Belgar said:Flanking = au flanc de ... donc le drapeau avait un officiel communiste et un romain representé dessus. I think they are proud to have roman ancestry and are not afraid to display it.
are you serious? thats very lame if you are. Im proud of my curly hair, chicks with straight hair are so.... boring. Anyhow--Celtik Militia said:talking about being proud of ones origins, i saw in the news recently that in china there's a huge boost in plastic surgery which is to get your eyes "unslanted" if i may say so. which means that they want to have "round" eyes like europeans, so they get operated on to make it happen;... isnt that so stupidly gay? but at the same time we can understand that they wanna look like us and that they're proud of their roman originskinda like these african people who smooth their hair, us european white people are models of beauty to mankind
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:are you serious? thats very lame if you are. Im proud of my curly hair, chicks with straight hair are so.... boring. Anyhow--
how do you know its for cosmetic purposes? In our age of science, there is such a thing as DNA therapy, that treats the different deficencies that come with each race. I dont know them off the top of my head, but I think whites have a Dominant gene of Anemia, and doctors can find a race with a Dominant antigen to fight against this anemic gene and insert it into you. Perhaps the shape of the eye that typicaly is associated with those of asian descent is no longer needed, because they dont encounter many volcano incidents (where the eye had adapted to the smoke of the volcano and caused it to form sort of squinty)?
*edit: hahaha this thread reminds me of this Skin I used to talk to. I used to think it funny that their are wars, nuke bombings and heinous accounts of rape/murders on the rise and all he can think about is what his skin color was. I had no idea people cared so much. Keep it up!
Celtik Militia said:yeah i like curly hair on chicks, mostly brown shiny and curly hair and blue eyes is really nicebut curly, not frizzy, frizzy hair is quite ugly i find lol, thats why i was talking about african people who have frizzy hair and wanna smooth it down. but straight hair is cool too, most asian girls have beautiful black straight shiny hair for example.
anyway what i meant is that to use plastic surgery to not look asian anymore is really so pathetic, that is denying your origins and the way you are, actually i disaproove all plastic surgery in general but especially that one when there is no point in doing it, an asian person can be pretty with slanting eyes.
that skin you talked too, well most of them believe (and they are right to do so) that the growth of rape/murders is do to immigration of poor people mainly from out of europe, white people dont rape another white person in such large numbers, ok you'll say it is do to their life conditions but hell, its still a fact (at least in france) that scumbags (a great majority who are black or arab) rape girls in the ghettos, its actually really common down here.
Could you elaborate a little? I don't get ther sense of your sentence. Whose society? The muslim plague has already spread throughout Europe. Much like a cancer; is it destroying our old values and sees the PC brigade showing the left cheek and always forgiving what these people are doing to our old mother Europe. Now don't get me wrong, I know many muslims living in my country who have managed to blend in with the population but the rest spreads like rabbies and brings forth their radical views of a muslim-europe.TheLastWithPaganBlood said:I'm partly for the practice of islam by muslims in europe because i'm hoping that that will keep them from intergrating themselves int our society too much
lol, I bet you havent seen an ethnic who loooooves RAC eitherTheLastWithPaganBlood said:I've never seen an ethic punk except for some jewish ones and half laosian friend of mine. But I guess the skinheads took their hairstyle from the indians.
I'm partly for the practice of islam by muslims in europe because i'm hoping that that will keep them from intergrating themselves int our society too much
But you know that this mostly leads to a forming of certain subsocieties for every opressed race? And do you know how to control or whats going on with them? A snake without any way to escape propably means your death, so be smarter.TheLastWithPaganBlood said:OF course what you're saying is right, but I think it is important that we keep alienating these people so that they don't become an established part of society, get better grades, richer and then start mixing with the europeans.
Bringer of democracy and justice mofo you are, huh?That is also why I am very supportive of Americas war on terrorism and their initiative to make the middle east a better place, so that hopefully the muslims can return there more willingly.
I only can state this for Germany, but it is already very difficult to get in AND to live here (laws). Even the cash they get isnt that much (around 300 Eus. This is enough for renting a rundown place in a month, but you have nothing to eat, no cash for clothing etc. And work isnt to be gotten easily on a legal way, I can tell you. And even if you got one you can be kicked out of it any time for no reason if a German is coming to get this job. So youre only a place-holder somehow as an immigrant). It already is unattractive here, so the only solution would be to accept noone. And now think again what that means.A third point important for repatonisation is to decrease social security and welfare for foreigners in order to make Europe less attractive. A turk can probably live a better and more prosperous life as unemployed in Germany than on the Turkish countryside. THIS HAS TO BE PREVENTED! I believe that these points are some often missed by the true nationalists of europe, but they are certainly debatable.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:OF course what you're saying is right, but I think it is important that we keep alienating these people so that they don't become an established part of society, get better grades, richer and then start mixing with the europeans. By keeping a cultural barrier and not trying to limit their choices about which group to belong to - that of their ancestors or that of the country they live in - we can possibly keep them further away from our society and us and thus repatronisaton will be easier. That is also why I am very supportive of Americas war on terrorism and their initiative to make the middle east a better place, so that hopefully the muslims can return there more willingly. A third point important for repatonisation is to decrease social security and welfare for foreigners in order to make Europe less attractive. A turk can probably live a better and more prosperous life as unemployed in Germany than on the Turkish countryside. THIS HAS TO BE PREVENTED! I believe that these points are some often missed by the true nationalists of europe, but they are certainly debatable.
Concearning America
Europe certanly has alot of things to learn from the U.S.A. though. For example that you always have to go tough on immigration and hostile cuntries etc.