Masterplan - featuring Jorn Lande

So really, the SOLE reason for you guys to definitely want to go was for purely for Nevermore then? What if they were to do a local tour? Would you still have gone?

See to me, Evergrey > Nevermore, and I'm a Jorn Lande fanboy, so it all worked out in my favoUr. :cool:

Now I have more motivation to focus on Pyramaze and Savage Guardian too. Throw in Mercenary (I liked Everblack more than 11 Dreams) and Friday night is looking pretty damn ok.

Saturday's saving grace is Lande without doubt. That said, Amman is a Thunderstone fan. "Ah, so he's the one". :loco:
Nevermore will definitely tour, no doubt, but I can't think of too many opportunities to have seen a 2 1/2-3 hour show with them headlining. Evergrey looks that much better in comparison, or in addition rather. And so do the other "borderline" bands (to me, of course). Saturday night sucks regardless, and I'm honestly just not in a position to fly to Atlanta, spend $120 on a ticket, $500+ on airfare, hotel, food & beer, for a single night I care about.

Funny how ONE BAND can turn the tide, haha.

I indicated this before -- I needed that ONE band this year to really seal the deal.... last year was Orphaned Land. Without OL last year, I prolly wouldn't have gone.
JayKeeley said:
Haha, just goes to show the power of Nevermore for you guys I suppose.
You know, it's really a glass half empty/glass half full thing for me. With Nevermore on board, I was giving the bands that I was mildly interested in the benefit of the doubt. With Nevermore out, a weak 2nd headliner and a weak release by Evergrey, the other band's warts become more apparent.

JayKeeley said:
Let me ask: if it was Jorn Lande and Nevermore, would that change things up?
Essentially your asking if I prefer Nevermore over Evergrey? Let me sum up:

Nevermore >>> Evergrey
This Godless Endeavor >x1,000,000 Monday Morning Apocalypse

JayKeeley said:
So really, the SOLE reason for you guys to definitely want to go was for purely for Nevermore then? What if they were to do a local tour? Would you still have gone?
Wouldn't have mattered. Seeing Nevermore in that setting, doing a headline set, was worth the price of admission.

General Zod said:
You know, it's really a glass half empty/glass half full thing for me. With Nevermore on board, I was giving the bands that I was mildly interested in the benefit of the doubt. With Nevermore out, a weak 2nd headliner and a weak release by Evergrey, the other band's warts become more apparent.

It's remarkable how this plays with the psyche because I see exactly what you're saying, just on the flip side. Here I am loading up my iPod with my Jorn Lande material, making sure I've got my Pyramaze and Savage Circus lined up, and I've got both "Everblack" and "11 Dreams" on CD already -- all of a sudden I'm excited about Mercenary, I just need to rip them to MP3. I guess I should look into Freak Kitchen that you recommended too.

Nevermore >>> Evergrey

Again, I'm on the flip side.

Wouldn't have mattered. Seeing Nevermore in that setting, doing a headline set, was worth the price of admission.

I guess my point was that when Nevermore and Evergrey were first announced, you guys all jumped for joy. Indeed, Mark even went from saying "it'll take Manowar and Iced Earth to get me to Atlanta" to settling with Evergrey and Nevermore in one fel swoop.

Now that Nevermore is out, so are you guys -- point being, it wasn't a combination of those bands, it was soley Nevermore and nothing else. Not Evergrey, Pyramaze, Savage Circus, Circus Maximus, Leatherwolf, etc etc.

I haven't heard the new Evergrey material but I doubt if that will change my opinion much considering I haven't liked Evergrey's output since In Search of the Truth.
not fo nothing, but that Ark cd you guys recommended is shite compared to Masterplan ... yeah, it's got some more complex masturbations, but song wise ... no fucking way
you know i have the attention span of a fly ... that Ark CD requires too close a listening :loco: ... I preffer the fluff of Masterplan
JayKeeley said:
Funny how ONE BAND can turn the tide, haha.

I indicated this before -- I needed that ONE band this year to really seal the deal.... last year was Orphaned Land. Without OL last year, I prolly wouldn't have gone.

This is definitely the weakest PP lineup to date, and I held that opinion before Nevermore pulled out...
JayKeeley said:
I guess my point was that when Nevermore and Evergrey were first announced, you guys all jumped for joy.
The news of Evergrey headlining preceeded their sell-out by two weeks.

JayKeeley said:
Now that Nevermore is out, so are you guys -- point being, it wasn't a combination of those bands, it was soley Nevermore and nothing else. Not Evergrey, Pyramaze, Savage Circus, Circus Maximus, Leatherwolf, etc etc.
I'm still leaning towards going, it's just no longer a no-brainer. If one of my friends came to me, and said "How about a couple days in Vegas", I'd probably skip Atlanta. At this point, the driving forces (musically) for me to get to Atlanta are Pyramaze and Circus Maximus.

Demonspell said:
This is definitely the weakest PP lineup to date, and I held that opinion before Nevermore pulled out...


I thought Nevermore was a rather uninspired choice anyways... Americans can see Nevermore live anytime... they're always touring... so it loses that "exclusive" magic that PPUSA seems to have. Evergrey has toured the US too... but not to the extent of Nevermore.

NP: ARK - "Just A Little Crazy"

Somebody needs to get this band back together... goddamn
Allow me to answer for Zod...

In chronological order:
1) Evergrey announced as a headliner for PP6
2) their new album leaked, approximately 2 weeks after this announcement
3) their new album turned out to be poop, thus ruining elation at possibility of set being ravaged by said new material

new album = "sell-out"
ProgMetalFan said:
I thought Nevermore was a rather uninspired choice anyways... Americans can see Nevermore live anytime

From what I can gather though, the selling point of having Nevermore at ProgPower is that it's a better auditorium and they'd have a headlining set. When they tour, they normally only support so it's rare for them to get more than 30 minutes. Here, the headliners have carte blanche.

NP: ARK - "Just A Little Crazy"

Somebody needs to get this band back together... goddamn

Huh, I figure this is as close as it's gonna get. Jorn Lande is given free reign to work from all his past projects so it'll be a combination of solo, ARK, Masterplan, Twilight Oddysey stuff.

Otherwise, yeah, this 'aint a very daring ProgPower at all. No Orphaned Land, no Savatage one-night only, no Conception one-night only (not that I cared much for them anyway), and of course no PP 3 which will go down in history for US metal festivals.

EDIT: My least fave lineup at PP was definitely IV. Not into Nightwish or Rage whatsoever.