Maudlin of the Well News


Evacuate, Assemble here..
Jan 15, 2003
Mittagong, NSW Australia
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Just posting some news I just found, I know there are a few fans on this board (unfortunately I haven't really checked these guys out yet)
But just incase you hadn't heard (from

Maudlin of the Well
Boston-based avant-garde metallers Maudlin of the Well have officially parted ways with label Dark Symphonies, and announced they'll no longer compose music within the heavy metal spectrum. "Maudlin of the Well and Dark Symphonies have officially parted ways," explains a Dark Symphonies press release to DigitalMetal. "Having released three highly acclaimed CD's under the Dark Symphonies banner, including their 1999 debut My Fruit Psychobell...a seed combustible, Maudlin of the Well will not be releasing their new CD with Dark Symphonies." "After much discussion over the past couple of months, the band has reached the conclusion that the time is right to pursue a different direction in the music industry, and that new direction is with a label that doesn't promote their releases in the progressive, extreme metal market. Even though the band was under contractual obligations to release their next two releases with Dark Symphonies, both parties felt that it was in the best interest to go our separate ways." "Maudlin of the Well have already secured a new label, and will release their new as-yet-untilted CD on Zorn Records (i.e., the avantgarde recording artist John Zorn's label) sometime at the end of 2003, beginning of 2004. Everyone at DS wish Maudlin of the Well nothing but the very best as they take their astral sounds into new and uncharted vistas." Presently, Maudlin of the Well plan to have their fourth album ready by mid-July. No word on studio name, album title or song titles was given on their official website. Stay tuned for more on Maudlin of the Well.
That info is false. Here's what the band had to say about that at their forum.

"OK, the news is broken. Let me correct a few things. On a minor note, the label that the next album is coming out on will be Tzadik Records, which is John Zorn's label. It is the same one we've been working on for the past year at Zing Recording, and it's almost done. And if you've heard releases on Tzadik, you know that the move does not mean that we'll be releasing Yes cover albums from now on.

The article says "not in the heavy metal spectrum". This may be a correct statement from a marketing point of view, but it is not correct stylistically. Those of you who have heard the rough material know that it is still very heavy, in fact a great deal darker than the previous records.

The band has felt for some time that the metal scene was an inappropriate place to be. Yes, we have found many wonderful, dedicated fans in that scene, but we feel the band is limited by only being reviewed in metal magazines, playing metal shows, etc.

This is not to say we think the metal scene is total crap, or anything of that nature. We just think it's best for us to be elsewhere, and releasing a record on Tzadik is personally a dream come true. I've been walking on clouds for the past couple of weeks.

The record coming out on Tzadik is the very same one we've been working on for the past year. I'm not going to pull the typical band stuff and tell you how great the record is, but it's not like we've suddenly cast off everything we were working on.

I'll be writing some corrections to DigitalMetal shortly, as I think Dark Symphonies' press release mischaracterizes what is going on to some degree."
Alex78 said:
What is a good MOTW album to start with?

if you could only pick up one album at a time, i'd recommend Leaving Your Body Map. then go with Bath. and then go with My Fruit Psychobells.
Don't listen to Xtokalon... if you start with Leaving Your Body Map... you are retarded. Start with Bath AND Leaving Your Body Map, don't start with one and not the other. It would be impossible to understand the brilliance without having both albums and listening for the patterns between them.

What I'd suggest is you purchase Dark Symphony's bundle of all 3 albums for $25. It comes with a poster too.