Masterplan - featuring Jorn Lande

MadeInNewJersey said:
Did you read my thoughts? Pretty much sums it up.

Actually yeah I remember now. Pretty much the same stuff that Greg mentioned. I need to hear it, though I haven't liked anything Evergrey's done since In Search so it matters little to me -- I'm assuming the way PP is set up now, the headliner bands will do a good selection across their discs.

Evergrey get a bit samey to me after a while. Tom Englund suffers from not being able to sing outside of his range, too complacent in that one key. Even the live album, I can only take in small doses. That said, those first three Evergrey albums are stellar. If at ProgPower they play a fair old selection I'll be good, and I'm always wasted by the time the headliners come on stage too.
HOLY SHIT!!! Check it from the PP forum re: Jorn Lande's headlining set:

Harvester said:
Honestly, the last act of the night has never been given time constraints in the history of the festival.

Glenn H.

Hahaha, just keeps getting better and better. I didn't realize that. :kickass:

If he plays "Kind Hearted Light" and "Heal the Waters" I'll be a happy man.

If he plays "Soulburn", I swear I'm going to weep into my beer cup. :loco: :kickass:

Lurch - do you have the first Masterplan album? Go listen to Soulburn now, I cannot imagine how good that'll be live with THAT CHORUS! EDIT: AND THE GUITAR SOLO / OUTRO TOO!!!1