Maryland Deathfest X

It's now possible to announce that GODFLESH (UK) will be making an exclusive North American appearance at MDF 2012!
In addition, the following bands have been confirmed:

Head to the link below for an updated list of confirmed bands for MDF X:

Wow, finally something that excites me. Godflesh and Sargeist again? It still doesn't touch Rites of Darkness though.

Disma will be very cool as well. I've never checked out Winter which is probably a horrible idea on my part.
Wow, finally something that excites me. Godflesh and Sargeist again? It still doesn't touch Rites of Darkness though.

Disma will be very cool as well. I've never checked out Winter which is probably a horrible idea on my part.

I saw Winter live and they were nothing short of boring and lame... But people tell me their album is actually top-notch. IDK, I just get bored with that kinda death-doom style.
I love that Winter album, but I wouldn't be surprised if their stuff didn't translate well live. It's still better than stoner doom.
What's up with all this love for Sargeist? I always assumed they were just some generic shitty black metal band. And now suddenly everybody thinks they're the best thing since sliced bread. Do I need to listen to them?
What's up with all this love for Sargeist? I always assumed they were just some generic shitty black metal band. And now suddenly everybody thinks they're the best thing since sliced bread. Do I need to listen to them?

Their newest album "Let the Devil In" certainly is worth your time. Conceptually, think Inquisition's newest but on a more human/personal level, if that makes any sense.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Behexen is announced. Sargeist and Horna are already playing, it only makes sense.