I was a total Manowar addict for like 4 years. Manowar=my life, but lately I got very dissapointed the direction they are heading.
Still, their albums kickass, they are posing 2 much lately and trying to make 2much money IMO. I made some vids about manowar, feel free to watch them. ( I actually got a call from joey thanking me for the first one )

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Into Glory Ride

One of my favorite Manowar albums. Pretty great all the way through and more on the heavy and slow side. "Secret of steel" and "gloves of metal" shine on the first part of the album and the last two track are excellent.

Hail to England

One of the most praised and while I like it its not one of my favorites. "Bridge of death" is epic though. Sloppa bassolo as usual. To bad...

Fighting the World

Easily the worst of the Manowar albus I have heard. Its way to repetative and while it does have its moments I dont think it peaks enough to truly make up for it.

Kings of Metal

One of my favorites if no the best Manowar album. But Im biased here. This is one of those albums that meant alot to me and that has stuck with me. The type of album you'll always remember fondly because of when you discovered it (i.e. when I was seriously starting to explore metal as a young teen). This might be the one Manowar album that has a good bass solo by DeMaio that doest feel to forced or sloppy.

Triumph of Steel

Good album. This one always felt abit more cold and dark (for being Manowar that is). The first track is of course the try to write an epic but is more like a bunch of songs put together without much flow. Some parts a great and some arent. I just wish they had devided them into track so I could skip the solo parts. I always loved "ride..." "spirit horse..." and then the last three track as well. "The demons whip" actually has alot of power to it.

Warriors of the World

I bought this after I had stopped caring that much about the band. But it was way cheap (50% of fullprice) and only about a week after the release. Its starts off well with one of my favorite tracks of theirs in "call to arms". I like the following couple of track aright to but man the pacing on this cd is weird. Starting mid-tempo then goes on with 4 or 5 ballads/slow songs. Then a mid-tempo one and end with 3 fast ones. They should have given more thought into the order of the songs. And honestly "an american trilogy"? Did they have to do that?
Fighting The World is honestly pretty commercial. Bit of a sellout almost.
Sign of the Hammer is a genuinely good album.

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Manowar have their place and deserve an amount of recognition, but I seriously get bored with them quickly.

"Blood of the Kings" is a great song.

Yeah, thats my thoughts on it as well. They used to mean alot but I dont listen much to them anymore. They do tend to get boring after a while. I noticed today when this thread made me play a couple of their discs (havent done that in years probably). LOve some, hate some and some is meh but after a while I just felt like I didnt want to listen to it anymore. Great for parties though!
Been listening to some more Manowar and I have come to realize how much I love "heart of steel". Those piano tones at the start of the songa re beautiful and its the perfect example of when cheesy lyrics actually work. One of my favorite song ever maybe. Greatness!
I think I kinda grew out of my Manowar phase.

I mean, I still love them, but I just haven't listened to them much.
Manowar were always quite mediocre for me; I could listen to them but not really get into them. The cover of Anthology is still good for a laugh.
First album fucking rocks all the way through with epic Metal parts strewn all about. Into Glory Ride is amazing, almost epic doom metal, except for Warlord; fun but retarded song. Hail To England is excellent (really fucken epic, but more traditional), so is Sign of the Hammer.

They got really stupid on Fighting the World, but I still jam that one all the time, same with Kings of Metal onward.

EDIT: Yeah, battle hymns rocks hard. it's like Zeppelin with so much more testosterone that they've gone gay and come back.
Christ, you've been a fucking douche lately.
It's probably because senior year is coming to a close. Keep track and see if I get nicer after next Friday; then we'll know. But I'm definitely right and I wasn't being a dick, that song is terrible. It's in the "so bad it's good" category. Some great lyrics, too. "FOUR KINGS OF METAL, FOUR METAL KINGS"
Anyways, the point of the song is just a nod to the fans, mentioning all their albums and a bunch of countries where they're popular. Music is really primitive. Bass as usual is excessively high, making the gallop sound really awkward. There's only one or two riffs up until the endings, where the song just will not fucking conclude and so they keep going.

Been listening to some more Manowar and I have come to realize how much I love "heart of steel". Those piano tones at the start of the songa re beautiful and its the perfect example of when cheesy lyrics actually work. One of my favorite song ever maybe. Greatness!