Many hails from california!!!


Jan 15, 2005
Tis always great to see another metal band out there singing songs of old and tales of the pure frothing rage of battle and plunder!!!! From what little i have seen so far of Amon Amarth i am very much liking!! Finally scraped a couple of bucks together and now have a cd coming in the mail. Tis a damn shame i can't find some more like minded bastards to help sing and play songs of the gods and of sheer bloodlust, rage, and carving of the bloodeagle in to my enemies :devil: !!!!!!!! Sorry that berserkr in me wants to play when talking of the gods and especially viking metal. Okay enough fucking rambling. I tip my horn to you all as i down another bottle of mead!!!!!!!

Hategiver Giverofhate
welcome "Asatruar" lol, you seem like an enjoyable fellow, i will enjoy communicating with your entity. i hope you are a pedophile like the rest of us, or you will have a hard time entering our very closed circle.

@Belgar : Again, thats a nice song ur listening, a friend of mine has the 34th copy out of the 88 made for the album "we declare total war" :) he's very proud of it lol, i'm sure the guy who go the 18th copy is even more happy hehe. where does Nokturnal Mortum come from by the way?
Celtik Militia said:
@Belgar : Again, thats a nice song ur listening, a friend of mine has the 34th copy out of the 88 made for the album "we declare total war" :) he's very proud of it lol, i'm sure the guy who go the 18th copy is even more happy hehe. where does Nokturnal Mortum come from by the way?
You probably meant the 14th copy and not 18th :Smug: They are from Ukraine, this cd came in a dvd pack and is a prelude to their forthcoming album. For info, NeChrist album also had 88 tracks on the cd.
Btw, you could check Munruthel, a side band by NM's ex-member ambient folk BM; great patriotic notes.
Belgar said:
You probably meant the 14th copy and not 18th :Smug: They are from Ukraine, this cd came in a dvd pack and is a prelude to their forthcoming album. For info, NeChrist album also had 88 tracks on the cd.
Btw, you could check Munruthel, a side band by NM's ex-member ambient folk BM; great patriotic notes.
I don't know about the songs 10 through 87, kind of weak
New guy, what are you? like thirteen? Ah whatever welcome to the forum and since noone else mentioned it - if youre a my pals or a spic or some damn kike you better find another place to entertain you... probably the local homofile club where the rest of your "bruvvas" hang out. Otherwise, if you are of Germanic descent, good that you're into 'the Olde Way'.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
New guy, what are you? like thirteen? Ah whatever welcome to the forum and since noone else mentioned it - if youre a my pals or a spic or some damn kike you better find another place to entertain you... probably the local homofile club where the rest of your "bruvvas" hang out. Otherwise, if you are of Germanic descent, good that you're into 'the Olde Way'.
That could be yr rules, don't mean they are the forum rules ... at least they are not mine. Somehow when I hear the words, Amon Amarth, germanic, old ways, my pals, spic, bruvvas,.... I really wonder where you are trying to get to? Oh, yes, AA music is only for white germanic people? Btw, I suggest you make wiser use of the word "germanic" because last I checked, not all europeans are of german descent, just like not all germanic people were vikings. Maybe they don't teach that in schools anymore.
Belgar said:
That could be yr rules, don't mean they are the forum rules ... at least they are not mine. Somehow when I hear the words, Amon Amarth, germanic, old ways, my pals, spic, bruvvas,.... I really wonder where you are trying to get to? Oh, yes, AA music is only for white germanic people? Btw, I suggest you make wiser use of the word "germanic" because last I checked, not all europeans are of german descent, just like not all germanic people were vikings. Maybe they don't teach that in schools anymore.

