Mass shooting / kamikaze / hostages in Paris

My father and brother were at the Stade de France during the events, and have been quite shocked by the explosion (which occured right behind their gallery), they were blocked in the stadium where a crowd movement forced them to walk in order not to be tramped on, and even outside the stadium they had such a hard time going back home because of closed metro and RER stations...
At least they are OK physically!
My father and brother were at the Stade de France during the events, and have been quite shocked by the explosion (which occured right behind their gallery), they were blocked in the stadium where a crowd movement forced them to walk in order not to be tramped on, and even outside the stadium they had such a hard time going back home because of closed metro and RER stations...
At least they are OK physically!
Most important is that they are OK, phew...

It feels so close...

PS: I've just read that one of the terrorists had a ticket to the game and probably wanted to get in, but couldn't.
One thing is that I'd like to see the muslims stand up against the islamists.
This is a good start (from Twitter's hashtag #ParisAttacks):

"My name is Skender,
I'm Muslim,
My religion is Islam,
I'm not a terrorist,
I want peace."

"My Name is Alhusain.
I'm a Proud Muslim.
And I'm not a terrorist.
I believe in peace as
my religion taught me !!!"

"My name is MyriamD amergi I'm Muslim,
My religion is Islam
I'm not a terrorist,
I want peace."

"My name is Saddick Adams.
I'm a #Muslim and I am not terrorist.
I believe in peace.
My Islam taught it!
I extremely condemn"

"My Name is Aya.
I'm a Proud Muslim.
And I'm not a terrorist.
I believe in peace as
my religion taught me !!"
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I was very angry when I posted my previous posts, as I just saw someone post a RIP picture of one of her friends that was in the venue just earlier. I just want to emphasize that no one wants war actions here, and I'd rather do without any of this. I do not want another bomb and I certainly do not want a new 9/11 here, with a pseudo war started behind it.

It's just, if they keep going, Brussels will have to take a decision because it's not just here, it's in Lebanon, it was in northafrica (I think Morocco), pretty much every single time you see one (or moroe) guy come and blow himself up, after free shooting without even hiding their face.

Of course you can't just eradicate idelogic extremism with bombs, and I do really hope not too many people follow the wave of stupi hatred, and stop the vicious circle of hatred. It's definitely gonna fuel the righ wing (close to fascist, to be honest, and historically) which saddens me.

However at some point, being inactive (or i'd rather say, defensive, as anti terrorist action has increased a lot this year) will just lead to more of these in the future, here or anywhere else. They keep insulting us and other countries, promising bombs, and they actually deliver them. You need less than that to declare a war. Eventhough we have nothing against the syrian people, we do have something against a community that is dedicated to killing people, destroying antique and unique culture, and organizing itself into a bigger entity day after day.

As for what's being said in the previous posts, of course Muslims aren't to be blamed. There are 6 million in france. 1% would be 60,000, 1% of 1% would be 600. That's about how few are considered radical enough to be filed. The problem is not muslim people, it's simply that violence from religious extremism, in europe, only comes from extremist islamism. Saying muslims are the problem, is just like saying all people in a black metal concert are satanist. That's a logical fallacy, which is however natural to make for too many people. I have muslim friends, hell even a cousin converted to islam, that are horrified, even more than me. My only issue with the muslim community is how little they express themselves when it should be their moment to stand up and make a clear distinction in the minds of the rest of the people. Even the head of the Mosquée de Paris barely reacted yet. If I were him, I would be every fucking where now, doing massive communication in the name of the normal muslims.
PS: I've just read that one of the terrorists had a ticket to the game and probably wanted to get in, but couldn't.

The game stopped to an explosion sound just before the end. Our president talked to TV an hour later, and you could very easily feel stress and fear in his voice. A lot of people think he could well have been a direct target, should one of them have entered the stadium, which is why for once he might have taken the events personnally.
I just learnt that one of my friend lost a friend last night during the shooting in the concert hall in Paris ._. ...

And you're wrong about the 600, a guy from a police service said there was at least 1000 people that are suspected to have been radicalised and are currently watched.
Man, it kinda helped to read a post like your last one Mat. Good to see clarity win over, I bet that is tremendously difficult. Wish more people where able to reflect in that way.
This is a good start (from Twitter's hashtag #ParisAttacks):

"My name is Skender,
I'm Muslim,
My religion is Islam,
I'm not a terrorist,
I want peace."

