- Feb 7, 2003
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- 71
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I found that it had become incumbent upon myself to gain a deeper and more thorough understanding of and appreciation for the lyrics to Master's Hammer's two seminal works, Ritual and The Jilemnice Occultist (or Jilemnický Okultista. Being that I am a native English speaker and have no knowledge myself of the Czech language, I approached a fellow Master's Hammer fan from the Czech Republic [Onder of course] with the proposition of assisting me in translating the lyrics to these two works. It is thus mostly to his credit that what follows can be presented, hopefully to the service of many fans of the band. With his rough translations, I used a Czech-English dictionary and cross-referenced various choices of words and grammatical quirks with the original lyrics to ensure a faithful translation. With that said, this should nevertheless be seen as a rough translation at its core and in no way professional nor definitive, and it certainly does not maintain the poetic consistency of the original Czech, nor its rhyme scheme. What it does offer, however, is a deeper insight into one of the more interesting metal bands in the black metal scene to English speakers that they would not perhaps have otherwise had at their disposal. It is thus without further ado that I present my collaborative translations of Master's Hammer's lyrics for their first two albums. Ritual and The Jilemnice Occultist. It is important to note that the latter, with the exception of the last track, is a narrative play and should be read as such. Also, if you spot any errors (especially translation errors if you know Czech), PLEASE contact me.

1) Intro [Instrumental]
2) Pád modly (The Fall of the Idol)
Mighty black smoke from the bowels of Earth
The heavens bleed,
The deep red stains on the shining snow
They steadily grow larger.
It's probable
That someone above
Desperately tries
To wash away the sins of world -
It's hard to curse
The already cursed
Nothing can be renewed
When evil is sown!
Thy headstone is hidden by hungry flames,
Smoke climbs up to the heavens.
We will die with the blessing
Of destroyers of the false faith!
The jailers of heaven, your heaven is jail;
Give me just one place in the universe -
Hell! I'll destroy your monument
With one blow - the final blow!
3) Každý z nás (Each of Us)
Your hearts are overflowing with anger
A passion looking for release
For which there is no place,
Those deceptive ulcers
On beating hearts
Finally free,
Now it's something more than
Hideous symbols of holy figures
Atrocious images of the crucified
Are moulded from his flesh
Thousands of knives engrave the sign:
Each of us is killing God!
Bring my burden to the ritual
Disfigured to match his picture
The astral chain is very strong
Its heart must be pierced.
The molten steel spikes
Pass through the melting wax
The glimmer fades for
The believers with hollow brains!
4) Ritual [Instrumental]
5) Géniové (Wizards)
So as in deadly agony
You live your passing life
The last sunset
Projects bloody shadows
Images of the other side
Moving on the wall
The anxiety turns to wrath
The elementals!
"Father, why did you leave me?"
"Because your faith is stronger than me!"
"I know, I don't need you any more, wizards have no funerals."
To the land of awesome mysteries
Where only the dead can go
Guided by the force of victory
Not waiting for what fate brings.
Terror now hides from us
The angel of self-delusion
Opens his mouth!
6) Černá svatozář (Black Halo)
You behold the burning black halo
Of he who preaches
That life is an illusion
Who beckons you – “go with me,”
You've hidden your face
Vainly cherishing
The glances at his eyes.
When the seven gates of hell
Are opened
It's too late to think
What should have been done
Beware the desire to enter uninvited
Your soul will be devoured by the freezing massif.
Fragments of heavy iron
Crash through the darkness
Two eyes shine in the distance
With listless calm
No living being has ever penetrated his stare
Unless - evil is the dominant element.
With the pain of existence you will understand,
Without form, the pure evil in every one of us
In that moment you will feel
The breath of the devil closing in
And you will ask questions no more!
7) Věčný návrat (Eternal Return)
The ghastly rays of light
On crystalline waters
Through the cold eternal night
Flames flicker
Slow and silent tongues of flames
Smouldering pestilent will.
After all we are to ourselves
The symbol of salvation,
They will not survive who do not know.
The pentagram on the chest of each of us
Is a symbol expressing all.
This time no signal will be heard
Rebellion of souls casting shadows
Hell's bells are covered in blood
And they ring to eternal return!
Well do I know the place, to which we all
belong, don't trust to lying prophets, God
Is our slave and Satan as well;
Those two bastards drink my blood.
And death is the end for everybody
But we will yet show you
What it means, what it means,
To look into the Master's face!
8) Jáma pekel (Hell's Mouth)
The village is burning, alone I travel in the night
I shorten my way through the field, the stretch
Surrounded by smoke, against better judgement,
Although I don't know the meaning, my purpose is clear.
I lose consciousness yet I'm awake
The devil leads me, down there - to Him.
Perhaps I'm already dead and gone from this world
Satan however gives my strength back.
