Mass shooting / kamikaze / hostages in Paris

The problem is what can really be done?

Bomb Syria? - Already doing that, doesn't seem to have helped. In face it may have been part of the motivation behind the attacks (apparently one of the terrorists in the venue shouted "for Syria!") Bombing more is likely to radicalize more people.

Close the borders? - Can't really do that indefinitely, and it does nothing to stop any terrorists already there.

I don't really know if there's a solution to all this.

Leave EU, ban Islam.
Not that that's going to happen.
Islam can have it's age of enlightenment any day now.

It's a fucking garbage religion with a pedophile, kid rapeist prophet.

Oh, here come the experts with simple solutions. So simple and realistic you'd wonder why nobody thought about it. :rolleyes:
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Oh, here come the experts with simple solutions. So simple and realistic you'd wonder why nobody thought about it. :rolleyes:

Couldn't have said better.

The fact is religion is what we, as human, do in its name. What about muslim, jews, christians who do very good things everyday? Why should we believe psychopaths who commit crimes "in the name of their religion" (apparently) and not the 90% that do good things in application of their respective religion? I mean, I've talked to muslim/jews/christians that were very good people and some others that were idiot as fuck. My opinion is that the bad thing here is politic, not religion.
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1.2 billion Muslims and most of them seemingly are just regular folks trying to get by. However, if the numbers are correct, a "minority of them", about 200,000,00 - 300,000,000 Muslims, can be called "Islamist" who of course want the world under Islamic law (Sharia). What can you do about that? That's a pretty big "minority" and if they say, had our power, USA or China, ect, it would pretty much be The Muslim Empire right now. AKA "Hell" on earth.
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Couldn't have said better.

The fact is religion is what we, as human, do in its name. What about muslim, jews, christians who do very good things everyday? Why should we believe psychopaths who commit crimes "in the name of their religion" (apparently) and not the 90% that do good things in application of their respective religion? I mean, I've talked to muslim/jews/christians that were very good people and some others that were idiot as fuck. My opinion is that the bad thing here is politic, not religion.

If religion or politics didn't exist, there would be some twisted people doing the same thing but without the excuse that they would be doing this or that for this or that.

Where are humans, there are conflicts, greed, envy, lies, wars. Was the same 2000 years ago, 1000 ago, 500 ago and will be like this always. Humans have some kind of predisposition to fuck the neighbour without thinking about it to much.
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Dear Interwebs,

Today I learned that if America drone strikes Muslims they'll get so mad that they'll terrorize their own people first before terrorizing others.

Thanks Interwebs, I can always count on you.
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So speaking my mind..
I have no issue with race (I don't even like the term; we're all humans), skin colour, eye colour, etc.
My problem lies with religion.. and culture..

Some religions are more poisonous than others..
And it gives an excuse for psychopaths to do harm and good people can't have modern morals because thousand year old books are 100% true and you can't question it at all, because if you leave, you must be killed..
There is violence in many religions, but in Islam, Muhammed wasn't crucified or practiced peace (Jesus wanted violence too), he was a warlord..

So my problem is at the core.. at religion itself.. and what its starting points are..

And the culture have a built in mission to forcefully remove other cultures..
I'm happy I live in a progressive society where we have equal rights for people..
But it is a clusterfuck right now were we can't show our nations flag or sing our national anthem without being called "racist"..
And since you can't say anything about it, because you're a nazi if you say you want to open up a discussion, people are voting for right-wing extremists in silence..
People don't want to lose our progression, and the society we built, to another culture.. (I haven't voted for those parties though.)

Now we have millions of religious immigrants..
Of course you want to help the ones that need it..
They leave war and want a better life for them and their children.. but what is that?
I think a lot of people relate to themselves e.g. "If it was me, I would want a house, car, job and live happily ever after".. But if you come with a religion and culture (that at its core is horrible) then that's probably the way of life you want.. (Not all of course, and some are children)
I don't know why we expect all of them to just drop everything that brought them into the mess..
And again; some will do it.. some people will assimilate into other countries cultures..
But it's less of a chance that happens when you just clump them all together..

So it's really difficult on both sides, we have issues with living spaces, unemployment, etc.
Now we're going to just bring in hundred of thousands that don't have jobs, education, and might be in need of therapy, etc.

And in this mess we get people that are more extreme than others; but have the support of the others..

This last video is sort of propaganda (how they use music, angles, etc.), but it's also the fear a lot of people have, when it comes to culture and violence.. but don't take it as approve of the whole thing..

Again, I don't care about your physical attributes; only religion and culture..
Of course I want to help people in need, but we must able to discuss the best way of doing that..
I just wanted to say something now.. even though (maybe not here) some people will immediatly jump to the conclusion of racism (though Islam isn't a race) and hatred, etc., and they won't allow any discussion to take place..

On the surface I can speak and discuss and not discriminate against people for their views (not all views), but I'm not for forcing the whole multi-culturalism thing on society..

Christopher Hitchens explains his views and the culture better than I ever could, watch his debates, on youtube, on religions.. I very highly recommend it..

And was a bit hesitant to post what I've written because people love to jump to conclusions, so I asked someone to read it, and the person said that it was "superficial and not in-depth, so I will get a lot of criticism".. but oh well..
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I actually have the same problems that you do. Religion, culture and to throw another one in there (though related), tradition. Along with the championing of ignorance that I so often see around the same subjects.

It all makes me cringe with disgust and at other moments it blows my mind to know that there are people who believe this non-sense.
If religion or politics didn't exist, there would be some twisted people doing the same thing but without the excuse that they would be doing this or that for this or that.

Where are humans, there are conflicts, greed, envy, lies, wars. Was the same 2000 years ago, 1000 ago, 500 ago and will be like this always. Humans have some kind of predisposition to fuck the neighbour without thinking about it to much.

You're right. It's just that, in my opinion, interactions between countries worldwide are mainly politic related in the first place.
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I just watched the Trump thing. What an ass hat.

Although he is right, it wasn't his idea he just said he would do it. I also couldn't tell if he was confused about the topic because he seemed to be talking about Mexico not the current refugee situation even thought the reporter was (and fuck you NBC you should have sub titled that shit). Fuck me I really hope he or Clinton doesn't get the nod.

They seem to be in good company. Both have advocated for putting groups on registries.

At least with Sanders I would hope that he wouldn't try to be that fucking stupid.
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Oh well nobody will give a shit about these people btw that's africa

Anyway the evil is not Islam per se, it is all the fucktards who believe in false prophets and want to be the next martyr to save something they don't even really know very well.
Of course islamic religion is not really a moderate religion, just the fact women should wear something is ridiculous. There are so many pages in Koran that are so violent (like the bible anyway), everybody can have their own misinterpretation like it happens for the bible or the new testament.
U.S. government of course did its job training extremists in Syria as the video Ad Chaos posted, and Mr Obama should be ashamed for having confirmed it in that in the video
It's really a difficult matter and all of this will last for a long time!
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