Many hails from california!!!

Belgar said:
Flanking = au flanc de ... donc le drapeau avait un officiel communiste et un romain representé dessus. I think they are proud to have roman ancestry and are not afraid to display it.

talking about being proud of ones origins, i saw in the news recently that in china there's a huge boost in plastic surgery which is to get your eyes "unslanted" if i may say so. which means that they want to have "round" eyes like europeans, so they get operated on to make it happen;... isnt that so stupidly gay? but at the same time we can understand that they wanna look like us and that they're proud of their roman origins :p kinda like these african people who smooth their hair, us european white people are models of beauty to mankind :loco:
<--- Ich komme aus Schwarzeneggerland.
@thelastpaganwithblood yes quite a few 'native north americans' are of mixed blood, there are very few pure bloods, but if you remember in my origional statement i said, full blooded with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Celtik Militia said:
talking about being proud of ones origins, i saw in the news recently that in china there's a huge boost in plastic surgery which is to get your eyes "unslanted" if i may say so. which means that they want to have "round" eyes like europeans, so they get operated on to make it happen;... isnt that so stupidly gay? but at the same time we can understand that they wanna look like us and that they're proud of their roman origins :p kinda like these african people who smooth their hair, us european white people are models of beauty to mankind :loco:
are you serious? thats very lame if you are. Im proud of my curly hair, chicks with straight hair are so.... boring. Anyhow--

how do you know its for cosmetic purposes? In our age of science, there is such a thing as DNA therapy, that treats the different deficencies that come with each race. I dont know them off the top of my head, but I think whites have a Dominant gene of Anemia, and doctors can find a race with a Dominant antigen to fight against this anemic gene and insert it into you. Perhaps the shape of the eye that typicaly is associated with those of asian descent is no longer needed, because they dont encounter many volcano incidents (where the eye had adapted to the smoke of the volcano and caused it to form sort of squinty)?

*edit: hahaha this thread reminds me of this Skin I used to talk to. I used to think it funny that their are wars, nuke bombings and heinous accounts of rape/murders on the rise and all he can think about is what his skin color was. I had no idea people cared so much. Keep it up!
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
are you serious? thats very lame if you are. Im proud of my curly hair, chicks with straight hair are so.... boring. Anyhow--

how do you know its for cosmetic purposes? In our age of science, there is such a thing as DNA therapy, that treats the different deficencies that come with each race. I dont know them off the top of my head, but I think whites have a Dominant gene of Anemia, and doctors can find a race with a Dominant antigen to fight against this anemic gene and insert it into you. Perhaps the shape of the eye that typicaly is associated with those of asian descent is no longer needed, because they dont encounter many volcano incidents (where the eye had adapted to the smoke of the volcano and caused it to form sort of squinty)?

*edit: hahaha this thread reminds me of this Skin I used to talk to. I used to think it funny that their are wars, nuke bombings and heinous accounts of rape/murders on the rise and all he can think about is what his skin color was. I had no idea people cared so much. Keep it up!

yeah i like curly hair on chicks, mostly brown shiny and curly hair and blue eyes is really nice :p but curly, not frizzy, frizzy hair is quite ugly i find lol, thats why i was talking about african people who have frizzy hair and wanna smooth it down. but straight hair is cool too, most asian girls have beautiful black straight shiny hair for example.
anyway what i meant is that to use plastic surgery to not look asian anymore is really so pathetic, that is denying your origins and the way you are, actually i disaproove all plastic surgery in general but especially that one when there is no point in doing it, an asian person can be pretty with slanting eyes.
that skin you talked too, well most of them believe (and they are right to do so) that the growth of rape/murders is do to immigration of poor people mainly from out of europe, white people dont rape another white person in such large numbers, ok you'll say it is do to their life conditions but hell, its still a fact (at least in france) that scumbags (a great majority who are black or arab) rape girls in the ghettos, its actually really common down here.
Yup, youre right there about crime- that its commited mostly by dark foreigners. In the year 1004 Sweden had about 5 escapes from prisons and in total maybe about twenty people escaped. The point is this: when you looked at the images of the escapers maybe about 75% of them were foreigners. But of course that didn't get mentioned in the press, no they thoght it was much more important to point out that one of the few swedish escaåers was 'a nazi'. This guy had of course rejected, and the swedish national socialists had rejected him, since he had commited robbery against a swedish bank - together with a black guy.

