masters apprentices observation

All I have to say is that the carnival part in By the Pain I See in Others is definately one of the coolest and eeriest Opeth moments ever... kinda like how Harvest always brings up images of fall, a forest, and lots of oranges, browns, and greens, that part in BTPISIO brings up a creepy carnival. Its really awesome... so based on the little bit I've heard from Deliverance it sounds like it is going to be great and it will have that memorable quality for me like all the others. The carnival is just one example.
Originally posted by SunlapseVertigo
All I have to say is that the carnival part in By the Pain I See in Others is definately one of the coolest and eeriest Opeth moments ever... kinda like how Harvest always brings up images of fall, a forest, and lots of oranges, browns, and greens, that part in BTPISIO brings up a creepy carnival. Its really awesome... so based on the little bit I've heard from Deliverance it sounds like it is going to be great and it will have that memorable quality for me like all the others. The carnival is just one example.

The carnival bit is soooo good! Dammit, best Opeth moment ever. The CD itself is worth getting just for that bit...when I first heard it I was like...WHA!? But after a bit I was more like...YEAH!!!:headbang:
I agree with so much I've read about the new album already. And I thought this album was a HUGE dissapointment when I first heard it, with the self-titled track the only good song from it. I'm guessing it's because I'm not a huge prog-metal fan and this album has huge prog-metal parts to it, the album is set out to gently remind you how good Opeth are(or perhaps were..) and then to hit you with the new stuff. Wreath and Deliverance sound like they could be lifted straight from MAYH but the other 3(I don't really count the little instrumentals - although they can be brilliant like Patterns In The Ivy or Silhouette - as songs) are very much what makes this album different from the rest. I'm kinda torn on what song is my favourite, each time I listen to a song I decide it's my favourite, then the next song will come on and I'll change my mind..that's how good this album is. I dare not say it's my favourite yet..because MAYH has lasted 18 months of frequent listening without getting old or boring, I have no idea if Deliverance will do the same(I've only had it for 3 weeks!).
I like Deliverance as it has some moments that are truly catchy and brilliant..The new Opeth doesn't have the emotional impact that Morning Rise, MAYH, or Still Life (or even some tracks off of BWP) do, but it has it moments of utter brilliance..I think Opeth have sacrificied some of the songriting and it's emotional impact for the sake of a heavy riff orgy..The carnival part, some latin beats, and some psychedelic parts come as a surpise as Opeth have progressed past a formula..Deliverance sounds sensual and mosh pit frreindly but I miss the emotinal impact of past releases and the emotional buld of other Opeth songs..The opening riff of Master's Apprentices annoyed me until I caught on to the more melodic parts and when Mike's death vocals come in after a few minutes of mellow clean vocals (like 7 minutes and some odd seconds into the song ) the song shreds and takes off..Some of the somgs sound disjointed and repetitive (Deliverance, Wreath)while others are heavy progressive death and simply great..(By the Pain I see In Others, Master's Apprentices, A Fair Judgement)..Deliverance is a good Opeth CD, but not there best..However, Opeth are miles ahead of most metal/hard rock bands..If you were expecting Opeth ro release BWP part 2, you're wrong as this is totally different..Hails..-l-
I find it amusing so many people feel the need to mention that this is not the same emotionally as other albums and is more of a dumbed down heavy album, when the whole purpose of releasing two albums instead of one was so they had a heavy headbanging album and a soft emotional one.

Musically, this is my favourite Opeth album but it does lack the versatility of all the previous releases as it does not have the Harvest, Credence, To Bid You Farewell, Face of Melinda, Silhouette type of track the rest of the albums have.