Males and Females

I find it funny, but I would find it a lot funnier if the canned laughter weren't so damn obvious.

Not gonna lie, I chuckled at a couple points.
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Once again I apologize to you guys for acting like an idiot in the wake of my most recent breakup. Time turns out did heal all wounds, and I can actually feel that I'm over her, and for good reason. She's simply stopped talking to me, and this after all she said about trusting me and valuing me as a good friend. Well, I wouldn't call it a lie but her superficiality and hypocrisy have gone too far and I've mentally and emotionally given up, and it's liberating.

Also, she had a FB status the other day that I took as a total repudiation of everything I stand for:

"I don't want to know this intellectually, I want to know it in spirit and in truth."

Aside from this not making any sense, it pissed me off and now I'm done. On to better things. I've got a number of academic projects going on and focusing on those and taking care of myself has been working its charm. The next girl will come in due time, and fortune favors the bold, but not the rash.
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Once again I apologize to you guys for acting like an idiot in the wake of my most recent breakup. Time turns out did heal all wounds, and I can actually feel that I'm over her, and for good reason. She's simply stopped talking to me, and this after all she said about trusting me and valuing me as a good friend. Well, I wouldn't call it a lie but her superficiality and hypocrisy have gone too far and I've mentally and emotionally given up, and it's liberating.

Also, she had a FB status the other day that I took as a total repudiation of everything I stand for:

"I don't want to know this intellectually, I want to know it in spirit and in truth."

Aside from this not making any sense, it pissed me off and now I'm done. On to better things. I've got a number of academic projects going on and focusing on those and taking care of myself has been working its charm. The next girl will come in due time, and fortune favors the bold, but not the rash.

I'd avoid a girl who says something like that as well. But I do find it funny that she says she wants to know something in "spirit" and "truth" when nothing "spiritual" is really "truthful". Fucking girls.
I can see what she's saying. One time I thought I realized God's purpose for me in an epiphany full of joy and devoid of logic. Then I stopped being high. True story.
nice. i love euro sluts who are beautiful but have bad english and weird (but sexy) accents. i hate girls who speak good english; the less we understand each other, the better.

yesterday i fucked a 23y.o. hungarian girl who fit the former criteria. she was pretty damn tall, maybe 5'9" and she looked almost exactly like the pornstar Leanna Sweet but less anorexic (look her up)
Where do you find your prostitutes at?
"I don't want to know this intellectually, I want to know it in spirit and in truth."

I think to some degree I can understand how someone could reach this conclusion, if only for the way I tend to approach things. When there is something I want to know about I don't try to just engage myself mentally with it. I can't ever truly find myself caring about it. If I can somehow involve myself emotionally then I can instantly create a connection.

I do disagree with the assumption that nothing spiritual is truthful, spiritual doesn't always have to be supernatural or reliant on a 'god.'

Found this while searching about godless spirituality

The believer claims:

But without “God”… there is no spirituality.

Spirituality brings to the human mind a higher sense (feeling) of purpose and meaning. And only through spirituality can you reach this higher human “value”. This is deceptive.


All that exists – including human beings - are formed by (and within) nature. Therefore all senses, all feelings, are of a natural construct. And the feeling of being “more”, of touching “higher” is – by natural formation – included and available to all… (without the belief in a “God”).

What is the feeling of spirituality? It is as if, beyond the five (substance) senses of the body, the mind expands itself into an (essence) sense, a sixth sense, as it often referred. This sense expand our mind’s consciousness into the unseen. It becomes a super or hyper sense. It allows our thoughts not only to sense the Eternal and the Infinite but to also affect the not yet created.

It gives us that sensation of being “more”.
Of creating ourselves beyond our present condition. And of affecting our tomorrow.

The sixth sense presents itself as a “frame of mind”, a “state of consciousness”. The consciousness that all in the universe touches, is part, has contact, with all… that all is One. All forms are part of that – all/ One – consciousness. And by thought, we are in contact with all forms.

(The universe is not made of “inert” matter.)


The sixth sense - is accessible at all time… to all.


Can you be “spiritual” without a “God”?

I agree with that. That's basically what drew me to (traditional) Buddhism. Other secular humanist philosophes I found to be devoid of finding a higher meaning and purpose in life, as if there is some assumption that you can't have that without a god. I'd not only argue that you can; I'd argue that the world is more beautiful when it is a mystery not attributed to an assumption like all events being the result of a struggle between God/Yahweh/Allah and the Devil/Satan/Iblis. The most spiritual moment in my life was when I was high and truly thought about the grand scope of time and the universe. It is far more than my mind (unless some serious genetic alterations have been made) can comprehend, understand, and gauge. It is a mystery filled with possibilities that are hard to scope for myself as anything but infinite.
You are probably right on that Spirit and Truth debate. I was merely referencing how when one thinks of "spirits" they normally associate things like ghosts, mists, etc.
Spirit is a word I don't use, because I think of it in the sense of the German word "Geist" which means both spirit and mind, just as ψυχη (psyche) in Greek means both spirit and mind. It was the Krauts, after all, who coined the term psychology.
The phrase "I know in my heart" is so irritating. It's like saying "I believe it even though logic and facts say it's wrong."
Some days, I'm having trouble having conversations with women without it being a means to an end(ie. fucking them). Like today, I was out talking to a couple random girls and my thought process was"Ok, just keep talking about this subject for so long, you get her phone number, go for an instadate, or set up a date later). This puts pressure on me and the interaction isn't as fun, but it co-opts my goal of fucking random women. Oh the paradox. I need to keep in mind that the conversations need to be natural and fun without the added pressure of fucking them later. I* get so mad and upset at myself about this. I want to be something I haven't become yet and it hurts. And no, focusing on other aspects of my life doesn't help nor make me feel better about myself. I took a break from approaching and I think it hurt me.

No, I am not a pick-up artist, though I do a lot of things like they do. I just want a plentiful sex life with multiple women.

PS: Hollering at a girl while she is with her friend isn't as easy during the daytime due to womens' thought processes being all over the place(No offense girls).
Maybe things are different in Tennessee, but where I live, it would be fucking weird if a guy did anything but small talk with a girl in a public place (minus clubs, bars, and schools), especially if they were with a friend.
Maybe things are different in Tennessee, but where I live, it would be fucking weird if a guy did anything but small talk with a girl in a public place (minus clubs, bars, and schools), especially if they were with a friend.
Yeah, nothing wrong with small talk, but with that, you have to hook them somehow, otherwise they walk away. Yes, that happened to me today. I just started talking about what my Mom liked in lotions with the girl, but her friend interrupted, and it's hard to take attention away from two people that have shared so much time together. I commented on stuff, and asked about other things, but they were so wrapped up in themselves and what they were doing, they went about their way. That's why I have trouble with women in bars and nightclubs, it's hard to hook two women's attention for so long. I'm much better at approaching women by themselves, that's my specialty. :) Yes, I "failed", and was upset and a little pissed, but I got over it. :)

Maybe it's because I have a mustache now? haha