masters apprentices observation


Jul 2, 2002
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i love the fact that masters apprentices begins with an extremely evil, choppy riff section and as the song progresses it becomes more and more melodic...more flow and atmosphere...then comes the clean beatles-esque singing section, followed by the melodic climax in the high speed tempo. its interesting to me. has anyone else noticed this arrangement? or am i making things up.
I've noticed that "Opeth" is spelled with an "O"....followed by a "p", an "e", a "t" and an "h". its interesting to me. has anyone else noticed this arrangement? or am i making things up.

Originally posted by Lakestream
I've noticed that "Opeth" is spelled with an "O"....followed by a "p", an "e", a "t" and an "h". its interesting to me. has anyone else noticed this arrangement? or am i making things up.


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by thirdeye
i love the fact that masters apprentices begins with an extremely evil, choppy riff section and as the song progresses it becomes more and more melodic...more flow and atmosphere...then comes the clean beatles-esque singing section, followed by the melodic climax in the high speed tempo. its interesting to me. has anyone else noticed this arrangement? or am i making things up.


You can't describe what a song sounds like and then ask if you're right...

Either way, it's pretty amusing...
Master's Apprentices reminds me of 'Christliar' by My Dying Bride, in that the first couple of minutes of the song are absolutely crushing and seem relentless, and then all of a sudden a change in melody and tempo just rips you out of it. Great song.
"Master's Apprentices" is by far the worst Opeth song I have heard. The opening riff is a Morbid Angel rip-off, the rest of the song is boring up to the point where the song turns into an acoustic part which sounds good.

'Deliverance' is turning out to be the Big Dissapointment Album (most bands have one).... :( I wish it wasn't so (And for many of you it isn't thank Dog)
Originally posted by Metalmaster
"Master's Apprentices" is by far the worst Opeth song I have heard. The opening riff is a Morbid Angel rip-off, the rest of the song is boring up to the point where the song turns into an acoustic part which sounds good.

My favourite song. I love it.
i wouldn't say its my fave song or anything but its far from being bad! Its different, amazing nonetheless. The song off Deliverance that took me the longest to appreciate was definately the final one "By The Pain I See In Others" which is strangely called "Untitled" on my promo copy :S
I think MA is the standout for me so far, though favorites usually change with time.

I love the whole album, I'm sorry it has dissappointed some, give it time, MAYH took time to grow on me, but now I think it's great.