Finally I see the throat of hell
I'm warmly invited into the burning darkness.
I draw nearer to the bodies immaterial,
Iron bars close behind me.
Hell's mouth - a hundred times cursed
Hell's mouth - bathed in blood.
Now I serve the devil, by death and evil
I spread devastation, I am demonic.
In every house a black altar
On every picture, there is my face.
With a frightening laugh I return here
Servants of the devil fall to the ground.
Black is the desire, but colorless is the blood
He who is not the chosen, harvests my wrath.
Vainly they toil, they pray and dream
Not everyone can become a demon.
Possessed with anger they destroy a village,
But vainly they do it, it burns to no avail!
9) Zapálili jsme onen svět (We Have Burned the Other World)
Will our wildest dream become reality?
A massacre of ravenous spirits
Treat only genuine evil well
And wish to hear the demons
Fog scattered for a thousand years
Hides bottomless chasms
From the sight of the living - immense depth
A key to foolish courage.
We're cursed in this cavern
While the undead invoke underworld
The candle light slowly burns out
Useless are all sacrifices.
The other side no longer exists
There will only be ice for ages
The altar can no longer give us messages
We have burned the other world!
Then comes a night of spiritual suicides
But we are not finished with the world
Ice crystals are destroying the sky
At last we see the remote boundaries.
Souls escaped from the prison of life
Will no longer rest in the ground
Matter itself evaporates in a moment of terror
In the name of the mightiest devil.
10) Vykoupení (Deliverance)
You live in chests filled with poison
While only death awaits you outside
It's still better
Than walking eternally through the middle of
Where ten thousand corpses decompose.
You fight your anxiety by fighting illusions,
But the future is always uncertain,
You don't know what to do
With the thoughts in your head
- When impure power arises.
Molten gold drones through the riverbeds
In the same way as the blood inside us
It is only a matter of time before it overflows
A poisoned spring,
A slumbering wrath.
On the other side
Beyond the burning hell
Deliverance is waiting - why not now?
Meaningless life
Is bathed in black light
The one and only okkult black!
11) Útok (Attack)
(Dedicated to Anton Szandor LaVey)
Two thousand years we atone for something
We have never done,
Two thousand years we suffer for someone,
We have never seen.
Here and now!
We decompose alive.
Here and now!
Misery, death and boredom!
He who says "you can't"
Is my mortal enemy,
Now he will learn what he has forbade,
Small, subtle attack begins!
The old, lame dog must be eaten
By his own children,
For it is they who will
Under the banner of strength
Rule this world!
Here and now -
Alpha and Omega!
Here and now -
Fate in your hands!
Faith, that tortures, will likely destroy
Its victims,
Your saviour we will hang by his feet -
Already he sways in the wind!
Here and now -
You will see the holy son!
Here and now -
His candle burns out!
Jilemnický Okultista (The Jilemnice Occultist)

1) Overture
2) Mezi kopci cesta je klikatá... (Among the Hills a Winding Way...)
Among the hills a winding way,
I am moving toward the education
That may be a patch to my gaps
My face is already full of happiness!
The path of knowledge is a thorny one,
How can I separate the wheat from the chaff?
The tower of a castle is welcoming me from afar
With a copper crenelation.
I have already traveled far,
Behold a wooden tavern
And a sign saying: "Zum Spiritus"
Even the name sounds so well!
My baggage here, so heavy
And full of books
Take it all upstairs, please,
I want to sleep in the attic...
And to a table carry fast,
I ate last in Prague,
And also bring some alcohol
To lift up the mood!
Who is this coming to sit next to me?
Calling me by my own name?
A nearly hundred year old woman
An outrage, I say!
And then the cards spread out on the table
I suddenly see
In this room full of smoke
Of clean hemp!
Consternation mine
How she knows my past
But I want to know perfectly
What the future will bring!
Fortune Teller:
"Here is the king, and here is the knave."
"What does this mean?"
Fortune Teller:
"Some lord of noble rank will probably kick your butt."
"And what comes next?"
Fortune Teller:
"If you order spirits
We will know quickly
If you'll end up with your head on a chopping block
Or with fortune in your hands!"
I have had enough already of your nonsense,
I am an occultist!
I can not read cards,
But I know what to do with my life!
And in the bar room - a sign:
"Et Zum Spiritus Tuo"
There I will go with my glass
Sing a duet now!
Then like lightning from a clear sky
I'm intoxicated by a figure of beauty
In my sight the brilliance of her eyes
And the sharp shapes of her hips!
We stayed awake the whole night
Even in the morning the beds were still empty
As the table offered us enough
For our conjurations!
3.) Já nechci mnoho trápiti... (I Don’t Want, Sirs, to Pester...)
I don't want, sirs, to pester
Your ears,
When it's time to drink
And pay off our debts to thirst.
