Matt Molti...

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
Hey Yngvai X, I saw the peoples at the JP forum talking about you. They were saying your a stupid fagot ect... (j/k:p) anyway heres the link ) anyway, they said you had your version of the Sea of lies solo. I think it's on the second page. I would really like to hear you do it. As people at other foums were talking about you I downloaded some of the stuff on your mp3 page and really digged it. You sure can shred dude. Shit, I never knew we had such a mudafuka here. So I'd like to hear the Sea of Lies thing here again if possible.You should really post there some more. Thanx dude.

PS- you must of had a massive shock seeing your name as a thread ay? seeing of what happened to me.:yell:
haha! Yes, very strange to see my name in a topic header...hehehe. Wow, that Sea of Lies thing is OOOOOLD (I recorded it when I was still in High School), but I might still have it in my profile at unless they delete usernames after a certain time of inactivity (and Ive been inactive there for quite some time). Right now seems to be not working properly, so, when its back up I'll try to find it, or you can look for the user profile for "yngvai".

BTW glad you dig my playing man. I've got a CD in the works (Im writing for it right now). Its gonna be about 6 tunes including Mt Nibel, but Im rerecording it cause the production sucks. My friend Jeremy Krull ( is helping me with production. Check him out too if you haven't he's doin some real cool shit too. I reccomend In His Face.
axepert said:
Yeah, it truly rocks !! What is your guitar setup like ? Your tone is simply amazing .. :hotjump:

Hehe, nothin too special in terms of the amp - just a POD pro direct. For leads I'm on the 2nd rectifier setting and for rhythm Im on the first. Mt Nibel was recorded when I still had Dimarzio's in my ESP M-II (Air Norton in the neck and a Tone Zone in the bridge) but that Duel with the Viking thing I have my EMG 81s in it (and thats my current set up). On the CD Im workin on Im also using a Strat Plus with YJMs and a Fast Track.