Maryland Deathfest 2011

MOTHER FUCK... This is terrible news... already got hotel that is 2 blocks from Sonar... ARRGGH
and Ottobar is crap de la crap... (fun place for small shows)

MDF now became so huge, Ottobar seems like a joke alternative really...
I do have faith in my good buddies Evan and Ryan though... let's see what they'll come up with!
They're saying that the new venue will be super close, and that article Emily posted said it would like be Bourbon Street. We'll see. They are good organizers, so I'm not too worried. Sonar was a neat place though :(

On the bright side this means no shitty uphill outdoor stage!
"Sonar will be re-opening before MDF, and technically they already have. These last couple of days have been incredibly confusing and stressful, but we are currently back to the regularly scheduled program. And don't worry, beyond plan B is a plan C, because that's how we roll. See you in a couple of weeks."

sooo thurs nite, cathedral doesn't go on until the end of the nite, at 12:15am at the earliest. i work at 8am friday. fuuuuuck.

not to say i'm not going to the show. my work ethic will just be compromised the next day hahah I lost my voice completely in NYC, and it is slowly coming back... yesterday I sounded like the godfather, today a bit better. Ironically, my voice will be back just in time for a 4-days of massive alcoholic meltdown party where I'll be losing my voice again.
Good times!