Masterplan - featuring Jorn Lande


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

Their debut album is brilliant. I've been listening to this recently, and it just gets better with each listen. Man, I'm not sure how I missed this first time around.

"Soulburn" is such a phenomenal tune. I am beyond gay for Jorn Lande these days, surely the greatest clean vocalist out there. I still think Ark's "Burn the Sun" is his best work, but this is following very closely behind.

Anyone heard the new one yet, "Aeronautics"?

If you also like Masterplan, Ark, or Jorn Lande in general, feel free to contribute your love (gay or not) to this shiny thread.
Funny, I love Jorn's last two solo albums and I'd kill for Ark (especially the first) but to date, Masterplan has done nothing for me.

Can't wait to hear some of the stuff he's done with Russell Allen coming later this year.
His last "solo" album is the shiznit. If he sings in the same tone on any other releases I'd gladly look into them, but I'm not sure how different these other projects are musically and how far he strays into the higher ranges with his vocals.
Opeth17 said:
His last "solo" album is the shiznit. If he sings in the same tone on any other releases I'd gladly look into them, but I'm not sure how different these other projects are musically and how far he strays into the higher ranges with his vocals.

I haven't heard his solo stuff, but from what I gather, it's bog standard 'heavy metal'. His stuff with Ark is very good - it's heavy prog-metal, but his vocals are the standout piece. (Trust me, I'm no fan of techy wanky prog, and this is far from it).

Masterplan is probably somewhere between Ark and solo material. It's dark melodic metal I'd say. Again, his vocals remain consistently good. That's the key selling point, the band is almost secondary.

Of course, this all works if you're a fan of Lande -- indeed, from what I can gather, if you're already sold on his solo material, in theory the stuff with Ark and Masterplan should blow you away.

I know there are a whole bunch of people here that know more about this than me: IofTheStorm, General Zod, Demonspell, etc. I'm sure they'll chime in.
Lande should have stayed in Ark.

Burn the sun > all his other works
I agree Ark is probably his peak (Burn the Sun), but I tell you, I've really gotten into the Masterplan debut as of last night. I pretty much listened to "Soulburn" on repeat about 4 times.
"Worldchanger" with Hellhammer on drums is class although not at all my genre. 8/10 for those who dig 80's metal at least
I got turned on to Lande with Ark's debut. I remember letting the MP3s play in the background as I worked. The first two tracks are solid, albeit less than spectacular, but then the CD offers up "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and it just floors you. I love that first Ark disc. Granted, it's no where near as polished as "Burn the Sun", but it's quite cool.

"Burn the Sun" is obviously a ProgMetal masterpiece. I remember listening to it and thinking to myself, "I hope these guys keep it together for 10 albums." It would have been amazing to watch those guys evolve as a band.

Masterplan has never done it for me. Their debut is good, but I've got a mental thing with that disc. The whole time I'm listening to it I'm thinking, "This is what Jorn left Ark for? Was he smoking crack?" I'd probably enjoy that CD a lot more if I had no preconceived notions about it.

The second Masterplan CD is no where near as strong as the first. it's just bland, generic Power Metal. Quite frankly, it's beneath Jorn.

As for Jorn's solo discs, I really dig "Worldchanger". It's sort of Rock/Metal. The music is solid, but Jorn just takes it to the next level. His latest CD however, is a disappointment. I was psyched to hear it when I heard he would be working with some of the Pagan''s Mind lads as his backing band (the PM guitarist is an awesome playerr), but the CD just falls flat. Lyrically and vocally it just feels like Jorn mailed it in.

JayKeeley said:
I agree Ark is probably his peak (Burn the Sun), but I tell you, I've really gotten into the Masterplan debut as of last night. I pretty much listened to "Soulburn" on repeat about 4 times.

That's one of only two songs from that album I regard as being more than just textbook power metal, Enlighten Me being the other. I have to agree that Burn The Sun is the only really essential Jorn album, though Ark's debut (Hunchback is indeed great), Worldchanger, and the Beyond Twilight album all have their share of good songs.
I pretty much agree with Zod's sentiments. "Burn The Sun" is a Top 10 all-time album for me. Macaluso's drumming on that album is jaw-dropping. Masterplan is, as Demonspell said, textbook power metal... though a bit more AOR-ish than most, i suppose. The music is largely uninteresting. Jorn's vocals are still nice to listen to. My favorites are "Sail On" and that acoustic ballad that ends the album. I'll admit that I too have baggage when listening to the album due to Jorn's departure from the vastly superior ARK.
Yeah, see, I heard these pretty much at the same time. I'm completely new to Jorn Lande, where the heck have I been! And Opeth17 likes his latest solo album - he's going to urinate blood and semen when he hears Ark.
i started a thread on this when the new one, Aeronautics, was released and everyone pissed on it. I have both their discs and find them both awesome, mostly for the vocals ... I do like the new one better though ... fantastic catchy songs.

Am I gay for Jorn? Just a little. *blushes* :loco:


And he's going a selection of songs from his back catalog (which will probably include ARK material).

There was that "something" missing from PP this year, and the void has now been filled. Of course, there were other replacements which would have been just as cool, if not cooler, but to see Jorn Lande live just kicks my dick in.

Not that most of you will care, hehehe.
Aeronautics was good but I fel tit had a couple songs that had some really bad rythmning schemes going on. After the War is a good song but the words make me shutter.
JayKeeley said:
The glass just went from half full, to half empty. Between the announcement of Jorn and the suckfest that is the new Evergrey CD, I'm back on the fence as to whether I'll go this year.

General Zod said:
The glass just went from half full, to half empty. Between the announcement of Jorn and the suckfest that is the new Evergrey CD, I'm back on the fence as to whether I'll go this year.


Haha, just goes to show the power of Nevermore for you guys I suppose.

Let me ask: if it was Jorn Lande and Nevermore, would that change things up?

(er...pretend you hadn't heard the new Evergrey CD before you answer that question). :D