Martial Industrial


Active Member
Jul 7, 2002
St. Paul, MN
I've just learned of a whole new (micro) genre of music!! Martial Industrial. WTF, right?

Martial industrial, also known as martial music, is a music genre originating in late 20th century Europe. It often borrows musically from classical music, neofolk, neoclassical, traditional European marches and from elements of industrial and dark ambient.

Themes range from pounding, percussive soundtrack-like music to rally-worthy dark parade music to cabaret appropriate sexually-charged carnal declarations to mournful marches. Essentially, anything that could be made with traditional European martial instrumentation relating to the artists within this genre could be considered a part of this musical movement.

I don't even know what to say about this, guys. I find it tremendously interesting.

It's ambient but kickass. It's experimental noise but choral like Therion. It's light but has the unmistakable feel of being the hidden track on a Scandinavian black metal album, but it's totally not black metal. Is it even metal?? Well, it's industrial and I'm sure we all have opinions on whether that's metal or not. It's certainly "progressive" by standard definition. Suppose I could have posted this on the main forum. Just not sure what to make of this. I like it! Do you?

"Sophia is a martial industrial act from Sweden. The band is the brainchild of Peter Bjärgö (born Peter Pettersson), also of Arcana. Using martial and heavy industrial rhythms, choral sections, neoclassical orchestration and dark ambient soundscapes, Sophia crafts a dark and oppressive sound-world of nihilism, bitterness and sorrow." - AH-HA!! I knew it was Scandinavian!

I'm in love, actually. This fuses my interest for industrial, minimalism, ambient, noise, experimental electro, and neoclassical sounds with military imagery - WIN!

Am I the last to learn of this? Is it such a split-hair micro-genre that only two bands on the planet create it for even fewer listeners, or is it actually appealing to more than just me?
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Random fact: Years ago Markus (Karjalan Sissit) was involved in the underground metal scene and was known as the drummer/keyboardist of the Swedish black metal band called ‘The Black’ as well he also played in a doom/death metal band named ‘Eternal Darkness.’

The plot thickens.
This style of music is very hit or miss for me....but when it is hit, oh boy, fantastic stuff. A lot of it is fused with neofolk so the bands I enjoy might not be 'pure' martial industrial, but it is still involved with that scene/has influence. I really enjoy Death in June, Blood Axis, Boyd Rice, Rome, Laibach, and The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud.
I forget, did you meet John Anderson at Dragon*Con? He loves Rome.

Can't say I did. He's your friend who plays for Loss, right? Might run into him at the Rites of Darkness fest, then.

You should really give Rome a listen. They're an excellent band and the only one who I listen to based out of Luxembourg, heh. Actually doing a house show tour sometime next year (a very expensive one though).
This style of music is very hit or miss for me....but when it is hit, oh boy, fantastic stuff. A lot of it is fused with neofolk so the bands I enjoy might not be 'pure' martial industrial, but it is still involved with that scene/has influence. I really enjoy Death in June, Blood Axis, Boyd Rice, Rome, Laibach, and The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud.

All these bands rule. Especially Rome, DIJ, and Laibach.