Maryland Deathfest XII: May 22nd - May 25th, 2014

Are you going to MDF 2014?

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You guys and your fucking MDF write-ups. I would, but I don't give enough fucks and I don't remember much. Too many beers.


Did we ever get a final count? I estimated around 500 natty bohs were consumed in our hotel throughout the weekend. Sounds about right.

Cody, you remind me of a hug!

Not quite sure what that means, but I like the way it sounds.

Good to catch up for a few moments throughout the fest, though. Those tacos were the fucking goody goods, as always.
@Ozz If you're drunk enough, you can sleep on a bed of needles. Well, at least in my case.

And damn, KafkaX is definitely the easiest to pick out. And where's Yoda? I don't see him in that picture.
Im easy to pick out because no one is in front of me lol I was so fucking hungover at this point I couldnt do anything other than just stand there. Not even sure if my eyes are open or not.

Ill post the picture from my phone later. Much better quality.

Did we ever get a final count? I estimated around 500 natty bohs were consumed in our hotel throughout the weekend. Sounds about right.

Not quite sure what that means, but I like the way it sounds.

Good to catch up for a few moments throughout the fest, though. Those tacos were the fucking goody goods, as always.

Haha, it is totally a compliment. Dude that taco stand was the bomb (and wayyyy better than the other one). Jack fruit tacos with guacamole?! Whaaaaaattt! & coconut water? Pfft. Thanks for the recommendation. Went back to eat there like 3 other times.

Zeph, that has to be the best face captured in the MDF pictures yet!

I have a bunch of pictures too but uploading them all just seems like a lot of work right now. Maybe later. Totally did drink a small bottle of Southern Comfort at least 3 days in a row.

Here's the proof:

If we're posting pictures to sum up the whole festival, here's a good one. I'm the one in the middle. Note the two Natty Bohs in one hand, and a tulip filled with Flying Fish NJ350 in the other. This was probably taken around 4-5 AM on Sunday morning. After this, I went out for a smoke and ended up drinking beer with Canadian metalheads waiting for their flight until about 9 AM, a couple of hours before checkout. So fucking stupid. So awesome.

If there was a steady and plentiful supply of Natty Boh, I would.

But making that walk from the Liquor store to the hotel, carrying a case of beer, drunk and high as fuck, in the scorch of the day? Now that will kill me.
Hahaha I never planned on living passed 60 anyways :lol:.

If food and booze were free (and tickets weren't over $300) could totally handle that like every month.
Some pics from the fest. Thanks to Nicole, she captured some good ones.

Nicole and I hammered the first night

Schmidt telling me how im not Trve.

Guy pondering about life, while Vince and I talk about pussy.

This fucking Guy and I. Drunk. As. Fuck.

Thug Life.

Taken right before Schmidt raped me. It wasnt enjoyable, but atleast it didnt last long.
Fucking jealous.

I'm gonna go to the 2015 one and get hammered with all of you. You better be fucking prepared to meet The Butt. The Asshole of Death.
:lol: Cody, did you actually take video like it appeared you were during Schmidt and I poorly singing Necropolis? I wanna see that if you did. NO SHAME.