P.S. I like wavy blonde hair.
Celtik Militia said:
yeah i like curly hair on chicks, mostly brown shiny and curly hair and blue eyes is really nice :p but curly, not frizzy, frizzy hair is quite ugly i find lol, thats why i was talking about african people who have frizzy hair and wanna smooth it down. but straight hair is cool too, most asian girls have beautiful black straight shiny hair for example.
anyway what i meant is that to use plastic surgery to not look asian anymore is really so pathetic, that is denying your origins and the way you are, actually i disaproove all plastic surgery in general but especially that one when there is no point in doing it, an asian person can be pretty with slanting eyes.
that skin you talked too, well most of them believe (and they are right to do so) that the growth of rape/murders is do to immigration of poor people mainly from out of europe, white people dont rape another white person in such large numbers, ok you'll say it is do to their life conditions but hell, its still a fact (at least in france) that scumbags (a great majority who are black or arab) rape girls in the ghettos, its actually really common down here.

haha yes im aware that this is a big problem in Europe, but as the [Danish] Skin put it, he hated them because of religious practices they partake in encourages them to extremists ideas. Did I ever mention to you that Im of Indian descent? Yeah, I got along with the guy quite well because I accepted his nationalism, and didnt call him a blatant racist like most people did. Not all minorities are building bombing job stealers! :grin:

oh and I have black curly hair, I think its pretty sweet!
I've never seen an ethic punk except for some jewish ones and half laosian friend of mine. But I guess the skinheads took their hairstyle from the indians.

I'm partly for the practice of islam by muslims in europe because i'm hoping that that will keep them from intergrating themselves int our society too much
Celtik, you are mistaking this with the fact that China is looking up to american fashion and trend, people are trying to embrace what to them had been forbiden for decades.
I couldn't blame them at all. I recentlry watched a magazine on Canal Plus "vrai journal" about chinese girls doing surgery to stretch their legs and gain 2-3 inches in lenght because taller people "sell" better in the new chinese economy. It is my opinion that looking up to american society isn't the best best place to look up to if ou are trying to feel more cultured. Just my 2 cents. American culture is all about a trend that fades away with time. Honor your ancestors, always. Europa Vae Victis.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I'm partly for the practice of islam by muslims in europe because i'm hoping that that will keep them from intergrating themselves int our society too much
Could you elaborate a little? I don't get ther sense of your sentence. Whose society? The muslim plague has already spread throughout Europe. Much like a cancer; is it destroying our old values and sees the PC brigade showing the left cheek and always forgiving what these people are doing to our old mother Europe. Now don't get me wrong, I know many muslims living in my country who have managed to blend in with the population but the rest spreads like rabbies and brings forth their radical views of a muslim-europe.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I've never seen an ethic punk except for some jewish ones and half laosian friend of mine. But I guess the skinheads took their hairstyle from the indians.

I'm partly for the practice of islam by muslims in europe because i'm hoping that that will keep them from intergrating themselves int our society too much
lol, I bet you havent seen an ethnic who loooooves RAC either :cool:

but anyway, DO NOT support extremists views in any way, I was just saying that you shouldnt be biased about a whole race saying that everyone is a radical. Only about 3% of Islams are extremists.
OF course what you're saying is right, but I think it is important that we keep alienating these people so that they don't become an established part of society, get better grades, richer and then start mixing with the europeans. By keeping a cultural barrier and not trying to limit their choices about which group to belong to - that of their ancestors or that of the country they live in - we can possibly keep them further away from our society and us and thus repatronisaton will be easier. That is also why I am very supportive of Americas war on terrorism and their initiative to make the middle east a better place, so that hopefully the muslims can return there more willingly. A third point important for repatonisation is to decrease social security and welfare for foreigners in order to make Europe less attractive. A turk can probably live a better and more prosperous life as unemployed in Germany than on the Turkish countryside. THIS HAS TO BE PREVENTED! I believe that these points are some often missed by the true nationalists of europe, but they are certainly debatable.

Concearning America
Europe certanly has alot of things to learn from the U.S.A. though. For example that you always have to go tough on immigration and hostile cuntries etc.

Concearning crazy muslims
I dont think that they would like this commercial:
Ok but that doesnt make any sense, because Europeans are moving to different nations as well, so that doesnt seem fair. Exempli Gratia: Patric moved to canada, that would suck if they said he couldnt move their because he isnt canadian. And I see a lot of White men moving to japan and marrying asian women. Lots of Europeans are living in Japan as well, savvy?

Even though I disagree with you, I kept an open mind all the way for ya man. but seriously, the whole stay in your region thing sounds sorta...meh. But I dont live in Europe so I guess I should have no say in what should goes down.
Okay, lets get in it once more.

TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
OF course what you're saying is right, but I think it is important that we keep alienating these people so that they don't become an established part of society, get better grades, richer and then start mixing with the europeans.
But you know that this mostly leads to a forming of certain subsocieties for every opressed race? And do you know how to control or whats going on with them? A snake without any way to escape propably means your death, so be smarter.
Personally I'd fight you too if you tried to control or supervise me in any form.
Youre your own bomb in your ass and you have the trigger too. So think.

