You think that:

1) Black Metal can only be created by Norwegians
2) Black Metal was at one time a living entity and
3) Now it's dead

I don't think anyone here doesn't think you're stupid, so go away.
It is dead. BM does´t develope anymore, only subgenres do.
Those tons of black metal bands just ruin old black metal concept.
And narow-minded idiots with full mouth of undergroud and shit make me angy as hell.
You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, so stop trying. You're sucked up in some fucking demented, distorted cult impression of Black Metal as some sacred art, which it's not. You're a delusional child. It's time to take off the corpse paint and spikes and put on a decent shirt. Now sit back and listen to Hail. Black Metal has been around before Norway got a hold of it, and has continued beyond Norway.
Dodens Grav said:
You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, so stop trying. You're sucked up in some fucking demented, distorted cult impression of Black Metal as some sacred art, which it's not. You're a delusional child. It's time to take off the corpse paint and spikes and put on a decent shirt. Now sit back and listen to Hail. Black Metal has been around before Norway got a hold of it, and has continued beyond Norway.
1.If you want discuss don´t throw insults etc, that could make you even more stupid than you are.
2.Black Metal is an esence of dead nature - this says everything.
3.I am not child, you just try to act hardly adult.
4.I don´t listen to hail, where did you take it?
5.Main part of classic black metal is Norwegian.

Tell me where black metal continues now?
Sweden, Finland, France, USA, Greece, Ireland, Canada, South America, Holland, etc.
Evolution is what kills genres, first of all.

Bathory was from Sweden.
Venom was from the UK.
Celtic Frost/Hellhammer was from Switzerland.

These are the founding fathers a Black Metal when Euronymous was still a little faggot bitch.

Hail is from Finland.
Deathspell Omega is from France.
Tearstained is from USA.
Graveland is from Poland.
Stiny Plamenu is from the Czech Republic.
Fredy_Brown said:
You call Celtic Frost Black metal? LOOOOOOOOL

Way to go, stupid. I suggest you listen to more Darkthrone before you question Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion.