MANOWAR - The Final Word


Sep 20, 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota
Hey everyone,

I am not trying to start a flame-war here, so as is my custom, I will post my email address at the end of this message in case anyone wants to call me queer for liking this band. If I may quote Robin Williams from Patch Adams - "And my report will read I-D-G-A-R-A ... I Don't Give A Rat's Ass." :)

I have never understood why there is such a backlash against Manowar, particularly among people that like power/prog metal. I guess it's to each his own, but I want to dispel a couple of irritating rumors that sprung up around this tour with HolyHell and Rhapsody, so here goes:


After the show in NYC, I waited around with a bunch of die-hard fans and we met all four band members. Each one willingly signed everybody's items and nobody asked for money. They did refuse photos citing that they were under contract with a professional photographer and couldn't be photographed without him. Whether or not this is true does not really concern me -- it's an artists' business whether or not they want their picture taken or not. So I have a Day-Sheet from NYC with all of Manowar's AND Rhapsody's autographs on it (and even some from HolyHell -- those guys were too cool) and it didn't cost me or anyone else who waited out there that night one single dime. So enough said... :grin:


At the end of the NYC show, I witnessed something that I have never seen nor heard of Manowar ever doing at any show. Joey DeMaio smashed his bass guitar brutally over one of the wedges, completely destroying it! :rock: A big chunk of it flew into the crowd and some lucky girl has a piece of Joey's bass in her collection -- how cool is that?! Afterwards, I talked to Joey's guitar tech who told me that his wireless set had been acting up all tour and he had been so frustrated with it that he planned on doing something drastic on the last show -- well, I guess that was it. :loco: So kudos to Joey for being able to turn a problem into an opportunity to build rapport with an audience while most bands would simply bring up the house-lights and leave the stage.

As a side note, MANOWAR fans are the best on the planet, period. Having seen this tour three times this month, I have met some new friends and have new contacts with people from all over the world. I met two guys from Hong Kong and two guys from L.A. in NYC who had flown into see the show. I've never consistently met people at shows who travel from all over the world, literally, to see a band the way fans do for MANOWAR. So whether or not you hate them or you like them, you should probably acknowledge that there must be a reason why this band has the most devoted fans on the planet.

Okay, I'm done raving! :grin:

I fucking love MANOWAR! They do no wrong as far as I'm concerned! I don't give a shit what anyone has to say about them. They write great tunes about heavy metal. Cheesy? Who cares? You listen to metal, so why not hear songs about metal? They have killer tunes with excellent, catchy choruses, great guitar work, and some of the best vocals ever in the genre from Eric Adams. I saw this tour in Philly and can't wait until they come back again. They are a steller live act that everyone should have to witness! MANOWAR are the "Kings of Metal"! Europe has known this forever. Only here in the States do they not receive the proper worship they deserve. Hail and kill!!! Check out WIZARD, MAJESTY, and GUN BARREL. They are similar in style to MANOWAR and fucking rock, too! I love MANOWAR and always will!
SwordLord said:
So whether or not you hate them or you like them, you should probably acknowledge that there must be a reason why this band has the most devoted fans on the planet.

yes. i agree. there is a reason. it's because metal fans are mostly stupid.

How many people have seen Manowar before? Why does something go wrong on Joeys bass solo every year. I've seen them 6 times and every show his solo goes wrong. Dating all the way back to the Fighting the World tour. Pretty Wierd huh?
raiderdeath1 said:
How many people have seen Manowar before? Why does something go wrong on Joeys bass solo every year. I've seen them 6 times and every show his solo goes wrong. Dating all the way back to the Fighting the World tour. Pretty Wierd huh?
I've seen them 3 times and Joey never had a problem either of the 3 times.
I work for a Brazilian webzine and I had an interview going on with Rhapsody on sunday...Thanks to Manowar's stupid and obnoxious management, I had the most frustrating day in my whole entire life while trying to get that itnerview done... Their "Head of security" guy is a fucking asshole who deserves no respect whatsoever... I was so damn mad at the whole thing (I could tell the whole story, but it'd be too long) we left right after Rhapsody's set... I like their music, but....

Rhapsody kicked major amounts of ass...

