My troll nonsense is just an attempt at being funny that fails most of the time
I don't think it translates well via texts and the context is just fucked.
Going out for even a decent looking girl is like a hotdog eating contest. She can eat 20 that night, but she's lazy, because she can down an easy 50. There is no challenge, therefore, no satisfaction. Meanwhile we can barley eat two. We work so hard to get a whiff or possibly a taste and constantly fail but when we succeed it's just pure win, absolute satisfaction. This is what you have to reverse. They don't know rejection the way we do, and when you reject their power over you they don't know how to handle it. They become like any poor dude at a bar that gives up right away and that's when you be as direct as possible and tell the truth, not what they want to hear, fuck the BS it's a waste of time. Make her work for you too. And in my opinion it's not playing games, it's playing the game smart.
That jealous feeling you get is only because you're trying to control something you can't (her body); ya have to get over that, she's fucked other dudes, so what? She'll fuck another dude again and again (possibly you) but it won't mean anything because it's too easy. What we have to do is get their mind and persuade her with a different way of thinking. Which means you have to kind of not give a shit and at the same time show interest, it's a fine balance. Ya gotta deal with the fact that you're just an option, but what kind of option? Are you like every dick she can get that's overly nice, jealous, controlling etc. or are you your own man that is in complete control of himself and capable of guiding a relationship, because when it comes down to it, it's all on you. She doesn't want the gold, she wants the guy with the gold. She's doesn't just simply want to win, she wants a winner.