But let me tell you just one thing
Something I need to say
Before I enter the castle chambers
Together with you:
I am your captain from now on
And my quest is,
To give my word to the laws
Where crime casts a shadow.
I am Von Satrapold, as my father was
I am also known in court,
Where high society pays a tribute to me,
I like to confess!
How beautiful the decoration is
Belgian velvet on the walls!
Before the glass is full
We crack down on that rabble!
My vesture is of silk
And I want to say boldly
That we'll play a trick on that devil
So that he snivels in a cell!
chorus of drunken officers:
He is our captain from now on
And his quest is,
to give his word to laws
Where crime casts a shadow,
He is Von Satrapold, as his father was
He is also known at court,
Where high society pays a tribute to him
So long may he live!
4.) Kol prostírá se temný les... (A Dark Forest Spreads All Around...)
Calamaria (in the forest):
A dark forest spreads all around
Yet with a bright flame
The joy of love shines in my heart
And a chalice of happiness.
Our love makes us one,
It is of great importance,
That occult forces of nature
Both of us have mastered.
In wise books there is written
That at the sunset
Something unheard of
Will happen in the wide astral plane.
When darkness surrounds us
In its magical veil,
I sing a passionate song
To Atrament!
But what does this noise mean?
Who disturbs the silence of the night?
That crash was horrible,
As if someone fell off a horse!
I curiously rush to see
If could I be of help
He injured himself badly
And now is moaning into the night.
All wounds I heal easily
As the blue-blooded man
Just escapes his death
His horse did not!
"Satrapold" (woken up-:
Give me your little hand,
I know my way suddenly,
The shadows of patulous oaks invite us,
I want to be all yours!
The more of a mystery you seem to me
The more my favour grows
Affluence does not appeal to me any more
And solitude drags me down.
While I don't know why you are refusing
My innocent accompaniment,
Hopefully you will come to visit the castle one day,
Accept my invitation!
5.) Ten dvanácterák zmizel v houšť... (That Magnificent Deer Has Vanished...)
That magnificent deer has vanished in the bush,
Even my comrades are not to be found
To not let my courage lescape me
I will blow the horn:
Only echoes resound from the deep
And my horse below me,
Is really not
A cheerful companion!
And to complete the tragedy
I fall from my horse,
Here though destiny is on my side,
That I did not break my neck.
Now I am waking up from a heavy blackout,
Escaping death by a hair's breadth,
When suddenly from the depths of the forest
Walks a charming girl, ha ha ha...
Just tell me you are not a dream;
I can't tell if I am awake or asleep?
So fascinated by this vision;
Am I in heaven or not?
Even if death's breath had come
And shortened my life,
I would not find more precious a jewel
In this world in a thousand years!
6.) Můj hejtmane... (My Captain...)
Groom Blether:
My captain and the lord of the land
of Jilemnice
From this servant of yours accept
This new horse.
It's good enough, it's good enough.
I see that this groom of mine
Has a flair for this!
Groom Blether:
Oh your Highness, I'm not worthy of
that noble commendation,
I always only serve you humbly
As my strength allows.
It's good enough, it's good enough.
But let's be honest - at a court
It would not really be a gem.
Now let's not lose time, when our duty calls
To acquaint ourselves with this displeasing rubbish.
We are here to take care of the peace and the good,
And one does infringe, who breaks the laws.
My uniform is decorated
In medals,
We will enforce by all means
The heavy fist of the law!
Groom Blether:
There in the pub of Spiritus
A suspicious stranger who sojourns,
His whole body reeks of crime,
Hideous those conjurations.
And the daughter of the proprietor
by the name of Calamaria,
Does not skimp on debauchery,
If she gives him a drink!
And look, there he is sitting in the corner
With enormous joy,
His head on the table,
And vomit on his sleeve.
Young man, I want to believe,
And I am glad, too,
That you do not lose your appetite
In the land of Krakonoš?!
They will never steal my appetite
And speaking of which
You have a true gourmet
In front of you!
Now see, you sober monster,
I am an occultist,
Why do you even care,
What I do all day?
I do not give a damn about those offices
That would like to govern me,
I choose my principles by myself,
On how to live my own life!
Groom Blether:
You dirty rabble,
How do you speak to your lord
As even the frogs in the swamp
Do not dare to!
Here I have a reason, more than good
To put him in the manor jail -
For insults and mutiny
He has to pay!
And what else - he gave away,
Being delirious,
That by occultism he caused,
He confessed his own guilt.
And in the presence of this lady
To act like a brute;
I will settle that with you too, Blether,
When we arrive at the castle!
7.) Já mizérií osudu jsem pronásledován... (By the Misery of Fate I’m Haunted...)
