel.
That's all well and good, as long as you're on the same page and one person isn't secretly hoping for something different.

This. This. This. Laura, you're the bestest, just saying. Why don't you just be a psychologist or something?

@unknown: you're totally right. no matter how straightforward i think i am, it's still not best to assume people know what you want. bahh, confrontations are the worse.:erk:

Mine is kinda the same, he refuses to go to family or friend parties for holidays too. Which I am kinda cool with, because I'm not into sitting next to one person all night when there's food and conversation to be had.

I'm not sure if it's related or not, but last year for v-day I spent about $300 on him/ us. Hotel room, fun-filled day with all the bells, etc. Since then I've hardly spent any money, and showed zero interest in celebrating holidays with him, truth be told because I'm bitter and totally got sick of him being so disinterested. But of course, as all fuckin human beings are likely to do, it has made him want to do things and celebrate more.

It's shitty, but I'm pretty sure men need to feel like they're losing you once in awhile or something. Human beings in general, I guess, just really subconsciously enjoy the drama of being a pain in the fuckin ass until the other person throws in the towel.

Wow, that's crazy! Maybe you're right, i'd hate to think people subconsciously want drama though. Can't living just be easy?

My fam is really tight knit & we all drink (and recently smoke) a lot. So I kind of do have a problem when i have to force him to go out with us on b-days and shit just because it's sort of a tradition. We don't always go out. Sometimes we just buy booze, sit around and talk music and politics, and or play video games. I guess one man's treasure is another man's diarrhea, though.

Point is there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a little romantic/cheesy/ sweet by doing what your partner likes once in awhile.