Martin Lopez V.S. Fredrik Andersson

VERY metal!! My name isn't Swedish actually, it's Celtic. The right way to say it is "Padraig", I'm thinking of getting that tattooed and a Celtic art design on my chest.
Ok, its pointless to say that its not the first time I hear that,Svartengill,I think you know :).
Eh eh, pure i rocher sò' da paura!!! :grin:
Martin is an excellent drummer for Opeth as Fredrik is an excellent drummer for Amon Amarth.
markgugs said:
As much as I love Mr. Lopez's work with Opeth, Fredrik is quite possibly my favorite drummer in the world right now. I was immediately struck by the amazingly strong drumming on VS.

I am going to have to go with Fredrik on this one....I love Opeth and Martin's technique, but A Canarous Quintet is one of my favorite bands!!!! (rip) good call Vehemence....
Patric said:
The only thing good about Martin is his hair and that he's Latino...

Latinos OWN the kit . . . no question in my mind 'bout that!

(but will agree that Lopez *appears* to do a disservice to the Satanic Hispanics, though . . .)
Latino's own the kit, thats funny. Seems the winner is Anderson on this one. I was trying to see if there were older, older Amon Amarth fans, obsessed over Martins playing, I have a couple friends that didnt like the change of drummers. I personally like Anderons drumming, and choice of using the ddrum for live sound.
Latino's own the kit, thats funny. Seems the winner is Anderson on this one. I was trying to see if there were older, older Amon Amarth fans, obsessed over Martins playing, I have a couple friends that didnt like the change of drummers. I personally like Anderons drumming, and choice of using the ddrum for live sound.

Fred is better then Martin with the death metal aspect of drummin but Martin is killer how he blends the classical sloft during sound into death metal. I would say speed wise FRED RULES! Technicality and Divisiblity in Style goes to Martin. Martin rules at the ghost fill never heard anyone better so i would say Martin and Fred are pretty much equally just as good
I like the drumming that both of them contribute, but Fred has a sound all his own. I would have to say that he has brought AA to a whole other level.

Fred all the way! And I also think that Opeth blows.
Lacuna Coil are bloody awful and the only thing they have going for them is the chick... not that she redeems the boring music in the least.

Plus, why the hell do you even bother asking this question here? Probably .001% of AA fans would prefer martin Lopez because he's more like music to drink wine to while Fredrik you down 109687673274 kegs of beer then rape pillage etc etc I mean WTF>!/!?!??!
While I like Fred's style with AA, Martin Lopez has this very organic and interestng style which I like quite a bit. You can hear it developing on OSFTGH, and it reached its peak on Blackwater Park.
Gah! first of all OPETH FUCKING SUCK!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with you axe of darkness! And martin is a complete fuck! i love his drumming on the demo's STTNW and OSFTGH but what kind of fuckhead goes from the best band in the world to a gay pansy flower band such as OPETH??? And anyway Fredrik's drumming on A Canorous Quintet is very similar to the drumming of early AA anyway. So thats why he kills Martin.
Fred added to AA the brutal miltaristic drumming they have now. Martin probably saw other aspects of drumming... I guess thats why he's in opeth now....

For AA, Fredrik is better
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
Fred added to AA the brutal miltaristic drumming they have now. Martin probably saw other aspects of drumming... I guess thats why he's in opeth now....

For AA, Fredrik is better

Ohhhh ok that's what u guys meant whose better for AA well it's definitely Fred cause he evovled their sound into something much better then what Martin was doin. Martin's got his thing with Opeth and Fred's got AA both are good at what they do. I can't duplicate either of them but that's cause i'm out of shape and lack speed. But anyway yeah Fred is better for AA. Versus the World is the best album they put out yet so yeah Fred rules.