Groom Blether:
By the misery of fate I’m haunted
And my soul is pervaded by doubts
Like worm-eaten flesh I only pretend to live,
The offspring of my happiness has ceased to grow long ago.
I enjoyed the great benevolence of the captain
And always stood next to him with the best intentions,
But now dishonest forces shove between us -
That is the reason that my lord pummeled me on the carpet.
And my despair is doubled and fulfilled
When the flame of my revenge flared up
When I was hopelessly searching for a key to the occultist's hearts.
Atrament from Spiritus threw me out of the pub.
To Železný Brod, two and half hours away,
I know a great tavern there
And alone I will find a little table in a corner,
There I will bury my dreams in alcohol!
By the misery of fate I’m haunted
My body is already penetrated by alcohol,
Like a blind badger I laze around the forest
And the moon shines silver on the river.
The sound of the rapids is a deadly noise,
The voice of my soul is suddenly the same.
Remember me sometime in Jilemnice
Because here the path of Blether ends!
8.) Ach, pane vzácný... (Oh, My Precious Sir...)
Calamaria (in the castle):
Oh my precious sir, do you remember
Your tempting words?
You invited me - so I am here
But with me a request which agonizes me.
It may not be a modest one
But one thing is sure,
I will be obliged to you.
Since without you, it seems
I would be buried,
Here every request of yours
Is a command to me.
I do not ask for precious manes,
Nor expensive jewels,
But only the freedom to be given back
to Atrament.
He is there to pay for
His tongue so foolish...
He was drunk - and I am guilty,
For the glasses that polluted his mind.
So let it be, thy will be done,
When Satrapold gives his word.
But you have to promise me -
That he ends his malediction!
This afternoon I want to take you
On a horse with me,
So I won't get lost in the forest,
And to have your accompaniment.
I suppose you want to have
A secret appointment with me?
That reminds you of the scene
When you fell off the horse.
Even if it seems strange,
I will gladly fulfill your wish,
If that helps Atrament
From the dark cell.
9.) Že vše je podle mého přání... (Everything is Just on my Whim...)
Everything is just on my whim
And all goes excellently,
This very day,
I will pass the borders!
Today is the fifteenth,
I will arrive at Cairo in a week,
I will enjoy a life
Carefree and in splendour.
Even without Blether I can saddle up my horse,
And with gold, silver and diamonds
Pack up my baggage!
And then there is that Atrament,
Who has wanted to be my rival,
It is a little joke,
That I should release him.
So open please without delay
The door to the jail,
I have a key to happiness
Hanging on that chain!
Ha! That doesn't bother me any more
That book of laws,
On the twenty second of October,
Cairo will welcome me!
Should I believe this,
Or is this yet another illusion?
The walls of the cell
Are painted with signs.
These are medial drawings
And I can read the truth in them.
Primordial apparitions
Can decipher everything.
You are a criminal and trickster,
And your real name sounds something like Pobuda.
You took advantage of the captain's trust
And with Jilemnice's treasure, escape to Cairo!
God damn,
The plan is revealed,
I did not
Count on this.
Suddenly the land below
Seems hot,
I must be quick over the mountains,
Before the real captain arrives!
10. Sláva, sláva, pane hejtmane (Glory, Glory, Herr Hauptmann)
Chorus of the occultists:
Glory, glory, glory, Herr Hauptmann,
Let the whole city welcome you.
What happened, we hope will never be repeated,
And we can say it could have been a pretty costly plight.
Your Highness and your whole retinue,
Believe me, I have much to celebrate
Because of my happy reunion
With my only daughter,
Drinks are free today at Spiritus!
My dear occultists, now my gratitude is to you,
Because it is almost certain that I was endangered myself.
That treacherous Poebeldorf
Wanted to become the new captain,
And I was meant to be the false -
That is to be punished!
I do not want, sirs, to pester
Your ears,
For the tales of an adventurer.
But let me tell you just one thing,
Something I need to say,
Before I lock Poebeldorf
In the manor jail!
I am your captain from now on,
And my quest is,
To give my word to the laws
Where crime casts a shadow.
I am Von Satrapold, as my father was,
I am also known in court,
Where high society pays a tribute to me,
I like to confess!
11) Suchardův dům (v Nové Pace) (Sucharda’s House (In Nová Paka))
Copied from a façade:
Oh I, wretch, rambling around this whole world,
For our fatherland, god did not give bread to its children.
Above all the wealth, above all the estates,
Let mother's words be always the dearest!
Hereunto our nation, if it spares its history,
No silver, no gold, no welfare just now,
But what is precious to your heart, is what is precious to your heart!
Art in fortune - embellishment, art in misfortune - refuge!
Till we have strength, let's be attentive to our work so some memory is left behind us!
He who doesn't like my house paid for with my money,
Should show his own house with his money!
