Males and Females

I say "bloody" from time to time. Picked it up from my uncle (who used it as an eccentric affectation).

Using British English in one's romantic discourse makes sense, I suppose, as it recalls some lost age of chivalry or something like that.
It would be funny if someone on here's wife or girlfriend went mental and decided to totally sexually dominate them.
I'm not. I blame Australians for putting that word into my vocabulary when frustrated, although sometimes I can catch myself and make it come out like "Cu-aaaa-fuck". One of these days I know I'm going to accidentally use it and get labeled a misogynist.
I'm a big fan of using the term cunt. Anyone else?

Some woman nearly hit me with her car yesterday (turning a corner at a decent enough speed while the light told me to walk) so I yelled CUNT loud as I could at her, motioning towards the fucking crossing light with my hands. As if to say "You blind slut, can't you see the light?".

It filled her with great rage and me with great satisfaction as I strolled off.
Cunt is more for men over here. I only started using it towards women about 8 years ago. Definitely an American thing. Cunt is also used as a compliment here ('He's a fucken sick cunt') mainly by bogans though.