Maryland Deathfest IX

Friday, May 20th
@ Silent Barn
915 Wyckoff Avenue
Ridgewood (Queens), NY

8pm / all ages / $12

Defeated Sanity (brutal death metal, Germany)

Dysrhythmia (instrumental awesomeness, NY; m/o Gorguts, Krallice)

Andromorphus Rexalia (deathgrind, Omicron Persei 8)


Saturday, May 21st
@ Shea Stadium
20 Meadow St.
Brooklyn, NY

8pm / all ages / $10

The Kill (grindcore, Australia)

Noisear (grindcore, NM)

Copremesis (interracial deathgrind, NY)

The Communion (sludgy deathgrind, NY)
At Shea Stadium? Am I missing something, or did grindcore get really popular all of a sudden?

Might actually make the trip for MDF this year. The line-up looks good, although I thought last year's looked better.
"Due to circumstances beyond the control of the band (yeah, we know that can mean many different things), GOATSNAKE has canceled their appearance at MDF. As a result, GHOST (Sweden) will be making their US debut at at the festival, but please note that they will be playing on SUNDAY, and not on Friday."

Fuck yeah.
Goatsnake would have been a maybe for me, but I'm very curious to see Ghost live. I think it will be very enjoyable in person. Speaking of Neurosis, am I the only one going that cares about them?