And it was cool to be hanging out the entire time with Tim and Rob from Into Eternity... By the way guys, thanks again for the help in the beginning of the night =D
SwordLord said:

They did refuse photos citing that they were under contract with a professional photographer and couldn't be photographed without him.

...ok...this must be the DUMBEST thing i have ever heard :rolleyes:

....(though it probably explains why they would not let us bring cameras into the winston-salem show)....

...rhapsody gets my respect though...awesome show and awesome guys... :worship:
Pro photographer?


They're too cocky to admit that they think they are popular and famous as the Rolling Stones, to require the extra security and extra "attention"...
thedelicateflower said:
...ok...this must be the DUMBEST thing i have ever heard :rolleyes:

....(though it probably explains why they would not let us bring cameras into the winston-salem show)....

...rhapsody gets my respect though...awesome show and awesome guys... :worship:

Good Lord, what next! :Smug: Somebody bought the rights to ALL photos of the band? That's just not right and quite pompous. I was wondering why the camera security at the Palladium was so strict. It was ridiculous. They had "spotters" all over place pointing out everyone with a cell phone. My brother tried to call me to let me know where he was standing and they came over to see if he was taking photos. With the phone to his ear?!! Stupid.
Somebody did manage to get some good shots of Rhapsody, but they will remain anonymous. :grin:
I wonder if that anonymous person would mind posting those somewhere


This was my first time ever seeing Manowar and definately my first time seeing Rhapsody. His bass messed up twice during the show in Atlanta, once during his solo and another a couple songs after the solo but it wasn't as nearly time consuming to fix it as his first technical difficulty. I enjoyed his "shit happens" speech though.
SwordLord said:
At the end of the NYC show, I witnessed something that I have never seen nor heard of Manowar ever doing at any show. Joey DeMaio smashed his bass guitar brutally over one of the wedges, completely destroying it! :rock: A big chunk of it flew into the crowd and some lucky girl has a piece of Joey's bass in her collection -- how cool is that?!

Golly. Some lucky girl doesn't have a piece of Joey's bass stuck in her eye. How cool is THAT?

Afterwards, I talked to Joey's guitar tech who told me that his wireless set had been acting up all tour and he had been so frustrated with it that he planned on doing something drastic on the last show -- well, I guess that was it. :loco: So kudos to Joey for being able to turn a problem into an opportunity to build rapport with an audience while most bands would simply bring up the house-lights and leave the stage.

"Build rapport with an audience"? LOL!
AMBR said:
Good Lord, what next! :Smug: Somebody bought the rights to ALL photos of the band? That's just not right and quite pompous. I was wondering why the camera security at the Palladium was so strict. It was ridiculous. They had "spotters" all over place pointing out everyone with a cell phone. My brother tried to call me to let me know where he was standing and they came over to see if he was taking photos. With the phone to his ear?!! Stupid.
Somebody did manage to get some good shots of Rhapsody, but they will remain anonymous. :grin:

I was at one time a pro photographer full time, and now just do it once in a while. The way the laws read in the U.S. is something to the effect that, if you get out of the venue with the photos you've taken, YOU own the rights to the photos. So no, their pro photographer doesn't own it all, although he may give you a serious hassle if he sees you photographing Manowar, and may send a U.S. marshall to your door if he sees what he perceives as your photos for sale somewhere, online etc., but usually they don't do that type of thing. I have plenty of shots I've taken years back of Ozzy with Randy Rhoads, Judas Priest, Maiden with DiAnno, many rock bands etc. etc., and no one has ever tried to take them from me, or claim rights to them. But I will say, the reason I stopped taking pix at concerts is because of what you have said here. The security just got to be too much of a hassle, and I didn't feel like forking out the dough for the 'press pit' area, since I didn't like the camera angles usually.
AngraRULES said:
Pro photographer?


They're too cocky to admit that they think they are popular and famous as the Rolling Stones, to require the extra security and extra "attention"...

Relax. They're heirarchy in the genre. Let them require whatever they want. Hell, do you honestly think they are rich? They have to control everything so they can make a living and still exist. I admire them for that. Yes their metal is cliched as hell, but they're fucking MANOWAR for chistsake! :worship: