MASTERED BY MUPPETS (death magnetic)

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ho ho ho


I think a little bit of irony is being lost here. I'm not trying to be ridiculously critical of Rubin, it's just for a bit of a laugh, and also because Rubin is a very recognisable face.

I'm sure the clipping isn't is his fault, we've all established that he produced - NOT mixed or mastered - the album, but in a way I find ignoring that fact and ignorantly blaming him to be quite funny. And again, if you put fidelman/jensen's head on lady justice no one would get it because they aren't known faces.

I like (most of) Death Magnetic, I'm not trying to rip anyone to shreds. But the "production" (or the mixing/mastered...) is objectively weak, and as Rick Rubin is the producer, he makes an easy fall guy for the sake of a bit of fun :)

Thanks to everyone for the compliments!

Each time I must laugh, when I see this Justice Audio cover:lol: Dan, your arguments are quite good. I´m only the lead´s up to you, bros. I´d never give a veto against this, but I have a small fear, that could be too aggressive.
Besides the volume issue, IMO the album doesnt sound great, or at least compared to Black album or Load (great sounding records)


Honestly I dont think Metallica gets involved that deep in the recording process, but you never know.

Did you seen the making of "Death Magnetic" ? I think Lars pulled the strings very strong! He was passioned and interested in each detail of the recording process.

I still not understand this whole DM catastrophe:)
Hey - I used to sing and play guitar briefly in a Metallica tribute band for some fun whilst my main projects weren't up to much.


We didn't do the whole image thing or sound exactly like 'em, but I'd be up for a crack at some vocals or guitar maybe? Unless you've got it all covered already.

There's lots of videos of us on YouTube (unfortunately :lol:).
If it looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck... ('s probably an Aflack commercial.)

"learn how to mix an album. stadium arcadium? what a joke. that album has audible clipping all over it. how could you let them pump up the RMS levels so much on the CD version?"

produced by Rick Rubin
engineered & mixed by Ryan Hewitt and Anthony Scheps
mastered by Vlad Meller
Warner Bros

' Stylus Magazine labeled [Californication] as one of the victims of the loudness war and commented that it suffered from digital clipping so much that "even non-audiophile consumers complained about it".'

' Criticised for excessive compression and distortion. Subject of an online petition calling for a reissue.'

produced by Rick Rubin
engineered by Greg Collins, Jim Scott and Greg Fidelman
mixed by Jim Scott
mastered by Vlad Meller
Warner Bros

"Sadly, System of a Down [Mesmerize] is not just another victim. Their cds always have been badly compressed. Thank to Rick Rubin."

produced by Rick Rubin & Daron Malakian
engineered by David Schiffman
mixed by Andy Wallace
mastered by Vlad Meller

Rubin may not be directly, intentionally responsible for the clipping, but his (in)famously "hands off" style of "producing" certainly doesn't seem to involve doing anything to prevent it from happening.
If it looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck... ('s probably an Aflack commercial.)

"learn how to mix an album. stadium arcadium? what a joke. that album has audible clipping all over it. how could you let them pump up the RMS levels so much on the CD version?"

produced by Rick Rubin
engineered & mixed by Ryan Hewitt and Anthony Scheps
mastered by Vlad Meller
Warner Bros

' Stylus Magazine labeled [Californication] as one of the victims of the loudness war and commented that it suffered from digital clipping so much that "even non-audiophile consumers complained about it".'

' Criticised for excessive compression and distortion. Subject of an online petition calling for a reissue.'

produced by Rick Rubin
engineered by Greg Collins, Jim Scott and Greg Fidelman
mixed by Jim Scott
mastered by Vlad Meller
Warner Bros

"Sadly, System of a Down [Mesmerize] is not just another victim. Their cds always have been badly compressed. Thank to Rick Rubin."

produced by Rick Rubin & Daron Malakian
engineered by David Schiffman
mixed by Andy Wallace
mastered by Vlad Meller

Rubin may not be directly, intentionally responsible for the clipping, but his (in)famously "hands off" style of "producing" certainly doesn't seem to involve doing anything to prevent it from happening.

Okay..I also don´t understand, why he let it clip to death sometimes. But Mezmerize is on a bearable "clip level". Actually I think, Mezmerize is a great production! But that´s only my modest opinion. I like this dry shit..I think that´s a matter of taste.

But "Death Magnetic" is definitivly NOT bearable ! that we are all agreed.
I also don´t understand, why he let it clip to death sometimes.

Rubin's focus is on content and performance. Apart from choosing the peolpe who engineer and mix his albums, he seems to have very little (if any) personal involvement in the production process after tracking ends. My impression is that he doesn't let overcompression or clipping occur so much as he simply isn't physically / mentally / emotionally / vegetationally / gubernatorially around to prevent it from happening.
what about the trouble -trouble album? That's an all time classic in my eyes.

Man, I love this fucking album. So underated, but so fucking classic! I played this album nonstop in my car back in 1990 or some shit. I remember my cassette had a wierd issue though. The second side of the cassette just sounded muffled compared to the first side. RIP and Black shades of doom where always fucked up sounding. I always hated this, but listened anyway. Much like this new fuck up. I always thought the 2nd side was a different tracking session than the first side, their reel was fucked up, or some Mastering fuck up. Reminds me of David T Chastain's "7th of Never" album too. Great songs, but hard to listen too. It wasn't a fucked up cassette. I have this album on CD, but I haven't even played it yet. Fuck, thanks for reminding me of this album again!
nice lyrics, but you were beaten to the punch by a couple of years
Thick Liquid - napster of puppets

on the internet today
profits crumbling away
through high speed internet connections
our new cd wont even sell
yet you know the lyrics well
our fans are dubbed the unforgiven
if you use it you will see
i'll bring you to your knees
we're dedicated to
how we're banning you.....

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god damn that napster

napster can suck it, our music ain't free
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banned by me, can't download a thing

just type our name and i'll hear you scream
bastard bastard

just type our name and i'll hear you scream
napster napster

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god damn that napster

napster can suck it, our music ain't free
fork out some cash and buy my cd
banned by me, can't download a thing

just type our name and i'll hear you scream
bastard bastard

just type our name and i'll hear you scream
napster napster
Its funny, but metallica has the power (and money) to hire ANYBODY to mix his album, and they dont use it.

Hold your horses Sonny Jim... anyone notice how their mixing/mastering got better and better in the 90's? Self-titled was killer, Load and ReLoad (whether or not you like the actual songs) was even better yet, and even Garage Inc was tight as a nun's nasty.

Enter Napster...

Metallica lost so much money from Napster / illegal downloads / internet in general / insert scapegoat here...

St Anger: sounds like arse
Death Magnetic: I don't mind but this thread speaks for itself

Once upon a time they did have the money to hire whoever they wanted. Now they're on Struggle Street and have to make ends meet however they can. If that means cutting corners on album production don't blame them, BLAME THE ILLEGAL DOWNLOADERS WHO ARE KILLING THE MUSIC INDUSTRY!

PS: Don't buy into all that propaganda bullshit. The music industry is all about 'bling' these days and Metallica realised the only way they can stay in the game is to keep up with the competition, hence this clearly Photoshopped paparazzi image which has been circulating lately:


The bottom line is that the boys are clearly doing it tough but are too proud to admit it. They're still the same honest, hard working down-to-earth metal heads underneath it all. Try to appreciate the fact that they're doing the best they can with what little they've still got and enjoy the music instead of criticising the production.
nice lyrics, but you were beaten to the punch by a couple of years
Thick Liquid - napster of puppets

on the internet today
profits crumbling away
through high speed internet connections
our new cd wont even sell
yet you know the lyrics well
our fans are dubbed the unforgiven
if you use it you will see
i'll bring you to your knees
we're dedicated to
how we're banning you.....

dsl is faster
download from napster
run searches faster
god damn that napster

napster can suck it, our music ain't free
fork out some cash and buy my cd
banned by me, can't download a thing

just type our name and i'll hear you scream
bastard bastard

just type our name and i'll hear you scream
napster napster

napster napster
where's the users i've been after
napster napster
pirating my files
napster napster
all i hear or see is napster
napster napster
lawsuits on my mind

dsl is faster
download from napster
we'll sue you bastards
god damn that napster

napster can suck it, our music ain't free
fork out some cash and buy my cd
banned by me, can't download a thing

just type our name and i'll hear you scream
bastard bastard

just type our name and i'll hear you scream
napster napster

Dan´s Lyrics are sooo much better! This napster farce is history..and nobody gives a fuck.
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