That is also why I am very supportive of Americas war on terrorism and their initiative to make the middle east a better place, so that hopefully the muslims can return there more willingly.
Bringer of democracy and justice mofo you are, huh? ;)
The same love to ancient stuff you have most of them feel too. And you'd go crazy too if someone just fucked up everything you liked or loved.
(and I guess you wont return "willingly" too, if that happens).
Do you think youd like to live in a country destroyed by a force and then return to that country ruled by a "shadow reign", with no chance to "do things your style"?.... Guess not, at least not willingly, as you state.
Perhaps they will return, but only to get their autonomy back, or at least hope for it.
Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity. It doesnt work. So this is utopian.

A third point important for repatonisation is to decrease social security and welfare for foreigners in order to make Europe less attractive. A turk can probably live a better and more prosperous life as unemployed in Germany than on the Turkish countryside. THIS HAS TO BE PREVENTED! I believe that these points are some often missed by the true nationalists of europe, but they are certainly debatable.
I only can state this for Germany, but it is already very difficult to get in AND to live here (laws). Even the cash they get isnt that much (around 300 Eus. This is enough for renting a rundown place in a month, but you have nothing to eat, no cash for clothing etc. And work isnt to be gotten easily on a legal way, I can tell you. And even if you got one you can be kicked out of it any time for no reason if a German is coming to get this job. So youre only a place-holder somehow as an immigrant). It already is unattractive here, so the only solution would be to accept noone. And now think again what that means.

Yeah, I know its all messed up, but it isnt that easy, TheLast ;). That I can tell you for sure ;) There has to be a smarter solution. I know that the easiest is to forget about every form of patriotism or, lets say, "origin-pride", but to be honest I dont care for it that much, because every culture died somehow or mixed. Thats the way it goes and keeping the world in a static form instead of progression isnt possible, even if you try hard. You could try to fight every change, but in the end it will kill you. Even if you dont die a violent death, you will rot nonetheless. As long as you interfer with others you will get in trouble with them.
But I think I know you good enough to know that this doesn't applicate to you. So, what is the solution for the whole shit? Dunno. Perhaps just living for my own and reject every responsibility, that I already do, being a hermit and throw everything away? Perhaps, but would you or I be ready for that?

EDIT: some additions in ideas
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
OF course what you're saying is right, but I think it is important that we keep alienating these people so that they don't become an established part of society, get better grades, richer and then start mixing with the europeans. By keeping a cultural barrier and not trying to limit their choices about which group to belong to - that of their ancestors or that of the country they live in - we can possibly keep them further away from our society and us and thus repatronisaton will be easier. That is also why I am very supportive of Americas war on terrorism and their initiative to make the middle east a better place, so that hopefully the muslims can return there more willingly. A third point important for repatonisation is to decrease social security and welfare for foreigners in order to make Europe less attractive. A turk can probably live a better and more prosperous life as unemployed in Germany than on the Turkish countryside. THIS HAS TO BE PREVENTED! I believe that these points are some often missed by the true nationalists of europe, but they are certainly debatable.

Concearning America
Europe certanly has alot of things to learn from the U.S.A. though. For example that you always have to go tough on immigration and hostile cuntries etc.

aaah this debate is certainly starting to get interresting and hard to follow too lol, i one night i had tons to read to keep up :p
I understand america's war agaisnt terrorism, even if most of us know that its not for democracy or for freedom of the oppressed or all that shit, its in the USA's interrest. the problem about fighting wars in muslim coutries is ... the refugees... by thousands they come in europe and that sucks ass, who pays for them after? we do. but indeed if muslim coutries get better and prosperous, they will certainly come back home but i think this will happen in a generation or two minimum so by that time, these immigrants would have lost contact with their original country and they wont go home, hence a problem. i would be for sending immigrants back to their country if they fucked around, however little the delinquant act is, even if its just pissing on an apartment building, well i'd say "your an immigrant, you fucked up, no second chance, bye :p" ok its harsh but we gotta find reasons to send them away or else the international opinion will complain :loco:
Ok, i kinda did not undersand what the fuck eisbär was jibbering about. It's just a bunch of proverbs that do not at all aply to what I said. Why couldnt we control the turks in kreuzberg and other Celtik, put this kraut in his place - call him a nazi! No seriously. Even if americas war on terrorism isnt to spread freedom, it is still an effect of it. Look at Afghanistan for example, even if the new government is very pro american (whats wrong witht hat and why shouldnt they be?) its alot freer than it was before. And the part with refugees - that didnt happen in Iraq. Dont you remember the pictures of the huge refugee camps around Iraq at the start of the war which were almost empty - you know they certantly havent been filled up since. And the muslims in our countries, as I said, we have to keep alienating them as to make it easier for their returnal. 300 euros per month, thats kind amuch actually, and remember, mosot of them have some kind of illegal job and fiddle with their taxes and all so before you know it, they have their own BMW 'dreier'. Thy have their ways of getting into the country, believe me. One guy comes over here and the next thing you know is that his gigantic family of criminal scum is here too, fucking like insane while ordinary germans have like one child. They even found this one turk mafia family in Berlin which got like a couple of million euros a year - only from the state. But when these people commit crime they get easy sentences and in very few cases there's talk of kicking them out of the country because, after all, these people are 'culture enrichers' and thestate is more than willing to spend money on their, not the indigenous populations culture.This goes for like jewish culture things too; I get along better with jews than with muslims, but why should our governments spend money on them? Ok, with Germany's case this is a bit harder too avoid, but in Sweden? The state is spending money on klezmerjazz in communities where there probably arent any jews. INot that I dont like Klezmer, but if I want to listen too it, then it should be my money thats being spent and not the community's.
Giving up my nationalism, I dont know, I just cant. It would be like giving up my reason to live and die, its like saying 'Why should I live. besides, when I die I will live on through my children and their children and so on, but less strong if they are not Germanic, so by being nationalist I live and die for myself and for my people. The greatest thing for a German is too achieve eternal life. This is done by commiting great deeds, in most cases for your folk and family, as to be remembered by generation for generation. This is clearly stated in Havamál:

