
sol83 said:
i'd like to have kids but i dont care about marriage really. its just typical crap, doesnt mean anything, i dont need priests and rings to commit. but i have no clue what will happen.

Your comments always shine through the darkness.
i would get married if i felt i found the right person. but the truth is:

THERE IS NO RIGHT PERSON. women of our age lack a lot of things. i heard from elders and read in books that it wasnt like this in the past.

i only speak for women in turkey. i heard great things about women in other countries. unfortunately my experiences with them were too short to draw a conclusion from.

hmmm, but then, how does one overcome the culture clash?

never mind.

in short, even though im dating the most wonderful person in the world at the moment, im sure i'll get tired of her soon, too. sad sad sad
if shes the most wonderfull person in the world..then u wont get tired of her?

aww lord of this world..bless! I like kids as long as I can give them back.
I don't ever want to be married or have kids. I can't even stay in a relationship for a few weeks without getting suspicious or leery of a guy. I can't imagine settling down into a house in the suburbs and driving kids to soccer practice in an SUV *gag* . I'm too restless for that crap. Kids are cute, but I would have no patience to raise them. My friends and certain family members are more important to me than marriage and all that status quo stuff.
MoonsOfJupiter said:
I don't ever want to be married or have kids. I can't even stay in a relationship for a few weeks without getting suspicious or leery of a guy. I can't imagine settling down into a house in the suburbs and driving kids to soccer practice in an SUV *gag* . I'm too restless for that crap. Kids are cute, but I would have no patience to raise them. My friends and certain family members are more important to me than marriage and all that status quo stuff.
Ah, go easy on Quo

I'm the type of guy who never settles down
Where pretty girls are, you'll know that I'm around
I kiss 'em and I love 'em 'cause to me they're all the same
I hug 'em and I squeeze 'em, they don't even know my name
They call me the Wanderer, yeah, Wanderer
I roam round and round and round and round
well, i wanna get married someday..whenever i meet person that i can imagine growing old with. i think the most important thing is to live when youre young so that you dont start feeling that there were millions of guys you could/should have fucked or dated or whatever when youre old..ive seen few women who got theire teenage when they were 40, and thats just sad.