People used to plant trees for us, so let's plant too!
I found that it had become incumbent upon myself to gain a deeper and more thorough understanding of and appreciation for the lyrics to Master's Hammer's two seminal works, Ritual and The Jilemnice Occultist (or Jilemnický Okultista. Being that I am a native English speaker and have no knowledge myself of the Czech language, I approached a fellow Master's Hammer fan from the Czech Republic [Onder of course] with the proposition of assisting me in translating the lyrics to these two works. It is thus mostly to his credit that what follows can be presented, hopefully to the service of many fans of the band. With his rough translations, I used a Czech-English dictionary and cross-referenced various choices of words and grammatical quirks with the original lyrics to ensure a faithful translation. With that said, this should nevertheless be seen as a rough translation at its core and in no way professional nor definitive, and it certainly does not maintain the poetic consistency of the original Czech, nor its rhyme scheme. What it does offer, however, is a deeper insight into one of the more interesting metal bands in the black metal scene to English speakers that they would not perhaps have otherwise had at their disposal. It is thus without further ado that I present my collaborative translations of Master's Hammer's lyrics for their first two albums. Ritual and The Jilemnice Occultist. It is important to note that the latter, with the exception of the last track, is a narrative play and should be read as such. Also, if you spot any errors (especially translation errors if you know Czech), PLEASE contact me.

1) Intro [Instrumental]
2) Pád modly (The Fall of the Idol)
Mighty black smoke from the bowels of Earth
The heavens bleed,
The deep red stains on the shining snow
They steadily grow larger.
It's probable
That someone above
Desperately tries
To wash away the sins of world -
It's hard to curse
The already cursed
Nothing can be renewed
When evil is sown!
Thy headstone is hidden by hungry flames,
Smoke climbs up to the heavens.
We will die with the blessing
Of destroyers of the false faith!
The jailers of heaven, your heaven is jail;
Give me just one place in the universe -
Hell! I'll destroy your monument
With one blow - the final blow!
3) Každý z nás (Each of Us)
Your hearts are overflowing with anger
A passion looking for release
For which there is no place,
Those deceptive ulcers
On beating hearts
Finally free,
Now it's something more than
Hideous symbols of holy figures
Atrocious images of the crucified
Are moulded from his flesh
Thousands of knives engrave the sign:
Each of us is killing God!
Bring my burden to the ritual
Disfigured to match his picture
The astral chain is very strong
Its heart must be pierced.
The molten steel spikes
Pass through the melting wax
The glimmer fades for
The believers with hollow brains!
4) Ritual [Instrumental]
5) Géniové (Wizards)
So as in deadly agony
You live your passing life
The last sunset
Projects bloody shadows
Images of the other side
Moving on the wall
The anxiety turns to wrath
The elementals!
"Father, why did you leave me?"
"Because your faith is stronger than me!"
"I know, I don't need you any more, wizards have no funerals."
To the land of awesome mysteries
Where only the dead can go
Guided by the force of victory
Not waiting for what fate brings.
Terror now hides from us
The angel of self-delusion
Opens his mouth!
6) Černá svatozář (Black Halo)
You behold the burning black halo
Of he who preaches
That life is an illusion
Who beckons you – “go with me,”
You've hidden your face
Vainly cherishing
The glances at his eyes.
When the seven gates of hell
Are opened
It's too late to think
What should have been done
Beware the desire to enter uninvited
Your soul will be devoured by the freezing massif.
Fragments of heavy iron
Crash through the darkness
Two eyes shine in the distance
With listless calm
No living being has ever penetrated his stare
Unless - evil is the dominant element.
With the pain of existence you will understand,
Without form, the pure evil in every one of us
In that moment you will feel
The breath of the devil closing in
And you will ask questions no more!
7) Věčný návrat (Eternal Return)
The ghastly rays of light
On crystalline waters
Through the cold eternal night
Flames flicker
Slow and silent tongues of flames
Smouldering pestilent will.
After all we are to ourselves
The symbol of salvation,
They will not survive who do not know.
The pentagram on the chest of each of us
Is a symbol expressing all.
This time no signal will be heard
Rebellion of souls casting shadows
Hell's bells are covered in blood
And they ring to eternal return!
Well do I know the place, to which we all
belong, don't trust to lying prophets, God
Is our slave and Satan as well;
Those two bastards drink my blood.
And death is the end for everybody
But we will yet show you
What it means, what it means,
To look into the Master's face!
8) Jáma pekel (Hell's Mouth)
The village is burning, alone I travel in the night
I shorten my way through the field, the stretch
Surrounded by smoke, against better judgement,
Although I don't know the meaning, my purpose is clear.
I lose consciousness yet I'm awake
The devil leads me, down there - to Him.
Perhaps I'm already dead and gone from this world
Satan however gives my strength back.
