I was yesterday at a record store (one of those nice ones with second hand lp's and cd's) and I was having a look at the CDs when I got shocked after I saw one by a band called "Master's Apprentices." Looking for some information later I've found out they are one of those bands from the mid 60's-70's. They are Australian, I believe... I'd like to know if the fifth track in Deliverance is called like that after this band. If so, what's there about the connection with Morbid Angel (I think this is in the music -at least the first minutes), and then it would be great to know about some interpretation of the lyrics in that song.
I'm sorry that this post is kind of messy, and I hope I can get some good reply.
I'm sorry that this post is kind of messy, and I hope I can get some good reply.