Cattle die and kinsmen die,
thyself too soon must die,
but one thing never, I ween, will die, --
fair fame of one who has earned.

Cattle die and kinsmen die,
thyself too soon must die,
but one thing never, I ween, will die, --
the doom on each one dead.

But if my ancestors are not germanic, who is going to care for all of this? Maybe you're to fat of propaganda Eibär, or maybe your half-slav or another mischlung, I dont know the reason why you can't undersand this.
And to Feraliminal.

Generally a european would behave better than a middle easterner (although this is probably not the case with patric) and the country is already mostly germanic celtic so its not that hes so different from the people there. Im not against travelling or living in other places in the world, hell, I'm swedish and I live in Germany, but I think if you want to settle somewhere it should be within the borders of your people, unless, of course, you conquer someone else's land that is. And Germania is certainly big enough to aquire enough experiences if you were to travel it. For a thai person, he could settle in Laos or somewhere else in SE Asia. But, if you want to travel beyond the borders of your people, why not? Just dont mix with the local population and make sure to give your pure children a fair chance to grow up in their true fatherland. Don't 'settle' there either as that would be to do the same thing as the muslims are doing here in europe. As an example of what do do - a person that my family knows was a swede, he had two beautiful blond daughters, one with a swedish woman and one with a german, but then after divorcing both of them, he runs of and buys a condo in Bangkok and finds some thai woman to prostitute-marry and get some children with her. The woman pprobably doesnt even love him and her 'brother' wh visits so often could very well be her husband. What a jerk-off.
Well, I understand you, The Last, and I know the whole issues and facts around them. Its not that I cant follow you, but for me its a more philosophical thing than for you (and so somehow generalized).

For me questions are for what we really live - for what others live, what live is, what reality is, what human means (is there "human"?). In the end its always a kind of trying to achieve personal dreams. Who am I, what makes me human and the way how I am, who are the others, for what do they stand for? What do they want? Are these aims the same for every individual? Can I generalize here?
Who am I to prevent others to be happy or lead a for them enjoyable or bearable life where it ever may be? Should we generalize laws for every kind of race? Why should we? To lead a better life? Why should we lead a better life? Because we are 'natural' parts of it and born into it? Because some are criminal fucks as you state and so possibly threat us? What does the belonging to a human race count? And so on (that are just some examples of the questions roaming in my head).

For me its more a thing of questioning - the whole why stuff. You can do what you want, but as long you have to deal with other persons (no matter of which origin) you will interfer in other peoples lives as well. But what if the others dont like to be influenced and somehow limited by your decisions, deeds and attitude? Who are you to pull others into the whole shit who dont like to be pulled in? If you think that its neccessary to feel racial pride and all that around - do so if it keeps you happy, but dont interfer in others. It will kill you and youre not always the winner of that fight. In the end youre not able to keep a safe distance of others, thats normal because we live in a community and everytime other people are around, but I personally dont see any reasons why I should decide for them.
Yeah, I know, survival of the fittest, right. It ever has been and ever will be, the eternal rule of existance and thats the only rule I obey deeply from inside my heart, but that doesnt mean I have to pull others into the whole issue who arent in already.
You know what? I have an idea. Perhaps youll like it. Fight and keep for yourself and ONLY for yourself. Youll have enough action and youll meet your opponent face to face (I think you enjoy some good personal fights). That will satisfy you, Im pretty sure, cuz it satisfies me as well (we are closer to each other then you might think). Once I really was politically interested and stuff, but I recognized that there are more essential questions and things out there which have to be thought about. The things you mention are just the top of the iceberg.

Again, this is more about thinking, and in the end, about fighting (this isnt a threat;) ).