Finally I see the throat of hell
I'm warmly invited into the burning darkness.
I draw nearer to the bodies immaterial,
Iron bars close behind me.
Hell's mouth - a hundred times cursed
Hell's mouth - bathed in blood.
Now I serve the devil, by death and evil
I spread devastation, I am demonic.
In every house a black altar
On every picture, there is my face.
With a frightening laugh I return here
Servants of the devil fall to the ground.
Black is the desire, but colorless is the blood
He who is not the chosen, harvests my wrath.
Vainly they toil, they pray and dream
Not everyone can become a demon.
Possessed with anger they destroy a village,
But vainly they do it, it burns to no avail!
9) Zapálili jsme onen svět (We Have Burned the Other World)
Will our wildest dream become reality?
A massacre of ravenous spirits
Treat only genuine evil well
And wish to hear the demons
Fog scattered for a thousand years
Hides bottomless chasms
From the sight of the living - immense depth
A key to foolish courage.
We're cursed in this cavern
While the undead invoke underworld
The candle light slowly burns out
Useless are all sacrifices.
The other side no longer exists
There will only be ice for ages
The altar can no longer give us messages
We have burned the other world!
Then comes a night of spiritual suicides
But we are not finished with the world
Ice crystals are destroying the sky
At last we see the remote boundaries.
Souls escaped from the prison of life
Will no longer rest in the ground
Matter itself evaporates in a moment of terror
In the name of the mightiest devil.
10) Vykoupení (Deliverance)
You live in chests filled with poison
While only death awaits you outside
It's still better
Than walking eternally through the middle of
Where ten thousand corpses decompose.
You fight your anxiety by fighting illusions,
But the future is always uncertain,
You don't know what to do
With the thoughts in your head
- When impure power arises.
Molten gold drones through the riverbeds
In the same way as the blood inside us
It is only a matter of time before it overflows
A poisoned spring,
A slumbering wrath.
On the other side
Beyond the burning hell
Deliverance is waiting - why not now?
Meaningless life
Is bathed in black light
The one and only okkult black!
11) Útok (Attack)
(Dedicated to Anton Szandor LaVey)
Two thousand years we atone for something
We have never done,
Two thousand years we suffer for someone,
We have never seen.
Here and now!
We decompose alive.
Here and now!
Misery, death and boredom!
He who says "you can't"
Is my mortal enemy,
Now he will learn what he has forbade,
Small, subtle attack begins!
The old, lame dog must be eaten
By his own children,
For it is they who will
Under the banner of strength
Rule this world!
Here and now -
Alpha and Omega!
Here and now -
Fate in your hands!
Faith, that tortures, will likely destroy
Its victims,
Your saviour we will hang by his feet -
Already he sways in the wind!
Here and now -
You will see the holy son!
Here and now -
His candle burns out!
Jilemnický Okultista (The Jilemnice Occultist)

1) Overture
2) Mezi kopci cesta je klikatá... (Among the Hills a Winding Way...)
Among the hills a winding way,
I am moving toward the education
That may be a patch to my gaps
My face is already full of happiness!
The path of knowledge is a thorny one,
How can I separate the wheat from the chaff?
The tower of a castle is welcoming me from afar
With a copper crenelation.
I have already traveled far,
Behold a wooden tavern
And a sign saying: "Zum Spiritus"
Even the name sounds so well!
My baggage here, so heavy
And full of books
Take it all upstairs, please,
I want to sleep in the attic...
And to a table carry fast,
I ate last in Prague,
And also bring some alcohol
To lift up the mood!
Who is this coming to sit next to me?
Calling me by my own name?
A nearly hundred year old woman
An outrage, I say!
And then the cards spread out on the table
I suddenly see
In this room full of smoke
Of clean hemp!
Consternation mine
How she knows my past
But I want to know perfectly
What the future will bring!
Fortune Teller:
"Here is the king, and here is the knave."
"What does this mean?"
Fortune Teller:
"Some lord of noble rank will probably kick your butt."
"And what comes next?"
Fortune Teller:
"If you order spirits
We will know quickly
If you'll end up with your head on a chopping block
Or with fortune in your hands!"
I have had enough already of your nonsense,
I am an occultist!
I can not read cards,
But I know what to do with my life!
And in the bar room - a sign:
"Et Zum Spiritus Tuo"
There I will go with my glass
Sing a duet now!
Then like lightning from a clear sky
I'm intoxicated by a figure of beauty
In my sight the brilliance of her eyes
And the sharp shapes of her hips!
We stayed awake the whole night
Even in the morning the beds were still empty
As the table offered us enough
For our conjurations!
3.) Já nechci mnoho trápiti... (I Don’t Want, Sirs, to Pester...)
I don't want, sirs, to pester
Your ears,
When it's time to drink
And pay off our debts to thirst.
