Fredy_Brown said:
We´re talkin about continues beside Norway, not roots (yes Bathory was first BM).

But...but...I thought Black Metal had to be made by Norwegians! My god, this is truly a revelation! A Swedish man started Black Metal by essentially making Venom songs with even crappier production than the original Venom recordings!?
Dodens Grav said:
Evolution is what kills genres, first of all.

Bathory was from Sweden.
Venom was from the UK.
Celtic Frost/Hellhammer was from Switzerland.

These are the founding fathers a Black Metal when Euronymous was still a little faggot bitch.

Hail is from Finland.
Deathspell Omega is from France.
Tearstained is from USA.
Graveland is from Poland.
Stiny Plamenu is from the Czech Republic.
Evolution doesn´t kill genres, it evolved them.

Sorry but I can´t discuss with you if you still think that Venom and Celtic Frost is black metal. Becauste it´s NOT. And every Norwegian black metaller would tell it to you.
And about Stiny plamenu....I know them personally and discussed black metal with Lord Morbivod few months ago....he just think they brinked BM to CZ, not evolve it.

Dodens Grav said:
But...but...I thought Black Metal had to be made by Norwegians! My god, this is truly a revelation!
I said it before in other thread.

KMADD said:
Nevermind him. He's clueless if he doesn't consider Hellhammer or Celtic Frost
Black Metal.
Hellhammer is black speed.
Celtic frost Thrash/Dead.
Becauste of: "Venom are where Black metal started for me and for a lot of people."
Industrial music started in 1913 by Luigi Rusollo´s "The Art of Noises ", does it mean he was the first industrial music composer? I don´t think so. Cause industrial was originally coined by Monte Cazazza and the first wave of music appeared was in 1977 by Throbbing Gristle.
And it´s same with Venom and Bathory in Black Metal.
You just said that only Norway can produce Black Metal, and then you said that Stiny Plamenu is Black Metal in the Czech Republic? Why do you consistently contradict yourself? Also, can you get me an autograph? ^_^

And aenimated, your avatar makes me love you now.
Fredy_Brown said:
The fact that bands in entire world produce BM doesn´t mean that it´s good way.
Have a nice christmas.

You said that Black Metal from other countries is not Black Metal previously. Then you changed your mind. I pointed it out.
Wow, this thread sucks.

Mayhem ruled supreme up to and including the very best album ever, namely De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. I suggest that the thread starter get some live stuff, older bootlegs and such. Out From the Dark is my personal fave (rehearsal), Pure Fucking Armageddon is fucking beyond solid, Live in Leipzig kills and get the split with Morbid for the best studio recordings with Dead together with the awesome December Moon demo.
Mayhem are/was talentless
I don't get the point with this "tr00 raw kvlt black metal \m/" because it just sounds like some talentless kids playing in a garage.
Have you heard DMDS?

PFA might sound like some kids in need of practice and full of hatred towards the modern christian society and strongly influenced by other black metal acts of the same era hammering their instruments in a garage because that's what it is. And it rules.
Dude, without Venom there would be no such thing as "Black Metal", they were the biggest contributing factor to new Black Metal bands in the 80's while bands like Celtic Frost and Hellhammer added to that contributing factor.

Perhaps you should ask some people like Hellhammer, Fenriz, Abbath, etc. where their influences came from and what they consider "Early" Black Metal since, you know, you're already friends with Stiny Plamenu.

Edit: Fuck, I thought this thread ended on the second page
Eh who gives a shit. I've bought Emperor as well, I was really not impressed at all. I really don't get what all the fuss is about with some of these bands.

Immortal's pretty good, Bathory's pretty good, but a lot of these bands guys are throwing at me, I simply just can't stand. In fac, the only black/psuedo black metal band I've ever purchased more than two albums of is Cradle of Filth.