Many hails from california!!!

wow how the hel did that happen... just realized blasted the wrong person HAHAAA... Oh well i guess that's what happens when you write late at night all cracked out LOL! Sorry Celtik Militia! *curses indiscrimantly while bashing head into wall*
ahhh much better....i think i got everything back in working order! :D
yea that was originally ment for thelastwithpaganblood, that's i get for multitasking forums with a 5 minute window for using the comp.....
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:

ok lol i'll answer this for the last time chuckle chuckle.
he said that considering the new guy's name "Asatruar". because he doesnt want him posting in this forum if he's a kike/my pals/spic with such a name that doesnt correspond to him, he wouldnt accept such a person to think he's a viking if he's a kike/my pals/spic. he doesnt like people stealing his own unique culture and making it theirs although it isnt! just as i hate when a my pals thinks he's french. why? because he hasnt got any ancestors who built this country, one persons origins isnt like a gay club you can enter whenever you want.
lol poor Asatruar, we've started a fucking ferocious debate cause of him although he didnt mean any harm :p
Celtik Militia said:
ok lol i'll answer this for the last time chuckle chuckle.
he said that considering the new guy's name "Asatruar". because he doesnt want him posting in this forum if he's a kike/my pals/spic with such a name that doesnt correspond to him, he wouldnt accept such a person to think he's a viking if he's a kike/my pals/spic. he doesnt like people stealing his own unique culture and making it theirs although it isnt! just as i hate when a my pals thinks he's french. why? because he hasnt got any ancestors who built this country, one persons origins isnt like a gay club you can enter whenever you want.
I could also say that this forum should be reserved to real born europeans and not inbred yanks who love wearing thor's hammer. ooops did I say that? :grin: btw, there could be black or middle eastern with germanic/scandinavian blood considering that a great number of them settled in those regions and even became elite guards of the court.
Just like, I just noticed the great number of BM bands from Argentina with members of German descent but with spanish/german names,.. if you know what I mean or you need a history lesson on that?

Did you ever see this region in China where people have european complexion and some have blue eyes and some have red hair? and later found that the romans had settled there?
I just don't think that bringing race on this forum is the smartest way to act nor was it the best way to answer to Asatruar's first post. More reasons why this world is a fucking mess, people are too quick to judge and categorize.
Belgar said:
Did you ever see this region in China where people have european complexion and some have blue eyes and some have red hair? and later found that the romans had settled there?

really? lol that reminds me once i was talking to this my pals lover on a chat and we were trying to diss each other, he had of course not understood anything of what i was saying about preserving our culture, he kept going back to nazism or some shit like that, and kept trying to explain why my race isnt superior although i had never even mentioned superiority. anyway when he was trying to tell me how not superior we were he said that the chinese would have crushed the romans like a pile of shit if they had confronted eachother.well there goes his stupid remark lol.
but these blue eyed chinese couldnt they just be the descendants of the first aryans from india?
nah, it was rest of roman who had settled there and never went back to Rome. It is of course in a small western region of China. Same probably happened when Alexander went to conquer the east. Some probably settled and mixed in with the locals. It goes to show that genes have been mixed for centuries. That's why I told you I believe in nationalism but not in one person being superior to another in regards of race or color.
Check this link, very interesting:
Wowowowow.... Iit seems as if I went away for five minutes and all of the sudden we have a new page here... you guys have certainly been productive...
Since i don't know how to qoute properly you'll just ahve to try as hard as you can to understand what i'm trying to tell you. Here goes...

It seems that I may have offended quite a number of people with my first post to this thread. I'm not the kind of guy who apologises when I haven't done anything wrong, but here's an explenation: believe that two (2) times when a newcomer has started a thread Feraliminal has said something like: "no jews or my pals". Beacause Feraliminal is a 'humanist' and Odin knows what noone cares right, but when I do the same thing, everyone throws shit at me for doing it. This is probably something like an instinct deriving from your post-war, social democratic upbringings with all it's 'tolerance' and other 'judeo-christian' values. besides, and this is important; MARK MY WORDS: half of the things I say are meant as ironic jokes, which you'll just have to find out yourself. @ Belgar: What are you pissed because I (possibly) proved you wrong with the 14/18 shit? @Celtik: thanx for being my loyal sidekick during my relatively short period of abscence.

Concerning Racial Purity and Ideology

The people I get along with best in my school are a Half-Jew, a Jew, a Turk, a Dane, two Brits, a Lebanese guy and a Zambian (black). Of course I am not of pure particular descent either; I am mostly Scanian and Svear, part some Dane, 1/32 German (don't know which part), 1/32 Finnlandsswedish (which are also Svear, possibly with some Finnish blood), part Waloonian (dont' know how much) and I believe that there was a Hamilton (Swedish count family of Scottish descent) in my mother's family as well. Those are the only roots that I have from areas not belonging to Sweden at the present that I know of. I don't look down upon people from other races than myself, but I am very opposed to the mixing of Cultures and races and the influence of Christianity that is to be found in so many places around the globe. So I suppose you could call me a multikulti tuttifrutti whatever.

Now if I forgot to defend myself on any other point, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to tell/ask me.

@new guy: I can see that you've done your homework, but personally I believe that the word Russia comes from the Area of Roslagen where the kings of the Svear would draft people to his ventures into foreign lands (such as the what we today call Russia)
ANd by the way I always wondered about those many native americans with blue eyes, but I find it hard to belive the reason that you just presented.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
@ Belgar: What are you pissed because I (possibly) proved you wrong with the 14/18 shit? @Celtik: thanx for being my loyal sidekick during my relatively short period of abscence.

not at all. Always thought it was the whole 14/88 , maybe it is 18/88 then I thought wrong all the way.

As for Russia, the synopsis is indeed that Vikings > Ruotsi > Rus'. And that originally it referred to the people and then to the country. However, there are some authors (e.g., Boris Rybakov) who argue the opposite, that the word Rus' originally referred to a geographical area to the West of R. Dnieper. (There is also a tribute of Dnieper named Ros'.) Some indirect support for this theory is found in the fact that early Arab sources mention the country before the Age of the Vikings. Furthermore, the Viking by the name of Rurik, thought to be Rurik of Jutland, set himself up at Novgorod. Vladimir Prince of Kiev is descended from him.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
It seems that I may have offended quite a number of people with my first post to this thread. I'm not the kind of guy who apologises when I haven't done anything wrong, but here's an explenation: believe that two (2) times when a newcomer has started a thread Feraliminal has said something like: "no jews or my pals". Beacause Feraliminal is a 'humanist' and Odin knows what noone cares right, but when I do the same thing, everyone throws shit at me for doing it.
Maybe because you are not as gooda joker as me. I also couldnt give a fuckshit about your beliefs, I listen to more boneheaded racist Oi than any of your metal heroes could ever compare to, but this is a public forum. You already said it was a joke, so its ok.
lol TheLastWithPaganBlood, i read Vargsmal recently after you had recommended it in a previous thread (very interresting by the way, and it certainly isnt all bullshit for me) and i can tell you that you sound just like him :p which isnt a criticism.

@Belgar : man that roman in china story is really a discovery for me :) i like learning these sort of things, but what does the "flanking" in this following sentence mean: "a Roman woman flanking a Communist party official." (to tell you the truth, i'm to darn lazy to find out myself, i dont know where my english and my French/english dictionaries are, i rarely use em.:p)
well as far as the native american thing, they have found ruins in canada as well as the usa, that they even found a drinking horn as far in the US as Ohio. It is also somewhat believed in the native american community. One of the many theories that archeologists had about their situation and why the vikings might have left always made me laugh. That when the two groups would meet up they would trade goods, and when the vikings traded milk or gave some to the natives to drink that afterwards the natives thought they were being poisioned cuz they were lactos intolerant. They didn't drink milk in their society. And then all hel broke loose. Doubt it's true but it is plosible.
Celtik Militia said:
@Belgar : man that roman in china story is really a discovery for me :) i like learning these sort of things, but what does the "flanking" in this following sentence mean: "a Roman woman flanking a Communist party official." (to tell you the truth, i'm to darn lazy to find out myself, i dont know where my english and my French/english dictionaries are, i rarely use em.:p)
Flanking = au flanc de ... donc le drapeau avait un officiel communiste et un romain representé dessus. I think they are proud to have roman ancestry and are not afraid to display it.
Belgar said:
I could also say that this forum should be reserved to real born europeans and not inbred yanks who love wearing thor's hammer. ooops did I say that? :grin:
ha yer mean. I dont really partake in thors hammer wearing, but can i ask why you guys call us, who clearly live below the Mason Dixon line, yanks? Yankeeville Hell is massachutes, NY, conneticut and such. I know that name dates back from the war, but I think we pretty much know who is a yank and who isnt.

Remember kids: if you aint from georgia, you aint shit.
I have seen man 'native north americans' with blue eyes, but sincde they tend to have English names or whatever I just figured that they are part native american and part Englsh, and the reason that one would call them native american is the same like calling mulattos, or like Colin Powell and Tiger Woods, black.