But let me tell you just one thing
Something I need to say
Before I enter the castle chambers
Together with you:
I am your captain from now on
And my quest is,
To give my word to the laws
Where crime casts a shadow.
I am Von Satrapold, as my father was
I am also known in court,
Where high society pays a tribute to me,
I like to confess!
How beautiful the decoration is
Belgian velvet on the walls!
Before the glass is full
We crack down on that rabble!
My vesture is of silk
And I want to say boldly
That we'll play a trick on that devil
So that he snivels in a cell!
chorus of drunken officers:
He is our captain from now on
And his quest is,
to give his word to laws
Where crime casts a shadow,
He is Von Satrapold, as his father was
He is also known at court,
Where high society pays a tribute to him
So long may he live!
4.) Kol prostírá se temný les... (A Dark Forest Spreads All Around...)
Calamaria (in the forest):
A dark forest spreads all around
Yet with a bright flame
The joy of love shines in my heart
And a chalice of happiness.
Our love makes us one,
It is of great importance,
That occult forces of nature
Both of us have mastered.
In wise books there is written
That at the sunset
Something unheard of
Will happen in the wide astral plane.
When darkness surrounds us
In its magical veil,
I sing a passionate song
To Atrament!
But what does this noise mean?
Who disturbs the silence of the night?
That crash was horrible,
As if someone fell off a horse!
I curiously rush to see
If could I be of help
He injured himself badly
And now is moaning into the night.
All wounds I heal easily
As the blue-blooded man
Just escapes his death
His horse did not!
"Satrapold" (woken up-:
Give me your little hand,
I know my way suddenly,
The shadows of patulous oaks invite us,
I want to be all yours!
The more of a mystery you seem to me
The more my favour grows
Affluence does not appeal to me any more
And solitude drags me down.
While I don't know why you are refusing
My innocent accompaniment,
Hopefully you will come to visit the castle one day,
Accept my invitation!
5.) Ten dvanácterák zmizel v houšť... (That Magnificent Deer Has Vanished...)
That magnificent deer has vanished in the bush,
Even my comrades are not to be found
To not let my courage lescape me
I will blow the horn:
Only echoes resound from the deep
And my horse below me,
Is really not
A cheerful companion!
And to complete the tragedy
I fall from my horse,
Here though destiny is on my side,
That I did not break my neck.
Now I am waking up from a heavy blackout,
Escaping death by a hair's breadth,
When suddenly from the depths of the forest
Walks a charming girl, ha ha ha...
Just tell me you are not a dream;
I can't tell if I am awake or asleep?
So fascinated by this vision;
Am I in heaven or not?
Even if death's breath had come
And shortened my life,
I would not find more precious a jewel
In this world in a thousand years!
6.) Můj hejtmane... (My Captain...)
Groom Blether:
My captain and the lord of the land
of Jilemnice
From this servant of yours accept
This new horse.
It's good enough, it's good enough.
I see that this groom of mine
Has a flair for this!
Groom Blether:
Oh your Highness, I'm not worthy of
that noble commendation,
I always only serve you humbly
As my strength allows.
It's good enough, it's good enough.
But let's be honest - at a court
It would not really be a gem.
Now let's not lose time, when our duty calls
To acquaint ourselves with this displeasing rubbish.
We are here to take care of the peace and the good,
And one does infringe, who breaks the laws.
My uniform is decorated
In medals,
We will enforce by all means
The heavy fist of the law!
Groom Blether:
There in the pub of Spiritus
A suspicious stranger who sojourns,
His whole body reeks of crime,
Hideous those conjurations.
And the daughter of the proprietor
by the name of Calamaria,
Does not skimp on debauchery,
If she gives him a drink!
And look, there he is sitting in the corner
With enormous joy,
His head on the table,
And vomit on his sleeve.
Young man, I want to believe,
And I am glad, too,
That you do not lose your appetite
In the land of Krakonoš?!
They will never steal my appetite
And speaking of which
You have a true gourmet
In front of you!
Now see, you sober monster,
I am an occultist,
Why do you even care,
What I do all day?
I do not give a damn about those offices
That would like to govern me,
I choose my principles by myself,
On how to live my own life!
Groom Blether:
You dirty rabble,
How do you speak to your lord
As even the frogs in the swamp
Do not dare to!
Here I have a reason, more than good
To put him in the manor jail -
For insults and mutiny
He has to pay!
And what else - he gave away,
Being delirious,
That by occultism he caused,
He confessed his own guilt.
And in the presence of this lady
To act like a brute;
I will settle that with you too, Blether,
When we arrive at the castle!
7.) Já mizérií osudu jsem pronásledován... (By the Misery of Fate I’m Haunted...)