"My Name is Alhusain.
I'm a Proud Muslim.
And I'm not a terrorist.
I believe in peace as
my religion taught me !!!"

"My name is MyriamD amergi I'm Muslim,
My religion is Islam
I'm not a terrorist,
I want peace."

"My name is Saddick Adams.
I'm a #Muslim and I am not terrorist.
I believe in peace.
My Islam taught it!
I extremely condemn"

"My Name is Aya.
I'm a Proud Muslim.
And I'm not a terrorist.
I believe in peace as
my religion taught me !!"

I just gotta wonder, not to take away from these people or how sincere they may be. "My religion taught me", really? I learned that the first time I felt pain as a child. There's several words that cover some of the feeling you may have as result of knowing someone else is capable of feeling the same. Sympathy, commiseration, compassion, support and empathy to name a few.

It's just strange to me that you would need to go to such lengths to learn peace. Part of me thinks they're full of shit. IDK. :confused: At the very least lying to prop up their religion. At least they said something, that's a start, I suppose.
The question is...who the fuck is arming training and funding those terror groups?

If its not Russia, Iran or china than who's left?

The United States government. They gave birth to ISIS (with the war on Iraq) then have subsequently funded it, trained it, and armed it.

Probably Saudi Arabia.

Not really. Recently ISIS has been gathering on the border with Saudi Arabia and has threatened to invade it, which the US sees as dangerous for the stability of the petrodollar and global oil markets.

On the other side, the US is battling it out with Russia, Iran, China and ISIS for a bounty of about 2.5 billion barrels from the oil fields of Syria.
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There is nothing France can do in the short term to fix this. ISIS isn't like Al Qaeda where it's a relatively small, primarily political nucleus of terrorists that can be bombed in one or two countries; the entire existence of the group is predicated on how fucked up borders and ethnic communities are in the Levant. And if you go carpet-bomb ISIS, you're carpet-bombing most of Sunni Iraq, which kills a bunch of innocent civilians and is only going to make them stronger. Shit is awful and there is absolutely nothing that can be done over the short term.
I am not gonna comment about the origin of USA etc, I am not well informed on that subject.

I just watched the interview of the judge, the one that was the "boss" of court cases of anti terrorism for the last 10 years, and who stopped recently because the mandate is limited to 10 years.

