masters apprentices observation

During my first listen of Master's Apprentice, it sounded different and awkward. I was slightly disappointed, BUT, each time I listen to the song, it grows on me and I'm liking it more and more. I guess this will be the case for most fans for Deliverance.
That sounds like how I was with Leper Affinity. It sounded too dissonant and disjointed somehow and I didn't care about it for a long time. But now it's one of my favorites.
Towards the end of the song I found myself singing "you sleep in the light...yet the night and the silent water...still soooo daark". What the? :lol:
Waits patiently for the album to arrive. :)
Originally posted by Metalmaster
"Master's Apprentices" is by far the worst Opeth song I have heard. The opening riff is a Morbid Angel rip-off, the rest of the song is boring up to the point where the song turns into an acoustic part which sounds good.

'Deliverance' is turning out to be the Big Dissapointment Album (most bands have one).... :( I wish it wasn't so (And for many of you it isn't thank Dog)

I like the song and I'm really looking forward to the album, but I will have to agree with you on one point: "The opening riff is a Morbid Angel rip-off." Boy are you right, the opening sounds like a Morbid Angel riff off of the Gateways To Annihilation album.
It seems that Mikael's vocals both growls and clean have improved a lot with this song. It seems his range has improved because he hits some pretty high notes, and his growls are totally evil.
Originally posted by Metalmaster
"Master's Apprentices" is by far the worst Opeth song I have heard. The opening riff is a Morbid Angel rip-off, the rest of the song is boring up to the point where the song turns into an acoustic part which sounds good.

'Deliverance' is turning out to be the Big Dissapointment Album (most bands have one).... :( I wish it wasn't so (And for many of you it isn't thank Dog)

Agreed 1000000000000000000000000000000.9999999 %
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
Agreed 1000000000000000000000000000000.9999999 %

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah this album is suppose to get rid of all the pussies:lol: hehe just playing:)

Anyway I did read somewhere that Mikael was willing to risk some of his fanbase with this release, I guess your that "some" that's suppose to go. :lol: :lol:



not really...I mean I'm not like boycotting the album, I actually have bought it, and I DO listen to it. It's just compared to other Opeth albums it just does nothing for me, other than the fact its a fast heavy album I can bang my head to. Opeth means so much more to me, than just another fast heavy metal band. They were the first band to ever touch me on a complete emotional level, before listening to Opeth I cared more about flashy guitar solos than actual songs. Opethw a sthe first band to reach right into my heart and show me what real music was, and how it can alter ones perception on everything. MAYH, Morningrise, Still Life, Orchid, and even BWP all have moments that have reduced me to tears, and just left me speachless. No matter how much I try, the new album does not do that for me. there are some moments that if deveoped more could have been timeless, but other than that, FOR ME it doesnt have that atmosphere that I loved so much from them. I listen to the heaviest of music all day, Decapitated, Origin, Hate eternal etc. So it isnt because I am a pussy and cant handle the heavyness, I just think the heavyness sounds forced. I know for a fact, that Damnatation is going to be amazing, and will floor me. Opeth remains my favorite band alongside Cynic and will continue to do so, I am not going to stop being a fan, over an album that I dont like. Thats just silly.
So far so good, but I think Thorns has a point - there's nothing really emotionally touching in Deliverance (mind you, I haven't had the time to make associations yet).. but maybe I'm just being a pothead and not remembering that it's tremendously emotional after all.. I'm gonna go home now.
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
not really...I mean I'm not like boycotting the album, I actually have bought it, and I DO listen to it. It's just compared to other Opeth albums it just does nothing for me, other than the fact its a fast heavy album I can bang my head to. Opeth means so much more to me, than just another fast heavy metal band. They were the first band to ever touch me on a complete emotional level, before listening to Opeth I cared more about flashy guitar solos than actual songs. Opethw a sthe first band to reach right into my heart and show me what real music was, and how it can alter ones perception on everything. MAYH, Morningrise, Still Life, Orchid, and even BWP all have moments that have reduced me to tears, and just left me speachless. No matter how much I try, the new album does not do that for me. there are some moments that if deveoped more could have been timeless, but other than that, FOR ME it doesnt have that atmosphere that I loved so much from them. I listen to the heaviest of music all day, Decapitated, Origin, Hate eternal etc. So it isnt because I am a pussy and cant handle the heavyness, I just think the heavyness sounds forced. I know for a fact, that Damnatation is going to be amazing, and will floor me. Opeth remains my favorite band alongside Cynic and will continue to do so, I am not going to stop being a fan, over an album that I dont like. Thats just silly.


Thorns I understand you, it was just a joke, nothing really to get personal over, just a joke that I could not resist stating, and I'm not saying that your a pussy, as you can see I was laughing about it and then I indicated that I was just messing around after that comment:) I apolagise if I came accross sounding other-wise.

As with Deliverance I could see how somebody that is familiar with there previous material could be disapointed with this release, it is a heavy album, but I wouldn't say brutal, and Opeth fans that are more accustomed to Opeth's lighter less heavy aspect of there music will most likely find this record as a bit much, due to the fact that it is, and was kind of unexpected; to be truethfull, the fist time I heard Wreath and Deliverance( the only songs I have heard so far) I was not satisfied with the material but after a few listens it really came through for me in a big way, and have been hooked since with this effort.

Opeth have incorperated several elements that weren't present on there previous five albums, and honestly I'm into it and I like what this "new" sound achieves, and that emotional facter is still there intwined within the music its just little different than before,

I guess its a sign that Opeth are in the verge for something very unique/distinct some time in the future, maybe will see some of that on there "soft" album, but who knows maybe there saving it for a future release, all I know is that this band has not lost it yet, and to me what there doing currently is still of high quality its just in a different form this time around, but they have managed with each successive release to maintain originality even though it could be derivative at times, but come on its metal(guitar, bass, drums, vocals) you could only be so original, I mean if you really put your mind to it all metal bands are derivative to something in the rock/metal world, so I have to give Opeth credit for doing there best at keeping it intersting and creative, in such a way to where its appealing, and thats what I enjoy.

Once again Thorns my previous post was just a joke nothing more nothing less. :)