Groom Blether:
By the misery of fate I’m haunted
And my soul is pervaded by doubts
Like worm-eaten flesh I only pretend to live,
The offspring of my happiness has ceased to grow long ago.
I enjoyed the great benevolence of the captain
And always stood next to him with the best intentions,
But now dishonest forces shove between us -
That is the reason that my lord pummeled me on the carpet.
And my despair is doubled and fulfilled
When the flame of my revenge flared up
When I was hopelessly searching for a key to the occultist's hearts.
Atrament from Spiritus threw me out of the pub.
To Železný Brod, two and half hours away,
I know a great tavern there
And alone I will find a little table in a corner,
There I will bury my dreams in alcohol!
By the misery of fate I’m haunted
My body is already penetrated by alcohol,
Like a blind badger I laze around the forest
And the moon shines silver on the river.
The sound of the rapids is a deadly noise,
The voice of my soul is suddenly the same.
Remember me sometime in Jilemnice
Because here the path of Blether ends!
8.) Ach, pane vzácný... (Oh, My Precious Sir...)
Calamaria (in the castle):
Oh my precious sir, do you remember
Your tempting words?
You invited me - so I am here
But with me a request which agonizes me.
It may not be a modest one
But one thing is sure,
I will be obliged to you.
Since without you, it seems
I would be buried,
Here every request of yours
Is a command to me.
I do not ask for precious manes,
Nor expensive jewels,
But only the freedom to be given back
to Atrament.
He is there to pay for
His tongue so foolish...
He was drunk - and I am guilty,
For the glasses that polluted his mind.
So let it be, thy will be done,
When Satrapold gives his word.
But you have to promise me -
That he ends his malediction!
This afternoon I want to take you
On a horse with me,
So I won't get lost in the forest,
And to have your accompaniment.
I suppose you want to have
A secret appointment with me?
That reminds you of the scene
When you fell off the horse.
Even if it seems strange,
I will gladly fulfill your wish,
If that helps Atrament
From the dark cell.
9.) Že vše je podle mého přání... (Everything is Just on my Whim...)
Everything is just on my whim
And all goes excellently,
This very day,
I will pass the borders!
Today is the fifteenth,
I will arrive at Cairo in a week,
I will enjoy a life
Carefree and in splendour.
Even without Blether I can saddle up my horse,
And with gold, silver and diamonds
Pack up my baggage!
And then there is that Atrament,
Who has wanted to be my rival,
It is a little joke,
That I should release him.
So open please without delay
The door to the jail,
I have a key to happiness
Hanging on that chain!
Ha! That doesn't bother me any more
That book of laws,
On the twenty second of October,
Cairo will welcome me!
Should I believe this,
Or is this yet another illusion?
The walls of the cell
Are painted with signs.
These are medial drawings
And I can read the truth in them.
Primordial apparitions
Can decipher everything.
You are a criminal and trickster,
And your real name sounds something like Pobuda.
You took advantage of the captain's trust
And with Jilemnice's treasure, escape to Cairo!
God damn,
The plan is revealed,
I did not
Count on this.
Suddenly the land below
Seems hot,
I must be quick over the mountains,
Before the real captain arrives!
10. Sláva, sláva, pane hejtmane (Glory, Glory, Herr Hauptmann)
Chorus of the occultists:
Glory, glory, glory, Herr Hauptmann,
Let the whole city welcome you.
What happened, we hope will never be repeated,
And we can say it could have been a pretty costly plight.
Your Highness and your whole retinue,
Believe me, I have much to celebrate
Because of my happy reunion
With my only daughter,
Drinks are free today at Spiritus!
My dear occultists, now my gratitude is to you,
Because it is almost certain that I was endangered myself.
That treacherous Poebeldorf
Wanted to become the new captain,
And I was meant to be the false -
That is to be punished!
I do not want, sirs, to pester
Your ears,
For the tales of an adventurer.
But let me tell you just one thing,
Something I need to say,
Before I lock Poebeldorf
In the manor jail!
I am your captain from now on,
And my quest is,
To give my word to the laws
Where crime casts a shadow.
I am Von Satrapold, as my father was,
I am also known in court,
Where high society pays a tribute to me,
I like to confess!
11) Suchardův dům (v Nové Pace) (Sucharda’s House (In Nová Paka))
Copied from a façade:
Oh I, wretch, rambling around this whole world,
For our fatherland, god did not give bread to its children.
Above all the wealth, above all the estates,
Let mother's words be always the dearest!
Hereunto our nation, if it spares its history,
No silver, no gold, no welfare just now,
But what is precious to your heart, is what is precious to your heart!
Art in fortune - embellishment, art in misfortune - refuge!
Till we have strength, let's be attentive to our work so some memory is left behind us!
He who doesn't like my house paid for with my money,
Should show his own house with his money!
People used to plant trees for us, so let's plant too!