He said in the simplest words, and I'm gonna make it a list of simple facts :
- it all started like al qaida : you let them grow, at some point they become big enough to export themselves and recruit outside, and they can afford to "waste" personnel by having them blow themselves up.
- now they ask "who wants to explode some french with a belt bomb ?" They can have 500 motivated people.
- what they do, and will do, is simple : wait for a few months. See the politics and the media create animosity against the Muslim community. This creates more radicalism. They get new recruits like this, more than those who died for sure
- the occident has to stop. US went to war yes, but at the same time saw interest (no secret : oil) and loves radical countries as long as they are doing business. This results in the existence of countries like Qatar and the Emirates which still have some kind of sharia laws (maybe sharia is a big word but remember that Norwegian woman who got raped in Dubai ? She had to go to the only church there to ask for protection because Dubai was gonna throw her to jail. There are many examples of this nonsense even in their airline companies which by extensions are controlled by the government since their sheikh is the CEO of about 30 mega companies) and are allowed to exist. They are not the origin of Isis; but they participate in the existence of radicalization.
Just as a note : in the Emirates there is a place with like a million tents with conditioned air and water ready for use and which purpose is only to be used during the 4 or 5 days of pilgrimage every year. They could have easily hold a million Syrian refugees in there in a single day. But they don't even care, so the refugees have to make more distance toward the occident to find a refuge.
- For dealing with France with some sort of contract with Airbus or whatever one of these cheikh asked to receive our most prestigious medal. That's how retarded we are. That medal is for heroes, soldiers and/or artists etc, and he is probably laughing with his friends right now saying how we would do anything to sign a fruitful contract.
- we have to stop reacting, and even though it's late work on all fields including therapy education reinsertion internet ban of anything related to extremism. The problem remains when they come back home and daddy is still a salafist. That's why at some point, you need to take action
- war or not war, the word is irrelevant : we have now, and the last 3 years more than ever, people using war weapons and organized groups who kill either innocents or state figures. The ISIS particularity is to be organized as a whole. It is not even a choice anymore, there is no alternative than to take action
- ISIS is the result of 10 years of inaction. we have let them become the monster they are today and we are so busy with Russia and politics and oil contracts (I saw We as a whole, not as a country, I have no idea how far my country is into this) that they just became big enough to do all of this and not care about their resources
- now they are giving the tempo. Until someone goes there and give them a tempo, they will export themselves freely
- we have to watch out the radicalization of Muslim people, and not let this vicious circle go on forever
- let's not forget they are terrorists and nothing more. They make a lot of noise but at the end of the day they kill less than any domestic accident. Elevator accidents kill almost as much as this weekends tragedy in a year. They are not even close to a superpower, they are next to nothing they are just professionals of fear. It's just about not being afraid and being realistic, and once you are there, it's difficult to eradicate them; but they can't compete. Any western country is overpowered compared to them. They have ak47, a few missiles, a lot of homemade bombs, a core of say 50000 fanatics. We have an armada, they can't even technically win, they are not in a rational state of mind but in total irrationality. Rationality would have been say, sorry for the example but it is true : France and Germany in the previous centuries, where one or the other would invade the other whenever it would have signs of weakness in order to get more lands and control over the enemy. Here we have fanatics who are told dying is a beginning, and who don't care about anything else at all.
- for info, the judge said he could clearly feel during the last years he extremists he interviewed were getting more and meme extreme in the goals they were given. The goal of a "rock concert" was already given to someone they got in August (they have stopped 5 attacks since January before this one). He said their strategy is to try many times until it works and it will because like he said if he needs volunteers for a 8 man operation he gets 500 in a second.
- he said not going there is not an option. It's by not going there that they became what they are now. It's not even a choice, it's already happening and wether or not we discover we have interests going on at the same time, the core problem of a terrorist state exist and will remain just like in the 90s, or in the 2000s, until someone cuts the head of the hydra. The problem is to keep our head cool and not create another monster in 15 years. As far as oil goes, it's disgusting, and I know already superpowers are contemplating getting a share of it and in a way you can't blame them individually because if they don't take it, their political opponent will. That's just disgusting but I suppose we have to deal with it.

Again no one wants war here, I'm glad this judge explained we have to stop people from mixing Muslims and ISIS although they have an obvious link whcuh is their religion, because that would just be playing their own game. But it was already happening, the absolute only solution is to increase action so that they become suffocated enough to have to defend themselves instead of exporting their resources. There will be other bombs however, in France or any other country, here and there, and it's up to us to keep our head cooled down, be smarter than them, and also find a long term solution against radicalism in specific.
the core problem of a terrorist state exist and will remain just like in the 90s, or in the 2000s, until someone cuts the head of the hydra. The problem is to keep our head cool and not create another monster in 15 years. As far as oil goes, it's disgusting, and I know already superpowers are contemplating getting a share of it and in a way you can't blame them individually because if they don't take it, their political opponent will. That's just disgusting but I suppose we have to deal with it.

NATO is basically doing that already in Iraq and Syria. It's just going slowly because the countries involved have demanded a higher-than-normal amount of evidence before conducting bombings in order to avoid killing innocent people and making ISIS stronger. Hence why I said, unfortunately, there is no solution beyond what is already being done; we have to either live with it or convince every Middle Eastern country to redraw its borders or suddenly stop having shitty, abusive governments.

As for oil, the funny thing is that China won most of the oil concessions in Iraq after the U.S. invaded, and there is no oil to speak of in Syria, so that's not really an issue. Plus prices are low and there will be even more oil on the markets once the Iran sanctions are removed over the next several years.
This incident is unfortunate. That being said, enjoy your freedom while you have it.

It won't be long before you really start to think twice before posting your thoughts online for fear of big brother, which is now all too real. It's even to the point now where my fucken left wing pink liberal lesbian ass is in support of having big brother. If you can't beat em join em. I'd prefer big brother over ISIS.
just out of curiosity, what does the "other IS" stand for btw!?
IS=Islamic State, so ISIS is IslamicStateIslamicState? :confused:
police just arrested three suspects in my hometown...
damn, i had something like this in mind as the attackers were from belgium and i am living pretty close to the border,
makes perfect sense those fuckers are trying to escape through germany...