i think that TheLastWithPaganBlood just thinks that a non-germanic hailing Asatru is totally stupid, which is totally justified, whereas he encourages someone of germanic descent to honor his ancestral roots. Not all germanics were vikings indeed, but the scandinavian and the other germanic mythologies were enormously similar. by the way he didnt say AA was only for white people, he meant being a wanabe viking should not be for non-germanics, its as stupid as a wigger when you think about it.
Ahhhh topics of race, ancestry, and pedophilia.....
well first off i swear i didn't know she was three! It was a dark room, really dark.
and yes i do have a BIG ASS drinking horn that i got over the internet, smelled like cow for the longest time(no shit), found out it could fit a whole bottle with room to spare, and that wasn't even the Gallon texas long horn!
No i am not some dumb ass 13 year old add another 10 years, why don't you try to take a man off the battlefield full of blood lust and make him take an IQ test, it isn't going to look pritty. Now for those completely missing that point let me explain: not that i'm coming off the field of battle or that i'm getting ready for battle, but when you tap into that inner fire that inner rage wanting to get out it's not like your using the part of your brain that makes you a nasa fucking scientist!
As far as me considering myself an asatruar, it would be very dumb of me if i didn't have any blood in me decending form the olde world. The strongest blood in my is sweedish, oh and btw, vikings came from scandinavia if your knitpicking over actual groups, but the norse people spread like wildfire and got consumed by other cultures, ie why a full blooded cherokie indian can be blonde hair blue eyed, the name Russia partially comes from the word rus which means oarsmen, because of the trade route they set up, dublin ireland has viking ruins underneath it leading archeologists to believe it was founded by vikings...... sorry i could talk about this shit for hours, and btw don't get you panties in a twist if you already know this shit, it's for the uninformed.
And one more thing, Celtik Militia i also have a bit of spanish and mexican blood in me, fucken deal with it. I honor my ancestry, where i came from, that is what a major part of asatru is for me(considering that the difference between asatru and odinism is that with asatru you have to have some blood in you), the honoring of my ansestors, the gods, and the olde ways, but if i have hate i direct it at bull shit stupid fucks' actions and not their skin. and if ya dont' like it kiss my pasty white ass, cuz i know you'd tell me the same : D but hey we can still be friends right???!!!
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
New guy, what are you? like thirteen? Ah whatever welcome to the forum and since noone else mentioned it - if youre a my pals or a spic or some damn kike you better find another place to entertain you... probably the local homofile club where the rest of your "bruvvas" hang out. Otherwise, if you are of Germanic descent, good that you're into 'the Olde Way'.
hahahahahaha WOW.

you really need to turn off the computer, buttertits. This is the internet not the woods ov val-whatever. If youre really that offended of people by another race on the INTRANETZ, then go back to talking about shitty metal cds in another shitty thread about shitty overrated topics.
Asatruar said:
Ahhhh topics of race, ancestry, and pedophilia.....
well first off i swear i didn't know she was three! It was a dark room, really dark.

haha :tickled:

hey hey pall! of course we're still friends lol and i wasn't the one picking on you, i didnt insult you or lack any respect on your behalf, i was simply explaining what TheLastWithPaganBlood was trying to say (that i agree with) which was missinterpreted by others. i would have no right to critisize you anyway (yet) because i didnt know u or ur ancestry at the time :p and now that i know ur of swedish descent, u are indeed allowed to be an asatruar :D oh and wtf? why wouldn't i deal with the fact that you have spanish and mexican descent? hell i'm part french (you fucking deal with THAT! :p) so spanish guys are my blood brothers. and nothing is more respectable than pride in ones origins so thats cool of you.
and yeah i think most of us know about the Russ and the fact vikings raided everywhere, hence that all europeans probably have at least one far away viking ancestor :p but it was good of you to say, now we know that ur not an amator mother fucker either :loco:
Celtik Militia said:
i was simply explaining what TheLastWithPaganBlood was trying to say (that i agree with) which was missinterpreted by others.
I still stick to my original statement. If race/origins should be a way to say one can post here or not; then I suggest he goes and posts on the paganfront forum if he wishes to. Anyways, his post was idiotic at best. There are may ways to go about a subject.
Belgar said:
I still stick to my original statement. If race/origins should be a way to say one can post here or not; then I suggest he goes and posts on the paganfront forum if he wishes to. Anyways, his post was idiotic at best. There are may ways to go about a subject.

what really annoyed TheLastwithPaganBlood is that the new boy calls himself Asatruar, and if he wasnt germanic, that would be stupid, hence he tried to diss him about it. but here no one said that a non germanic can't post in this forum. people gotta stop making nationalists say what they didnt say or exagerating them, this shit happens all the time its fucking ennoying. for example; our local nationalist dude here (Jean Marie Lepen, you might have heard of him cause he got 20% on the first round of the presidential elections and got to the second) said not long ago that the occupation wasn't that horrible.. and he got trialed for that lol, what a bunch of bullshit. HYPOCRITS! all of ya! :loco:

i do agree though that what thelastwithpaganblood said was kind of not very politically correct in the way he said it. anyway fuck, why am i standing up for him? whats he waiting for to get in here and reexplain for himself what he was trying to say.